Virgo Monthly Stars November 2013

Virgo Rankin MissVirgo (23 August-22 September)

November’s a busy month astrologically and your ruling planet Mercury is up there, bringing what’s hidden to light and negotiating with the best of them. Do remember that as the month begins though Mercury is still retrograde, i.e. on go slow in Scorpio and the sign that rules communication in your chart.

This is potentially a double-whammy of communication chaos and whether you’re waiting for news or you’re in the midst of misunderstandings or mix-ups, you really need to wait until the 10th when Mercury turns direct to get the full picture. Mark this date in your diary as what gets decided on or around this point will be important. It’s a green light day for information, news and key conversations.

Before that date, there’s a solar eclipse in the same sector of your chart. This is when the Sun and Moon come together in the heavens making a New Moon but there’s extra oomph from the nodes, the karmic points in the chart. Eclipses have a similar theme to Mercury turning direct, i.e. they often bring what’s hidden to light so listen out on or around the 3rd for important news that can signpost the way forward.

There may be developments regarding a sibling, a neighbour or someone in your local community as these areas are all highlighted when planets journey through the sign of Scorpio. This sector of your chart not only rules communication but your local neighbourhood and events close to home.

Even once Mercury’s turned direct, this month’s stars still feel intense and it’s likely that you’ll be having more than one major conversation, whether it’s a heart-to-heart, an important interview or a life-or-death discussion. Mercury in Scorpio digs you in deep and forces you to explore the depths of your psyche and deal with anything murky or hidden that you find down there. We’re talking the serious stuff and the things that really matter. If there’s a taboo issue that’s been bothering you, now’s the time to get to grips with it. Sex, money and mortality are all included in Scorpio’s domain.

Personal relationships shift up a notch now as well and from mid-month onwards, it’s hard to hide anything. If you feel your relationship could benefit from an injection of romance then book yourselves in for a cosy weekend from the 9th-11th. Your ruler teams up with Neptune, planet of romance and one of your relationship rulers, not once but twice on the 9th and the 11th. This is because whilst Mercury turns direct on the 10th, Neptune turns direct two days later. These two are dancing and schmoozing in the heavens offering you the perfect opportunity to get intimate and lovey-dovey with your other half.

If you’re looking for love, this is also a great month to join a dating agency or simply get a bit more proactive about meeting that someone special. On the 5th, Venus, the goddess of love, enters your fellow earth sign Capricorn. Capricorn rules romance, love affairs and the good things in life and Venus will remain in this sector of your chart until early March. This is an unusually long time for Venus to be in one part of your chart but this is because she turns retrograde just before Christmas. Make the most of Venus’ direct motion until then and actively enjoy your life and do more of what gives you pleasure.

Romance and love affairs are highlighted with Venus in this sector of your chart but it’s also beneficial for your relationship with your children and your creativity or self-expression. Learn something new with Venus in Capricorn and pursue a hobby or interest.

The main area to watch out for is money especially with regard to love, kids or creative activities as on the 15th Venus clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square. Don’t take any financial risks at this time and whatever you’re paying for, ensure you read the small print carefully otherwise your cash could disappear into a black hole.

Aside from this, November holds a lot of promise as Mars the action planet moves through your sign of Virgo making positive connections with other planets. This adds confidence and energy to the mix and will make you more ambitious to achieve your personal goals. It brings passion to your life, perhaps more arguments too but always an opportunity to clear the air and say what you think. You can’t hide your true feelings any longer, especially once Mercury picks up speed and with plenty of people on your side, old and new friends alike, ensure that November’s the month you ask for what you want and speak your mind.

[photo from]

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