June’s Astrology
The Sun remains in air sign Gemini until June 20. This month, talk planet Mercury and the planet of relating Venus are side-by-side with the Sun. It’s an alliance of planets in collaborative air signs in the first half of the month, great for being social, having fun and sharing ideas.
The Sun & Venus align in Gemini on the 4th, a symbol of love and partnership. The Sun & Mercury come together on the 14th, great for meetings and social get-togethers. Finally, Mercury & Venus meet in caring Cancer on the 17th, a lovely date for family occasions.
During June, there’s a shift from air, the element ruling communication, ideas and networks, to water, the element ruling emotions, instincts and empathy. The focus is on making connections and appreciating the ones you love.
Jupiter Gemini Trine Pluto Aquarius – June 3
This month, there’s a major planetary aspect between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius on the 3rd. This is the first time that these two planets have been in trine aspect since June 2016. And, the first time they’re meeting in air signs for way longer.
The air sign era is upon us and will develop more moving forward. As Jupiter and Pluto come together, ask yourself where you’re willing to take a step up, be empowered or be an agent of social change?
Jupiter represents good fortune and global connections. Pluto represents power, also loss and transformation. And, with Pluto in Aquarius, this is about technology. Use the internet to boost your potential but don’t forget the human touch. Teacher or student, stay connected to life and your fellow human beings.
The Jupiter/Pluto trine aspect is a symbol of power and influence. It will be particularly strong if you have planets/angles at early degrees of the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Also, if you have these two planets in aspect in your own birth chart.
This is not about acting selfishly but doing things for the greater good and having solid ethics or a strong moral purpose. Hopefully, this will bring much-needed legislation and laws into the superhuman world of artificial intelligence.
The air signs know the power of collaboration and equality within society. Where are you being called to expand your reach into the world and beyond to connect with others?
New Moon Gemini – June 6
A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings. Traditionally, a New Moon is the time to launch a project, begin something new and start over.
This is the beginning of the waxing phase of the Moon cycle, an ideal time to set your intentions for the month ahead. Make a wish when you first catch sight of the crescent Moon, a couple of days after the New Moon date.
The New Moon on the 6th falls in Gemini, the sign of communication, both the written and spoken word. Write down your intentions or voice them out loud. It would be an excellent New Moon phase to line up a meeting or interview, launch a podcast or website or to have an important conversation.
The Sun & Moon are accompanied by a flirty Venus in Gemini on this month’s New Moon, an ideal symbol for dating, dancing and enjoying life.
Solstice – June 20
June 20 is the day of the Summer or Winter Solstice depending where you live, the longest or shortest day of the year. This is when the Sun moves into Cancer.
Traditionally, this day honours the Sun, whether you witness sunrise at Stonehenge or burn fires or light candles in the Sun’s honour. Many of the world’s oldest monuments are built in alignment with the Sun on the day of the Solstice.
Whatever else is happening in our world, the Sun and Moon continue to rise and set with regularity, a symbol of constancy and hope. Each one of us has our destiny intertwined with the cosmic universe – look to the planets for reassurance and guidance.
Full Moon Capricorn – June 22
During the Full Moon on the 22nd, the light of the moon is at its peak, shining a light on your current situation. Traditionally, a Full Moon is the time to trust your intuition, make important decisions and bring matters to completion or culmination.
This is the start of the waning phase of the Moon cycle, an ideal time to release and let go of what’s no longer needed in your life.
Capricorn favours solitude as well as long-term planning. An ideal Full Moon weekend to take part in a workshop or climb a mountain. Find a quiet place where you can reach high and dream deep.
Your Important Dates For June 2024
Jupiter 1° Gemini trine Pluto 1° Aquarius – June 3 (01:13 GMT+1)
Mercury enters Gemini – June 3 (08:37 GMT+1)
New Moon [16 Gemini 18] – June 6 (03:38 GMT+1)
Mars enters Taurus – June 9 (05:35 GMT+1)
Venus enters Cancer – June 17 (07:20 GMT+1)
Mercury enters Cancer – June 17 (10:07 GMT+1)
Sun enters Cancer – SOLSTICE – June 20 (21:51 GMT+1)
Full Moon [1 Capricorn 07] – June 22 (02:08 GMT+1)
Saturn turns retrograde [19 Pisces 26] – June 29 (20:08 GMT+1)
Weekly Horoscopes
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