Libra (23 September – 22 October)
Lovely Venus, Passionate Mars
As January begins, your ruling planet, Venus, is in Aquarius and the most creative and romantic sector of your horoscope. Venus remains here until the 13th, so make the most of Venus’ fun-loving potential in one of the most social star signs, Aquarius.
This is a good time to shine socially or utilise your skills and talents. When you have key planets in Aquarius, you can express yourself and be true to who you are.
Two other personal planets enter Aquarius later this month and they are the Sun (identity) and Mercury (communication). Mercury moves here on the 16th followed by the Sun four days later on the 20th. Therefore, it’s important to seek fun times this January, especially if you’re dealing with some challenges or a significant ending elsewhere in your life.
Aquarius rules all the good things in your life. It’s whatever you ‘give birth’ to, whether this is a child, a creative project or a big social event. Get your event manager hat on and line up some fun entertainment for you and the ones you love.
This could be a particularly exciting time for you when it comes to love because Aquarius rules romance and love affairs in your horoscope. Look out for new people coming into your life. This is significant because action planet Mars enters Sagittarius and your communication sector on the 3rd,
Mars is your partner planet and rules the libido. Sagittarius represents your local community, places close to home and is ideal for making new friends and meeting new people. Someone may charge into your life this month and take you by surprise.
At the very least, it suggests that you’re going to be busy in January and you’re right to throw yourself into life. Make the most of new connections, make friends and network your socks off. If you want to invest in a new mode of transport or find a new commute to work, again the stars are on your side. Reach out to others and ensure you can move around fast and easily.
Eclipse Season & Saturn-Pluto
The trickiest astrology for you takes place from the 10th to the 13th. This is when there’s a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer on the 10th followed by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle began in July 2018 and continues until July 2020.
Capricorn is the star sign down at the base of your horoscope. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. The Cancer/Capricorn axis highlights your parents, your ancestry and legacy.
It’s in Capricorn where there’s some formidable planetary activity. You might feel held back by your past or perhaps you’re dealing with a personal situation of loss or grieving. The theme is around letting go and moving on, however challenging it might seem.
This is when you could be up against a parent or authority figure. Or, you may be finding it hard to establish your own roots. In some shape of form, the astrology suggests that home and/or family are where any obstacles lie.
The positive news is that this combination could bring a difficult chapter in your life to an end and not all endings are bad. Consider what stays and what goes in your life and where you’re ready to move on, either literally or metaphorically.
Uranus & Money
Also, there may be a financial factor involved as Uranus, the planet of change, turns direct in Taurus and your joint finance sector on the 11th. Therefore, it’s sandwiched between the eclipse and Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
This might be about an inheritance or money that comes your way unexpectedly. Or you sell the family home. Certainly, there’s a theme of highs and lows around money and a potential swing in fortune, whether this is with regard to you or someone close to you.
Feeling Your Way
Work is under the cosmic umbrella throughout the second half of January. In fact, you may choose to pay closer attention to your work and routine, your lifestyle and health from the 13th onwards.
This is the date when your ruler Venus moves into Pisces highlighting these areas of your life.
It may be hard to drag yourself away from play or fun and focus on work matters, but it’s wise to do so. The other planet in Pisces is Neptune. Neptune is creative and artistic, compassionate and sensitive and finding a job that fulfils you is the ideal scenario. This taps into your Libra strengths.
Neptune does have a flip side, however, as it’s also the planet of fantasy and illusion. You want to go with the flow when it comes to your work and lifestyle but, if you’re too laid-back or easy-going, you may find opportunities slip away from you.
Also, when Neptune’s strong, you can feel confused about your situation and can’t make sense of what’s happening or find a clear sense of direction. Neptune kicks in this month on the 27th and 28th and this is when you may experience some form of disillusionment.
With Mars strong in Sagittarius, however, learning and education are vital and this is where to put your energy and focus. Keep moving forwards and use your network and connections to help you find a job or make sense of your current work situation. Talk, communicate, open up.
At its best, you will feel a sense of flow around your working life and can trust what’s happening with your body and health. Tune in to your natural intuition. Listen to where life is calling you and where guidance is available.
That’s me you hit the nail on the head, well
Thank you.