What Did You Learn From Saturn In Scorpio?

SaturnWhat you were meant to learn from Saturn in Scorpio?

So are you looking forward to Saturn moving into Sagittarius later this week? It means that the great teacher of the zodiac, Saturn, is going to move into another part of your chart. Where Saturn goes, lessons follow.

As you might have noticed, you have been learning some big lessons in the past three years in one part of your life. Now you’re about to start learning big lessons in another part of your life! Stay tuned for more info on that.

My talented fellow astrologer Kelly Surtees has kindly written this post for us which asks the question: What you were meant to learn from Saturn in Scorpio? And did you learn it? Read your Star sign or better yet, your Rising sign if you know it.

Kelly writes: Saturn in Scorpio has been intense, for some more so than others – if you’re a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, or have personal planets in these signs, you’ll know what I mean!

You might have had a particular goal or obsession that’s guided your focus since October 2012, when Saturn entered Scorpio.

Saturn leaves Scorpio on September 18, 2015, not to return for another 30 years.

Saturn in a sign works in two ways. One, it creates a general collective theme, based on the sign, in this case Scorpio. Two, it works personally, by connecting the energy of Saturn into your life via the topics and themes of your Scorpio house.

Generally, Saturn in Scorpio is about money, especially debt, taxes and the best use of resources. It’s also about life’s mysteries, and encourages you to dive into the depths of things that might seem scary but actually turning out to be rather fascinating. Hopefully you have faced down a demon or two these past couple of years, and have reclaimed strength or power through the process.

Finances are a big Scorpio topic, so you might have also dealt with new goals or objectives to do with earning, saving, investing, managing taxes or paying off debt. Hopefully you own more and owe less than you did when Saturn entered Scorpio!

Food, food supply and its impact on the environment is connected to Saturn in Scorpio. This might have inspired you to cook more, rather than eat out (to my mind, this is the #1 healthy eating tip!), invest in better quality food, like organic or locally sourced where possible, or being more informed about food manufacturing and how it affects the environment.

According to your sign or rising sign, there are one or two areas of life where you were meant to get organised and set new boundaries with Saturn in Scorpio.

Before Saturn leaves Scorpio, make sure you’re on top of projects and plans regarding these topics:

If you’re an Aries or have Aries rising – taxes, debt, long term investments and couple or family finances. Have you got a plan for paying off your loans or taxes and for turbo charging your super or pension investments?

If you’re a Taurus or have Taurus rising – commitment and future plans in important partnerships, in your love life and at work. Have you sorted out responsibilities with significant others?

If you’re a Gemini or have Gemini rising – health, wellness and work routines and responsibilities. Have you developed a new skill or business you’re ready to take to the next level?

If you’re a Cancer or have Cancer rising – children, creative projects and a bigger commitment to enjoying the best life has to offer. Have you started taking more breaks and holidays, and generally making time for fun?

If you’re a Leo or have Leo rising – home, family and living arrangements. Have you made plans for your forever home, or a necessary transition in your living situation?

If you’re a Virgo or have Virgo rising – communication, self-expression, writing, teaching or study goals. Have you sorted out how to make a writing, blogging or teaching dream come true?

If you’re a Libra or have Libra rising – income + spending and savings habits. Have you got a plan for how to use and spend your money wisely, and to save for the future?

If you’re a Scorpio or have Scorpio rising – appearance, style, attitude and habits. Have you started taking better care of yourself, and become more selective about what you do and who you spend time with?

If you’re a Sagittarius or have Sagittarius rising – rest, retreat and conscious closure. Have you made concrete plans to end anything you’ve outgrown, or are ready to let go of? A clean slate will help you make the most of the upcoming Saturn in Sagittarius cycle.

If you’re a Capricorn or have Capricorn rising – friendships, social and professional networks and chartable causes. Have you shifted your alliances to focus on the most meaningful friendships and organisations, perhaps getting more involved in a charity or community cause close to your heart?

If you’re an Aquarius or have Aquarius rising – career, professional possibilities and life direction. Have you consolidated your focus and got back on track with a big life or career goal?

If you’re a Pisces or have Pisces rising – study, wisdom, writing, teaching, publishing and international affairs. Have you committed more deeply to your beliefs, or taken on a new challenge with writing, teaching or being involved in the global community?

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