Virgo Horoscope July 2023

sun, heart, Virgo horoscope July 2023

Your ruling planet Mercury is moving swiftly through the heavens this month travelling through three different star signs of the zodiac. Up until the 11th, Mercury is in emotional water sign Cancer. Then, Mercury enters fire sign Leo from the 11th to the 28th. And, finally, Mercury arrives in your star sign Virgo on the 28th.

Plus, it’s important to note that Mercury will be in Virgo for an unusually long time, until early October. This is because Mercury will turn retrograde in Virgo from August 23rd until September 15th. Use the timing of your ruling planet and crack on with things before then.

Cancer Season

Cancer is your friendship sector and Mercury remains here until the 11th. Plus, the Sun is in Cancer up until the 23rd.

Therefore, friendships, group activities, your involvement with society, politics, environmental or humanitarian projects are under the cosmic spotlight. If you feel strongly about a cause or want to show your support for something you believe in, here’s your opportunity.

Both the Full Moon on July 3rd and the New Moon on July 17th highlight these key issues. Use the heightened emotions of the Full Moon period to trust your intuition and make a decision with clarity. The focus is on your hopes and wishes for the future. When you get things right in the present, the here and now, you pave the way for future success.

Both the Sun and your ruler Mercury team up with lucky Jupiter in Taurus on July 1st. This may highlight a travel or study option which is worth following up. Notice which friends you want to socialise with and who can influence or inspire you in a positive way. Link up with people of like minds and ensure that you have a strong support network around you.

The New Moon on July 17th falls in your friendship sector. This would be a brilliant date to join a group, make new friends and set your intentions for the social side of life. Use the Full and New Moons to guide you and point your way forward.

However, both your ruler Mercury and the Sun in Cancer clash with Pluto in Capricorn this month, on the 10th and 20th respectively. This could indicate an issue with a friend, a lover or child. It might be an old issue, one that’s foreground again.

Sometimes, when Pluto’s active, this coincides with a loss or ending. Or, perhaps you know that you need to let go of someone or something in your life to make room for something better.

This may not be an easy decision but recognise when you’re repeating the mistakes of the past. Alternatively, be honest with yourself if something isn’t working out and it’s right for you to take a step back.

Hidden Themes

It may be Cancer season but there’s a lot going on in fire sign Leo. The planet of love and relating Venus is here all month and passion planet Mars is alongside Venus up until the 10th. Plus, your ruler Mercury is in Leo from the 11th to the 28th.

Leo is the star sign before yours, representing a hidden sector of your horoscope. This can indicate a karmic event, something that links you to your past, a person who repays a favour or a secret gift. This sector of your horoscope rules retreat, solitude and quiet times. It’s the things that take place behind-the-scenes, something secretive or confidential.

As Venus rules love and Mars rules passion, this might indicate a love affair or romantic feelings that you have to keep hidden. Someone might declare their affections for you, but the timing’s not right.

Leo represents the most hidden and personal sector of your horoscope. It’s about what happens on the inside. This might be linked to your spiritual path or inner concerns or issues.

There may be times this month when you’re questioning a lot and you’re grappling with what’s possible and what’s not. This could be related to freedom or wanting to break free from a situation that holds you firm. The 2nd and the 23rd suggest volatility, a need to be flexible or change plans suddenly.

Leo is the star sign that’s ruled by the Sun, so it represents vitality and energy. The Sun enters Leo on the 23rd. Do whatever’s needed to recharge your batteries and boost your energy this month. You may decide to take a trip into your past or go somewhere you’ve never been before.

Ironically, you might discover where you want to be when you’re in the wrong place. This is because you have Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, currently in Taurus and your travel and study sector. Uranus is active on the 2nd and 23rd. 

This means you’re wise to be super flexible, especially when it comes to the bigger picture. This could bring out your rebel tendencies and your craving for freedom too.

Venus Retrograde

A big planetary event this month is love planet Venus turning retrograde on July 23rd. Venus remains on go slow until September 4th. Sometimes, this means that the timing is out when it comes to love. You might make a move only to be rejected or hear that someone else is unsure of their feelings.

Traditionally, when Venus is retrograde, this is not the time to marry, invest or spend a lot of money on beauty treatments. Plus, Venus energy turns inwards when it’s retrograde and you’re wise to be patient.

Give yourself time and space to reflect and understand your own feelings and allow a partner or someone you’re interested in to do the same. There’s no need to hurry love when Venus is on go slow and the more you learn to love yourself during this period, the smoother your path moving forward. Indulge in self-care on a deep level.

Action Stations

The Sun is in Cancer and Leo throughout July but action planet Mars enters your star sign Virgo on July 10th. This means that this could turn out to be a great month for you, one that fulfils you on a personal level.

Action planet Mars in your star sign is promising for getting fit and being active. This is lively astrology so you could be in for a busy month. Perhaps, you’re winning other people over and feeling ambitious. Or, perhaps you’re leaping into action to find where you can help and be of service to others. 

Everyone may want a piece of you, in a good way. You’re either popular, in demand or the person everybody needs, for one reason or another.

Get ready for a whoosh of planetary activity that could mean July rushes by in a haze of activity. If you want to boost your image or profile or further a personal goal or aim, this is the time to make it happen. It’s rocket-turboed full-on planetary action with Mars in Virgo switching things up a gear.

The only proviso is on or around the 20th, when Mars in Virgo is opposed by Saturn in Pisces. Saturn can flag up a disappointment or a block or obstacle. Perhaps, someone who’s unavailable or who lets you down. This could be personally or professionally.

You might feel as if you don’t fit in or that other people are getting ahead while you’re left out. If this is true for you, try not to give into fear or doubt. Instead, concentrate on your own goals and aims rather than compare yourself to others.

If things don’t work out, do what you can to boost your self-esteem and confidence and work towards your goals, step-by-step.

Be aware that you could get pulled into other people’s disputes or business. Try not to over-give or wear yourself out, especially if you’re dealing with authority or bureaucracy.

Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

  • Venus is retrograde from July 23rd to September 4th.
  • Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money and beauty switches direction.
  • Put off major love and money decisions until Venus turns direct on September 4th. Yet, note that Mercury will be retrograde until September 15th – the true turning point.
  • Use this Venus retrograde phase to reflect and gather strength, to review your situation, to consider your love and money options, to learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love. Start by learning to love yourself fully.

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