Moving On Up
This month highlights your work and career and where you’re heading in life. This is because of what’s happening in the star sign Cancer at the peak of your horoscope representing success, your career and vocation, your status and reputation.
The Sun is in Cancer until the 23rd and communication planet Mercury is here until the 11th. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and why. Tap into your intuition and emotions to guide you. Cancer is one of the emotional water signs, so you’re likely to be more successful when you channel your emotions into your work.
The Full Moon on July 3rd and the New Moon on July 17th are your signposts this month. The Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of your horoscope and this is a good time to trust your intuition. The light of the moon brings clarity to your situation and it’s a positive date to make a key decision.
During the Full Moon, there’s a need or desire for stability and security. This is about your foundations and having firm roots beneath you. Plus, on July 1st, both the Sun and Mercury team up with the planet of opportunity Jupiter in Taurus and your joint finance sector. Sign or seal a deal at the start of the month and this could prove lucky or abundant for you.
The New Moon falls in Cancer and your career sector on July 17th. This would be a positive time for new beginnings, to accept a new job or role and think about starting over. Lead from the front during the New Moon, lead the way.
However, there may be times this month when work challenges you. Or, perhaps you’re pulled back into the past and fall into old patterns. The key dates are the 10th and 20th when both Mercury and the Sun in Cancer are opposed by Pluto in Capricorn.
This opposition pits your work against your home, your future path against your past, your ambition against your family. These are different ways this could play out. Yet, it depends on your current situation what happens.
For example, you may decide to stop work to care for someone at home or within your family. Alternatively, a job or contract may come to an end and this leaves you feeling discouraged or bereft.
Focus on what is possible and keep your gaze on your future path. Ditch or let go of anyone or anything toxic or unhelpful, that holds you back.
Friends & Good Relations
Venus is shining bright in Leo and your friendship sector throughout the month. Plus, up until the 10th, passion planet Mars is alongside Venus, the lovers of the heavens side-by-side..
This may indicate an out-pouring of love and affection from a friend or someone special. It’s a wonderful time to appreciate your friends and let them know what you gain from having them in your life. Friendship and group activities are boosted this month so be around the ones you love.
Talk planet Mercury is in Leo from the 11th to the 28th and the Sun moves into Leo on the 23rd. This may indicate a celebration in your life, a party, enjoying life to the full. Reach out to others and let your heart be open and share love, fun and happiness. Expand your social life and widen your connections.
Leo is about networking for you, your wider social circle, politics, the environment, any area of life where you come together with other people. As long as your engagements don’t cost you a lot, use your connections and say yes to spontaneous and fun events.
However, being financially impulsive isn’t wise on the 2nd or 23rd. And, avoid over-spending or being too extravagant on or around the New Moon on July 17th.
If you’re especially lucky, you might be hanging out with a set of wealthy friends who want to treat you. Or, perhaps you’re gaining influence and prestige from your current social circle. Be true to your Libra archetype and work your connections. You’re a people person at heart and, this month, playing the diplomat or mediator could open doors.
Venus Retrograde
The big planetary event this month involves your ruling planet Venus. Venus turns retrograde on July 23rd and remains on go slow until September 4th. Therefore, this is your cue to slow things down and find a measured and leisurely pace.
When it comes to love and relationships, life could be slowing down. Your attention turns inward when Venus is retrograde. It’s a time to be reflective and consider your deeper feelings and emotions. You might need some space from a partner or want to spend more time on your own.
Venus is on go slow in Leo, and you may be missing a best friend if you’re away from one another. Use this time to learn to love yourself more fully. If you’re a typical Libra, you have to learn to enjoy your own company and this could be a valuable way of utilising this Venus retrograde phase.
Alternatively, you might use this Venus retrograde to meet up with friends from your past and dive deep into your heritage, your childhood and where you come from.
Inner Work
Virgo is the most hidden sector of your horoscope and action planet Mars enters Virgo on July 10th. Mars remains here until August 27th and this can be a time for rest and retreat. Inner work is recommended. Or, you may be going through a phase in your life where you’re caring for yourself or other people.
Your inner voice might be exceptionally busy and your mind working overtime. You could be dealing with a heavy workload. Or, perhaps you have a lot of different elements in your life that you’re trying to juggle effectively.
You might be studying or be busy with research or planning. Virgo is one of the studious star signs ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. Therefore, you could be hidden away getting ready for a busy project or be working on your masterpiece.
Perhaps, you’re in the preparation stage of a project and this is causing you some worry or concern, because you’re heading into the unknown. If you’re becoming overly anxious, find a way to stop and slow down, to quieten your mind.
Nature is one way of restoring calm and balance, so ensure you take regular exercise or head for the countryside. Virgo is an earth sign and this can point you in the right direction.
Also this month, Mars in Virgo is opposed by Saturn in Pisces on the 20th. Try not to give yourself a hard time if things aren’t working out on or around this date. Be kind to yourself. Know when to stop and give yourself a break and when to keep going and push on through.
Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
- Venus is retrograde from July 23rd to September 4th.
- Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money and beauty switches direction.
- Put off major love and money decisions until Venus turns direct on September 4th. Yet, note that Mercury will be retrograde until September 15th – the true turning point.
- Use this Venus retrograde phase to reflect and gather strength, to review your situation, to consider your love and money options, to learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love. Start by learning to love yourself fully.
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