Virgo February 2020

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Love is in the air as February gets underway. Whether your love life is exhilarating, bewildering or simply a fantasy, it’s worth indulging the romantic side of your nature.

Loving Vibes

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, love planet Venus is in Pisces until the 7th, a symbol of unconditional love, and Venus isn’t the only planet in your relationship sector. Your ruling planet Mercury enters Pisces on the 3rd and the Sun moves in to Pisces on the 19th. The partnership sector of your horoscope is firmly under the cosmic spotlight throughout the month.

Plus, this month’s New Moon on the 23rd falls in Pisces and your relationship sector, a chance to start over or initiate a new beginning in a personal or professional partnership. And, to add to the exciting astrology, action planet Mars enters your fellow earth sign Capricorn, on the 16th.

This highlights your romance sector and the part of your horoscope which rules children and pregnancy. There’s more than one astrological symbol this month highlighting the importance of people, love and relationships in your life. It’s a month to love deeply and live passionately.

Fire Sign Activity

It’s not all about the emotional realm, however, because key planets are in the fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius and there’s a Full Moon in Leo on the 9th. Fire signs are motivated and dynamic and require action and spontaneity. 

This is especially true for you in the first half of February. The Full Moon is a key date to focus on work and health and manage your time well. If you’ve been overly busy, kick back on the weekend of the 8th/9th or get your house in order.

Venus, the planet of relating, moves into Aries on the 7th, where it remains until early March. On a practical level, Aries rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope so it’s worth turning your attention towards money matters, especially joint ties.

When it comes to money, contracts and financial negotiations, Venus in Aries is fast, direct and to the point. Crack on with any financial issues that require your attention straightaway. This may be linked to property matters too or your home and family. This is because Mars is in Sagittarius and your home and family sector up until the 16th.

Mercury Retrograde

Yet, mid-month brings a significant turning point because your planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 17th and remains on go slow until March 10th. When Mercury’s retrograde, you’re wise to slow down the pace, delay major decisions and go with the flow.

This is particularly significant as Mercury is in retreat in Pisces in the second half of February, one of the water signs. Pisces is your opposite sign and Mercury, the planet that likes precision, isn’t comfortable here. This is the realm of emotions, where you cast off the shackles of routine and a tight schedule to go wherever life leads you.

Some of you may be in touch with this side of your nature that wants to let loose and give in to whatever comes your way. All signs have the capacity to ebb and flow between their sign and their opposite sign and their different natures.

Perhaps, you have a reputation for being a clean freak and you’re a typical Virgo who likes to keep things tidy and in order. Yet, you also know the opposite joy of embracing chaos and giving in to not knowing.

While Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, it’s not the time to try and work things out logically. You’ll end up going around in circles if you do so. Instead, feel your feelings, explore your emotions and take the path less travelled.

This is an important retrograde phase for your close relationships too, because Pisces rules your relationship sector. You might find that other people’s behaviour is confusing or mysterious while Mercury retraces its steps.

If anything, it’s wise not to read too much into another person’s actions and not believe everything you hear or read. Instead, enjoy romance if the opportunity arises but don’t worry too much about where a relationship is heading or why. 


There is a glorious Jupiter-Neptune aspect on the 20th, three days before the New Moon in Pisces. Jupiter and Neptune are your partner planets; Jupiter’s in Capricorn, your romance sector and Neptune’s in Pisces, your relationship sector.

Therefore, you could meet someone special during this period or experience moments of bliss with someone close. And, Mercury retrograde often reconnects you with people from your past.

Don’t rely too heavily on one person, however, and ensure you look after yourself and your own needs as well. The other possibility with this key astrology is that you might need to give a lot of your time and energy to another person, perhaps someone close or a business partnership. 

It’s all rather confusing and illusory, however, which may flag up trust issues along the way. Also, notice if your giving nature tips in to trying to save someone else or you over-give and don’t prioritise your own needs. If so, stop immediately.

The Uranus Factor

Uranus in Taurus is also active this month, especially on the 5th and 29th when it aligns with your planet, Mercury. Sometimes, you want to see the world or save the world with this planetary combination.

You might be planning a new adventure or be thinking about taking a sabbatical to study and learn something new. This can be a soul-searching time, as you need something to believe in.

If life or love is going through a confusing patch, it would be a good month to get away. Changing your normal routine can help you to see life differently and shift your perspective. Ultimately, you can’t resist Uranus’ urge to do things differently.

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