Scorpio (24 October-21 November)
January is a powerful month as it contains not one but two New Moons, symbols of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. What’s more remarkable is that the first New Moon falls on New Year’s Day, the traditional day for New Year resolutions.
A New Moon is a brilliant sign to create your intentions and with a New Moon on New Year’s Day, create your intentions not only for the month ahead but for the whole year as well.
The New Moon on the 1st packs a powerful punch as it involves the Sun and Moon next to each other but the line up also includes Mercury (communication) and Pluto (loss/power).
Pluto is Scorpio’s modern ruling planet and this feels intense. It’s a ‘commit or quit’ moment when you realise that words have power and that your affirmations or goal statements create a unique energy. The following quote comes to mind for you as this New Moon falls in Capricorn and your communication sector. It’s a double whammy of word power and creating intentions: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it”.
Pluto is associated with magic as it’s the witchy planet of the dark and the planet of transformation. You can often turn your situation around 360 degrees when Pluto’s involved. However, usually you have to close a door or let go of something before you can move on. Bear this in mind at the start of this New Year, what are you ready to let go of or move away from? Negative thinking for starters. Begin the year as you mean to go on and be confident and bold in your actions.
Another powerful date in January is the last day of the month, the 31st as on this day there’s the second of three Jupiter-Pluto oppositions in the heavens. The first took place in August 2013 and there’ll be a third opposition in April 2014. These two mighty planets cut across the knowledge sectors of your chart, so this is about learning and broadening your horizons. You may want to travel more in 2013 yet at the same time you notice what or who’s holding you back. Who has control in your life and who is ‘stopping’ you following your dreams?
This opposition will play out in different ways depending on your personal situation but it feels as if you can pass on your wisdom and some of you may want to teach or share your knowledge. You may also recognise what you need to give up or stop saying or do less of and in addition there’s a ruthless and relentless quality about this pairing. It’s as if to achieve your goals and follow your dreams, you must be determined and stay focused. Sometimes this means having tunnel vision or working especially hard behind the scenes.
You may be working by day and studying by night and let’s not forget that Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, remains in your sign of Scorpio now until the end of 2014. Whatever you’re working towards in your life that’s most important, keep your eyes firmly fixed on the end goal and refuse to give in. Together Jupiter and Pluto represent the kind of faith that moves mountains. It’s a defining moment as January comes to a close and for some you will feel as if you’re in step or in tune with your destiny. This is especially the case for those of you who have a birthday from 26th-28th October.
Focusing on yourself and your own goals and putting yourself first won’t always be easy this month and you may find that at times you clash with others whose opinions are strong and different to your own. Watch out at the Full Moon on the 16th when Venus and Mars clash in the heavens. This is the relationship planets at odds with each other and there needs to be a deeper level of understanding between you if a relationship’s to grow stronger.
You’ll know whether you’re in the right relationship or not depending on how much you encourage each other. If you both want the other person to pursue their own dreams and you feel as if you’re bigger and better together than you are on your own, then everything’s going swimmingly. Be honest with each other and don’t hide your feelings and by month’s end, you will experience a breakthrough in your relationship that helps you move forward together.
Mid-month turn your attention towards home and family matters as Mercury enters Aquarius on the 11th followed by the Sun on the 20th. It feels lively on the domestic front and if there are issues you want to make progress with, go for the 17th, the 29th and the 30th. On the latter date, there’s the second New Moon of the month which falls in Aquarius down at the base of your chart. An excellent day to set things in motion to improve your home life and/or to get the family together. You could also receive good news about work on or around these dates either for yourself or a member of your family.
If you’re working from home, you can achieve a lot in the first month of the year and with Mars, your traditional ruler, hidden away in your private sector, any job that involves research or studying is well-starred. If you’re working on a private or personal project in the first half of 2014 ready to launch in the summer, you’re in tune with the planets.
it’s 180 degrees, dear. Love your insightful monthly. -With lots of love from a fellow scorpio.
Glad you enjoy the monthlies. Yes, 360 degrees implies coming back to the place you first started. Not always possible with Pluto! best, Sally