Virgo Season
Virgo season starts officially on the 23rd. Yet, this month, your ruling planet Mars is in Virgo up until the 27th and talk planet Mercury is here throughout August. Therefore, there’s strong focus on this area of your horoscope.
Virgo season is a good time to think about the friends you hang out with and the groups you frequent. This is the sector of your horoscope ruled by Virgo. It may be time to readdress the work/life balance if the scales have dipped too heavily in one direction.
When planets are in Virgo, it’s wise to work alongside other people to be more efficient and effective. Learn to delegate and outsource your work, get the right employees or people to help you and team up with others.
It can be a lonely path if you’re working on your own or you’re making big decisions with no-one else to bounce ideas off. Virgo not only rules your friends and group activities, also your social, political and humanitarian alliances. It’s about your community and how you fit into the world.
When earth signs dominate, this is about people and connections for you. If you’re a typical Scorpio, you may favour your own company but August is calling you out back into the world.
Your planet Mars teams up with Jupiter on the 1st, Uranus on the 16th and your co-ruler Pluto on the 25th. All these planets are in earth signs. Think partnership, networking, connections and don’t go it alone.
If you want to improve your social life, it would be a good month to launch yourself into some new activities. Reach out, reconnect and recharge your friendships. It’s a top month to get involved in your local community or find a way to help other people and make a difference.
Sometimes, you only know whether something is right for you or works for you when you try it out first. Mercury turns retrograde on the 23rd and joins Venus in retrograde mode. Therefore, this whole period is ripe for exploration and enquiry.
Once the Sun’s in Virgo, there’s a second Full Moon in Pisces this month on the 31st. This is a Blue Moon and there’s magic within it. It would be an excellent date to catch up with friends as the Sun and Moon cut across the social sectors of your horoscope.
Notice whether you’re feeling disillusioned about dating or have slipped into a negative mindset around love. What can you conjure up in your life to break through any limitations, fear or doubt that holds you back?
This is a positive Full Moon to focus on your hopes and wishes. It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of everyday life and not make time to focus on your long-term goals and dreams. Give yourself time and space to delve deeper into what you want or need.
Leo Season
Up until the 23rd, the Sun is in Leo. Plus, Venus remains retrograde in Leo throughout August. Leo represents your career and vocation, your status and reputation, your future path. The Sun shines bright in Leo and this can bring acclaim, recognition or an award.
Yet, Venus retrograde in Leo is a different theme. You may be questioning your associations linked to your career or vocation. Or, perhaps you lose the support of someone influential.
You could find that your self-confidence takes a knock and it’s harder to believe in yourself or what you’re doing out in the world. Be kind to yourself if this is true for you and don’t throw everything away in a bid to start over. Retrograde planets favour working on past projects and reaffirming your wisdom and experience.
The Full Moon on the 1st is important as it cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac and highlights the foundations of your life. Get your foundations sorted and find a safe base in your life. Then, see if your career can flourish. Use the Full Moon energy to shine a light on your home and family, your work and career. Notice what’s missing and where you might benefit from more support.
Fast forward to the 16th and there’s a magical New Moon in Leo, a symbol of new beginnings. The Sun and Moon sit between Venus retrograde and Lilith, the wild one, also in Leo. This is raw power, wild and untamed. There’s an element of genius in the mix so don’t discount any madcap ideas that come your way.
You could be inspired by someone you meet or find out about, someone fierce who taps you into your elemental nature. It’s not safe astrology by any means, a little crazy and unhinged. Yet, it’s worth pursuing, as long as you don’t make any drastic career decisions while first Venus and then Mercury are retrograde. Put off the big decisions until September 15th.
Also, notice who’s in your life, which people are supportive and which people are disruptive. You currently have two planets in Taurus and your relationship sector, Uranus and Jupiter. These two planets are out of control on the 7th and 16th. They are a spontaneous, freewheeling energy. Plus, Uranus switches direction on the 29th.
Therefore, your personal life could impinge on your professional life this month. Alternatively, you may have to drop everything to be there for someone close or step in if someone’s absent. Be ready for anything and be willing to be flexible.
Not all your relationships are going to be steady and secure right now and this includes both personal and professional partnerships. Alternatively, you might be the one who wants to break away from a relationship or partnership, as you crave more independence or freedom.
Notice who’s moving away or who you’re moving away from. Also, who comes into your life promising loyalty, security or a good deal. There are two types of partnership in play this month with different agendas. And, events close to the New Moon and Full Moons could prove pivotal.
Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments when the communication planet is on go slow from August 23rd to September 15th. Here are some top tips:
- be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
- take a step back, do less not more
- double-check everything, read the small print
- chase up old contacts, revisit the past
- use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
- rest & retreat when you can
- do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct
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