Sagittarius June 2020

Sagittarius, Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse takes place on the 5th. It’s an important eclipse for you as it falls in your star sign Sagittarius. This is the first eclipse in a new cycle cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac which lasts until December 2021.

You may find something comes full circle now which was put in place on the Sagittarius New Moon on November 26, 2019.

This new eclipse cycle focuses on you and your identity, your 1-to-1 relationships, both personal and professional. It’s here where you can expect change and for the wheel of fortune to turn on its axis.

This first eclipse does, however, feel volatile as it clashes with Mars, the planet of passion and anger. Events could reach a climax during the eclipse which already heightens emotions as it’s a Full Moon.

Mars Pisces

Mars is in Pisces and your home and family sector so this flags up a personal issue. You may not see eye-to-eye with someone close. Or, perhaps you’re caught in the middle of an argument or conflict.

Your star sign, Sagittarius, represents truth and justice. And, with key planets retrograde this month, plus Neptune in on the act, there’s a theme of untruths, hidden affairs & deceit.

Mars and Neptune are aligned on the 13th. This can be romantic and wistful on the one hand, pulling you back towards the past in sentimental fashion. Yet, tensions could flare, especially if secrets emerge or other people are behaving in a manipulative manner.

Tread carefully this month at the same time as trying to make progress with all things domestic, to do with your family, your past or your home. You may have your own personal retreat, your place of escape. And, if you don’t already have one, make it your mission.

Venus Retrograde

For some of you, relationships could be moving through an entangled phase You could be unsure of your own feelings. Or, perhaps someone close is feeling confused and bewildered.

A classic theme of Venus retrograde is being parted from the one you love, which is likely during these extraordinary times. While Venus is on go slow in your relationship sector, explore your feelings and keep your options open.

Wait until Venus turns direct on the 25th before making up your mind about love. This could be a key date when you hear from someone close, someone special.

Solar Eclipse

Later in the month, there’s a second eclipse. This is a Solar or New Moon eclipse which takes place on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. It falls at 0 degrees Cancer in your joint finance sector. This is bringing an eclipse cycle to completion, one that began in July 2018. It finishes next month.

A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon with extra oomph. They’re turbo-charged. Admittedly, they sometimes coincide with dramatic events and can indicate a significant turning point.

Either way, this is strong planetary energy to suggest that things are on the move financially. Look out for new opportunities that arise on or around the eclipse date.

Mercury Retrograde

However, before leaping into action, it’s important to know that Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde on the 18th and remains on go slow until July 12th. Therefore, with regard to money as well as love, things aren’t straightforward.

While Mercury’s in retreat, you’re wise to safeguard your finances and not be persuaded to part with your money.

In fact, this isn’t a great time for major investments or signing a contract that affects you financially. If you can delay doing so until Mercury is back up to speed mid-July, hang on for a while.

Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction

The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on the 30th is powerful for you as it involves your ruling planet. The power duo are in Capricorn and your personal money sector.

This feels like hidden wealth or riches and keeping your cards close to your chest. Pluto’s realm was the Underworld and you need to take a strategic approach to money and power. Don’t give up what belongs to you.

More than anything, this is an important month to rethink and revise your plans moving forwards. Doing nothing could turn out to be the best mode of action. Wait until you have all the information at your fingertips. For now, do your research and gather facts.

Eclipses are linked to karma, thanks to their involvement with the nodes of destiny. Have faith that things will work out for the best in the long run if you stay faithful.

Life’s injustices can’t always be stopped but you can choose your role in events. Honesty and justice are Sagittarius’ bywords and important virtues on which to base your life.

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3 thoughts on “Sagittarius June 2020”

  1. Hello Sally,

    Thank you for your insightful ‘wisdom’. It gives me much comfort and hope. I’m never sure whether to read my rising sign and if so, how much notice I should take of it. My natal sign is Cancer with Rising sign, Sagittarius and as you can imagine, there is a lot of activity in the solar system for my signs, just hasn’t manifested in my life as yet. I’d be most grateful for your comments regarding my dilemma.
    Kind regards,

    1. Sally Kirkman

      Hi Mardi, thank you for your comment. Yes, I’d read both – Cancer first, Sagittarius second. There are times when you’ll feel more in flow with the natural rhythm of the Sun & planets and other times when you may have major astrology taking place and that takes over. That may be what’s happening for you right now. Hope that helps 🙂

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