Capricorn June 2020

Capricorn, Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

A new eclipse cycle begins this month cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. The first eclipse is a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th.

For you, this is about your work and health and being of service to others. These are the key areas under the eclipse spotlight. Sometimes, during an eclipse, an unexpected event signifies the need for change. There’s a theme of endings before a new beginning. And, with a Full Moon eclipse, you may find yourself caught up in a competitive situation.

This month, you may find that things change fast and it could be tricky trying to keep up with everything shifting, perhaps on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep close tabs on your health and well-being.

If you work in an environment where you’re dealing with angry people or frustrations, this could take its toll. There may be challenges in your local community or an issue with a sibling or neighbour that triggers bad feelings.

Ideally, do your bit to help others, to listen and counsel but don’t take on the woes of the world. This is especially important if you’re starting to feel tired or worn out.

Venus & Mars

The relationship planets, Venus and Mars, are at odds throughout June. This flags up the possibility of difficult communication, not finding it easy to understand others or be heard in response.

Venus is retrograde until the 25th and this can be a time when you don’t feel valued highly. Misunderstandings can occur easily.

Plus, with Mars in Pisces and your communication sector, tempers could flare and you may be more sensitive than usual to the news or what other people say.

Mercury Retrograde

Talk planet Mercury is in Cancer and your opposite star sign throughout June and July. Therefore, at times other people will have control and you may have to follow rather than lead. What happens this month isn’t going to be entirely up to you.

Plus, on the 18th, Mercury turns retrograde and will be on go slow until July 12th. This too flags up a theme of misunderstandings, so it’s a good idea to take a step back and take the pace slow.

Don’t feel you have to make any big decisions during this retrograde phase. Instead, use this time to review your situation and think things through, rather than leap into action. When it comes to other people, both personally & professionally, let things be rather than try and sort things out.

Solar Eclipse

There is a second eclipse in June, a Solar or New Moon eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon with extra oomph. It’s turbo-charged.

This New Moon can be helpful for you. A new relationship could spring up or spring back to life on or around this date. Notice who enters your world, as certain individuals could play a significant role moving forwards.

This is also about you and your role in other people’s lives. You might take on a job as carer, coach or mentor and being kind and considerate to others can make a huge difference.

Big astrology indicates that changes are on the cards but not always in your own life. You may be the one supporting others now as they undergo major life shifts.

Jupiter/Pluto Conjunction

On the 30th, there’s a powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in your star sign, Capricorn. This is significant to what’s happening all year. It follows on from the life-changing Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th, there was a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction on April 5th and there will be one more on November 12th.

This is the backdrop to your life and where you’re being called forth to speak the truth and bring what’s hidden to light. The Jupiter/Pluto duo have a theme of wealth and debt as their nature is extreme. You may be stepping up in life, playing big, taking on a lawsuit or confronting injustice.

Or, perhaps this is about self-transformation and discovering more about your inner strength, your own power. What happens towards the end of June helps you gain momentum and find where in your life you’re ready to take the lead or make significant progress.

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