Sagittarius April 2018

Sagittarius, mountains

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Your ruling planet Jupiter continues to move backwards through the zodiac in Scorpio and the most hidden sector of your horoscope this month. This turns your attention inward or perhaps you’re on retreat or on a journey into your past.

Jupiter plays a pivotal role in events this month too as it retraces its steps as, on the 14th, Jupiter makes a major planetary aspect with Pluto. These two big planets first came together on January 16th and they reunite later this year on September 12th.

Often when this combination takes place, there’s a theme of hidden riches whether you’re delving into the past or you’re looking for value that lies beneath the surface. You might be trading in antiquities or chasing up money from your past. This is because Pluto is currently in Capricorn and your personal money sector.

It’s not just about money, however, and in fact, when you have Jupiter moving through Scorpio, you are often re-evaluating what’s important to you. An opportunity for you to let go of things may present itself, whether this is actual stuff in a decluttering clear out kind of way, or emotions or feelings that no longer serve you.

There’s a karmic feel to your astrology this month whether good karma is being repaid or you’re lining up good karma for the future. Note what happens on or around the 17th and 24th of the month when Jupiter teams up with the relating planets, Venus and Mars.

You might be keen to dig deep to help other people either emotionally or financially or perhaps you’re taking on a caring role. Wherever you invest your energy this month, ensure you go in deep. Rest and retreat are also favourable, potentially preparing yourself for a big move towards the end of 2018.

Money is a major factor in your life now, whether you’re feeling particularly ambitious or you’re worrying about how to make ends meet. Action planet Mars is storming through Capricorn and your personal money sector. This can feel stressful on the one hand and make you more determined on the other hand.

Mars isn’t acting alone, however, as it runs into Saturn on the 2nd and Pluto on the 26th. Both these planets are associated with authority and power and they are a formidable force. If you’re involved with the authorities, it’s best to play by the book and not get involved in anything underhand.

This combination can offer you resilience, endurance and stamina and it’s unlikely you’ll give up, whatever you’re trying to achieve on the money front. Plus, the planets in Capricorn have allies, in the shape of Venus in Taurus.

Taurus rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health and Venus in Taurus is a safe harbour. As Venus rules women, look out for the women who can help you at work, whether you need someone to delegate or to step in when you need support.

This can make for a lovely team too. Making money seems a whole lot easier and significantly more enjoyable if you’re not doing it alone and you have key people by your side. Venus is particularly strong from the 7th to the 17th, a time to use your connections if you’re looking for work and put extra time and energy into work and money matters.

The Full Moon at the end of the month on the 30th also highlights the work and health sectors of your horoscope. On the 20th, the Sun shifts star signs and moves into Taurus. By the end of the month, you should feel as if you’re back on track and keen to secure your resources. Keep life simple and ditch whatever’s not working out or causing too much stress.

This is also a big month, however, for your social life and if life’s all work and no play, you won’t be a happy Sagittarius. Up until the 20th, the Sun is in your fellow fire sign Aries and communication planet Mercury is here all month. Mercury is, however, retrograde, i.e. on go slow until the 15th so be aware of this as plans may unravel and it’s wise to double-check any dates or social events.

Mercury is your partner planet and Aries rules romance so this suggests that love could go quiet while Mercury’s on go slow. It may be a tricky period if you’re a parent and there could be misunderstandings or little communication between you and a child.

The turning point, however, comes on the 15th when Mercury turns direct. This often coincides with hidden information coming to light and it’s a great date to be proactive and initiate an important conversation.

This is followed on the 16th by a New Moon in Aries, a symbol of new beginnings. This is gorgeous for lining up some fun entertainment, asking someone out on a date and/or arranging something special with the kids.

Plus, live-wire Uranus is in on the act and this taps into the impulsive and spontaneous side of your nature. You might also find out very quickly mid-month whether someone’s interested in you or not. A new romance will either be on or off. Love starts to look up too once love planet Venus enters Gemini and your relationship sector on the 24th.

Once Mercury is back up to speed, reach out to other people and catch up with old friends or old flames who’ve reappeared in your life. It’s not a good idea to spend a fortune on socialising, however, and you do still need to be realistic about finances. Have fun on the cheap.

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