Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Both the Sun and action planet Mars are in your fellow water sign of Cancer for a large part of the month of July. Mars is there until the 20th and the Sun until the 22nd. Usually this would be ideal, a chance to go with the flow, to focus on the things you love and to enjoy your life on a daily basis.
However, neither planet has a smooth run through Cancer as they both encounter slower-moving planets along the way. Before looking at any potential clashes, it’s perhaps important to focus on what the sign of Cancer represents in your chart.
Cancer is about the things you love in life, the things you ‘give birth to’, it’s play as opposed to work. This includes romance and love affairs, children and pregnancy, entertainment, creative projects and luck. Do more of what you want and enjoy this month but know too there will be times when other people or life get in the way.
One of the planets clashing with Mars and the Sun is Pluto, the planet of extremes. Pluto opposes Mars on the 2nd and the Sun on the 10th, one day after a dynamic Full Moon on the 9th. Pluto is in your friendship and group sector and the Full Moon lights up the social axis of your chart.
Immediately, this indicates there could be challenges this month within a group of friends or a club, society or association you belong to. Pluto can signal the end for something, whether a club closes down or a friend moves away or you recognise that you’re ready to move on from a group situation.
It could also be a tricky time for a love affair or new relationship and you need to keep your wits about you. Don’t ignore any warning signs about someone new and be wary of a friend who might be jealous or unhappy with your relationship for whatever reason.
Same goes with a child if you’re a parent. Keep close tabs on them this month and don’t allow them too much freedom if you’re worried who they’re getting involved with or what they’re up to. There is a shady quality to Pluto with its links to the underworld, crime and corruption.
Money too is another factor to watch out for. The Sun clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter in Libra and your joint finance sector on the 6th and both Mars and the Sun clash with Uranus in Aries and your personal money sector on the 18th and 21st respectively.
This picture does not favour high-risk investment or financial strategies. It feels too speculative, as if you could easily go over the top or leap in impulsively without thinking.
Same goes when it comes to lending or borrowing money. Be wary of throwing good money after bad this month and don’t get caught out by a sob story. Sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind and this might be the case for you in the month ahead.
Neptune, your co-ruler, is helping you especially if you’re in the midst of a situation that’s difficult or you’re not sure how to play it. On the same day as the Sun squares Jupiter on the 6th, Neptune makes a flowing trine aspect to the Sun. This is a clear indication to trust your instincts, to do what feels right and not to lose hope.
It’s also an indication that your personal qualities can help other people now, your ability to empathise and be sensitive. This is more important than giving money; offer kindness and caring instead.
One area of your life that feels lively now is your work and routine. Communication planet Mercury is in Leo and this sector of your chart from the 6th until the 25th. Be around people you like, work together as a team, socialise with your colleagues. This will also help you if there are personal problems that you’re dealing with this month. It’s where you can find lightness and joy in your life, even a sense of purpose.
Family too are in the mix this month with Venus, the planet of relating, in Gemini and your home sector from the 5th. Venus in Gemini is sociable and this is another indication not to go it alone in the month of July. Create positive relationships in your life close to home and in your daily toings and froings.
Together you’re stronger and if you’re looking for support financially or emotionally, turn to the ones you love to help you. The 14th and 18th are especially good in this respect.
Venus does however get caught up with your co-ruler Neptune on the 17th and Saturn in Sagittarius and your career and future sector on the 24th, and this is when you might lose your way or zone out on your future goals.
This month is more about living life one day at a time rather than trying to take big leaps or rush ahead. It’s the little things in life that keep you sane and bring you enjoyment.
Work and/or your health enters a new phase later in the month when first Mars and then the Sun enter Leo on the 20th and 22nd respectively. The following day on the 23rd, there’s a stunning New Moon in Leo and your work and health sector.
This could prove very exciting, especially if you’re looking for work or you’re actively pursuing a new contract. Don’t hold back or procrastinate at the end of July. Instead, chase after your work and health goals with drive and be pro-active. The 27th is lively too when the Sun and Mars unite in Leo.
You might be training for a new fitness goal or be ready to take centre stage with regard to your work. Be bold and courageous without taking on too much stress. Self-confidence is the key to your success.