Aries July 2017

Aries July 2017

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Your ruling planet Mars is in the home and family sign of Cancer until the 20th. This is potentially a crabby placing for Mars as it can’t get from A to B directly. This might mean you have to take other peoples’ feelings into account or you feel trapped in some way, perhaps due to your domestic situation.

Mars in Cancer is sentimental and emotional but it’s important that this doesn’t tip over into wallowing in your feelings. If you are dealing with a tough situation this month, linked to your home life or your future direction, try to find the wider perspective without overly rocking the boat.

The main issue for Mars this month is that it makes two major planetary aspects, neither of which are easy. On the 2nd, Mars heads for a collision course with power planet Pluto and on the 18th Mars and live-wire Uranus confront each other.

The Mars/Pluto clash falls across the foundations of your chart, your home and family at one end opposed by work and career at the other. If there’s a sudden change of fortune in one of these areas, it will have a knock on effect in the other.

Mars isn’t the only planet to encounter Pluto this month because the Sun is in the family sign of Cancer until the 22nd and there’s a Sun-Pluto opposition on the 10th, the day after a powerful Full Moon in Capricorn on the 9th.

Events around these dates could prove pivotal when emotions are heightened and you see your situation clearly. Bear in mind that Pluto is an all-or-nothing energy so perhaps it is time to close the door on the past or let go of a situation that’s no longer working for you. Often you have to make tough decisions when Pluto’s in play as it’s a time when you can’t always get what you want.

Look out too for a difficult boss or someone in your life who embodies Pluto’s uncompromising stance. If you’re up against the authorities, you need to be aware that your opposition is formidable. Be prepared for a tough fight or let something go if it would be a waste of energy to try and breathe more life into it.

What’s interesting about the Uranus connection for you is that Uranus is in your sign of Aries. Mars clashes with Uranus on the 18th followed a few days later by the Sun’s clash with Uranus on the 21st. This triggers your rebel qualities, your desire to be impulsive or break free from a challenging situation.

You might find yourself at loggerheads with someone in your family or a living situation could become unbearable. What’s also intriguing about the 18th is that there’s a stunning Venus-Jupiter connection on the same day as Mars clashes with Uranus.

You might not be able to sort things out for yourself but look out for someone else who can. You have some strong support in your life now and other people are taking care of you.

It will also help to focus on what’s positive about your life as a welcome foil to a more difficult personal or professional situation. Communication planet Mercury is in your fellow fire sign of Leo from the 6th to the 25th and this is a good time to plan more events that are enjoyable and fun.

Leo rules romance in your chart, children and pregnancy, entertainment, creative projects and lively get-togethers. In addition, love planet Venus is in sociable Gemini from the 5th onward so there’s plenty of opportunity now to lean on other people, to turn to others for fun and inspiration.

Make new friends in your neighbourhood or join in with events in your local community. Get out and about and surround yourself with life and vitality. The major turning point for you comes on the 20th when Mars leaves behind anxious Cancer and enters vibrant Leo. This is a different Mars altogether as Leo is a proud sign, confident and bold.

Two days after Mars enters Leo, it’s joined by the Sun on the 22nd which shines bright in the sign of the Lion. Plus on the 23rd there’s a glorious New Moon in Leo and this is special. It could herald the birth of a child, the start of a gorgeous love affair, a prize, a gift, a unique moment in your life.

The energy from the 20th onwards is buzzing with positive vibes and this is your cue to embrace life to the full. You can’t escape the more difficult side of life earlier this month but you can choose whether you stay or move on, whether you battle or let go.

It does look as if this could turn out to be a key month of the year for you, not always easy and sometimes overly emotional. This is linked in particular to your family, your home, the people dear to your heart.

Yet even in the darkest hours, you can still search for a glint of light. Sometimes the greatest gifts emerge when you grapple with self-understanding and self-insight in the midst of chaos or uncertainty.

The month ends on two amazing planetary aspects for you. A Sun/Mars conjunction in Leo on the 27th and a Venus/Uranus connection linking the signs of Gemini and Aries on the 30th. Look out for the person who inspires you towards the end of July and embrace new beginnings, new opportunities that come your way.

Communication planet Mercury is on the move again on the 25th when it enters the earth sign Virgo. This is the start of a period when journalling or writing could prove to be especially helpful or insightful for you. It also indicates a new chapter opening up at work.

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