As May begins, there’s a lot of activity in your fellow water sign Cancer. Cancer rules children in your horoscope and all good things in life, like creativity, entertainment, romance and fun.
Passion planet Mars is in Cancer until the 20th so engage actively with these key areas of your life. Be open to play and do more of what you love. Plus, on the 7th, the planet of relating Venus joins Mars in Cancer where she remains until early June.
This is a lovely symbol for new love, being romantic and being open to seeking happiness in whatever shape or form it finds you. Dive deep into your hobbies, explore your skills and talents, preferably with your favourite people around you.
Lunar Eclipse
Travel and study, education and religion are areas of your life that could be ripe for change. This is because of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 5th which cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and these sectors of your horoscope.
You may be exploring your spiritual path or be engaged in a clash or conflict of beliefs. This eclipse cycle began in November 2021 and will complete in October 2023.
You could receive important news about a course or trip on or around the eclipse. Be aware, however, that eclipse symbolism often hints that something has to come to an end or be given up, before you can embrace something new.
Uranus in Taurus opposes the Moon in Scorpio during the eclipse – the rebel, independent and unpredictable. Plus, there’s a powerful Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 9th.
You could run into people or organisations that are anti- what you believe in. You might experience opposition to community plans or experience division within your neighbourhood. Or, perhaps you’re ready to make an impulsive decision around a travel or study path.
Try not to leap in during the eclipse and be aware that tempers could flare. There’s a temptation for things to happen fast.
As Uranus is involved, be careful with technology too, as it’s here where things could go wrong or one comment goes viral and not in a good way. Transport could be unpredictable too. Aim to be flexible and adaptable rather than foolhardy and think before you speak.
Mercury Direct
There’s another reason why you’re wise to be careful around communication. This is because talk planet Mercury is retrograde for the first two weeks of the month in Taurus and your communication sector.
This is a time when misunderstandings can occur and things are hidden from you. It’s only when Mercury turns direct on the 15th that you see the truth of a situation and you find out what’s really been going on. Don’t make assumptions while Mercury’s on go slow.
Mercury is linked to trade and Taurus is the money star sign. Therefore, events on or around the 15th could prove significant in these key areas. It’s an ideal date to speak up, chase up monies owing and generally get things moving.
Jupiter Goals – Communication & Education
There’s more emphasis on the star sign Taurus when big planet Jupiter changes star sign on the 16th, the day after Mercury turns direction. Jupiter moves into earth sign Taurus starting a new year-long chapter. Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 2024.
This is your communication sector, both the written and spoken word. This is ideal for all forms of communication, debating, gathering and sharing ideas and information, making new friends and learning new skills.
You could take on a new role as a voice-over artist, a new job as a journalist or a new role as a blogger. You might start a website or podcast. You may become a teacher or a professional story-teller.
Either way, use your voice to the best of your ability because this could be the start of something big. Jupiter in Taurus elevates your voice to a new level.
This is about your community too and Jupiter represents your siblings and neighbours. Look out for significant moves in these key areas of life. You might get involved in a community venture. Or, perhaps you decide to expand your social circle and get to know people close to where you live.
As Jupiter represents truth and justice, you could choose to use this Jupiter transit to unearth corruption or wrong-doing. Decide where and how you want to actively use Jupiter in your communication, learning and ideas sector.
Jupiter-Pluto Square
Something may happen immediately that Jupiter moves into Taurus, pointing the way forward. Consider what’s not working out when Jupiter clashes with Pluto in Aquarius on the 18th. This is when you may run into an ethical or moral issue, as one way Pluto can play out is through corruption and wrong-doings.
You may want to change the way you communicate, stop learning a new language or do something else completely radical on a personal level. It may be something that’s secret and confidential. It does suggest that it’s not wise to speak up on the 18th and be wary of what you get involved in.
If in doubt, talk things through with your family or the people closest to you. The Sun enters Gemini and your home and family sector on the 21st and the Sun could bring light and insight to your situation.
Action planet Mars kicks in as well from the 20th when Mars enters fire sign Leo and your work and health sector. Immediately, Mars clashes with Pluto on the 21st and Jupiter on the 23rd.
Therefore, there could be a practical matter that requires your attention. Or, standing up for what you believe in means not being able to stay in a current job. That could be one way this plays out.
It’s important to notice your stress levels and keep close tabs on your health and well-being. Mars represents anger as well as drive and ambition. Channel your emotions into physical exercise rather than release them in a way that’s destructive or inflammatory. It’s a heady mix and requires careful thought and attention.
New Moon, New Beginnings
During this peak planetary activity, there is a New Moon in Taurus, a symbol of new beginnings. Use this New Moon to set your intentions and to start over.
Speak with authority and trust yourself in knowing what to say. You have Saturn in your star sign Pisces now, so put firm boundaries in place in your life, be committed and stand firm on your principles.
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