Aries Horoscope May 2023

Morris dancers, Aries horoscope

Your ruling planet Mars remains in kind and caring Cancer until the 20th. Cancer is the star sign that rules your home and family, rest and retreat. You may be actively searching for somewhere to live. Or, perhaps you’re spending more time with family for a particular reason.

The emphasis on this sector of your horoscope continues throughout the month because the planet of love and relating Venus enters Cancer on the 7th, where she remains until early June.

Venus in Cancer is a lovely symbol for welcoming visitors into your home, for dinner parties and meals together. As Venus rules beauty, use Venus in Cancer to beautify your home, your garden or your place of sanctuary.

Lunar Eclipse

The big news this month, however, may be around money and there are a few reasons for this. Firstly, the Sun is in earth sign Taurus, the money star sign, until the 21st. This sector of your horoscope rules money, assets, your values and sense of self-worth and there’s a lot of activity taking place here.

Money is one area of your life that could prove contentious at times but sex, power and taboo issues are also under the cosmic spotlight. This has a lot to do with the fact that’s it’s an eclipse month and there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 5th, part of the eclipse cycle that started in November 2021 and lasts until October 2023.

This Lunar Eclipse cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the financial axis of your horoscope. It’s about money, your money and the money you share with others. Something hidden may come to light during this eclipse that you weren’t aware of. 

Eclipses can symbolise things coming to an end so there may be a shock around money. Or, perhaps there’s someone in your life who’s not playing by the rules or sharing equally.

Eclipses can coincide with highs & lows and there are always winners and losers when it comes to money. The trick is to try and end up on the winning team. This might mean taking advantage of another person’s downfall, which could be an unpleasant experience.

There is a shadowy feel to eclipses, so be wary of getting involved in anything underhand. Check out there are no strings attached to a financial transaction or deal and ensure there’s transparency in all your money dealings.

The Uranus Factor

There’s another factor to consider thanks to Uranus’ involvement in this eclipse, bringing change and the unexpected. Uranus in Taurus sits opposite the Moon in Scorpio during the eclipse and there’s a Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 9th.

Uranus can act like a lighting bolt, the planet linked to electricity & new technologies. You may be one step ahead of the game, buying crypto-currencies or experimenting with all things new and modern.

Uranus is the planet linked to the unexpected, a similar theme to eclipses. Your independent streak could kick in big-time. You might be out to cause trouble or choose to break the rules. Alternatively, you could come across other people who embody this rebellious planetary energy.

Mercury Direct

Also important to note is the fact that communication planet Mercury is in Taurus throughout May. Plus, up until the 15th, Mercury is retrograde here. The Mercury retrograde mantra is not to make any major investments or financial decisions before Mercury switches direction.

Once Mercury turns direct, new information may come to light that helps you deal with finances, Sometimes, you find out the truth of a situation. Once Mercury switches on, chase up outstanding payments, talk to an adviser, balance the books and get back on track with what you want regarding money matters.

There may be a chance to sort out any issues that kicked in during the Lunar Eclipse. Whether you’ve been spending a lot, you’ve had major outgoings or you’re dealing with a debt situation, mid-month is the time to get serious about what needs to happen and what next.

Jupiter Goals – Money & Abundance

Jupiter is the best planet in astrology and the planet linked to expansion. On the 16th, the day after Mercury turns direct, Jupiter enters earth sign Taurus where it remains until May 2024. Jupiter takes twelve years to circuit the zodiac and spends one year in each star sign. This is interesting timing and it may be that a little bit of luck or good fortune comes your way mid-May.

Over the course of the next year, seek out opportunities to boost your finances and lead a wealthier or more abundant lifestyle. Jupiter often brings freedom and is the planet linked to truth and justice. This is good news if you’re about to fight a legal case or want to expose corruption or wrong-doing.

There’s strong focus on your values and what matters to you greatly. You might be ready to leave certain beliefs or values behind as you move forward. It’s a similar story when it comes to money and possessions. You could have a serious de-clutter or choose to lead a minimalist lifestyle.

This could stem from financial circumstances. Or, perhaps you’re starting to become aware that less is more and you’re ready to move away from the corporate world. You may want to embrace life experiences but not necessarily all the trappings that go with success or making your way in the world.

New Moon, New Beginnings

This month’s New Moon falls in Taurus on the 19th, a significant date to set your intentions and start over in some way. A New moon is ideal for new beginnings, whether this is about your attitude, your money mind-set or making sure you get paid what you deserve.

The few days from the 18th to the 23rd are likely to be pivotal days this month. On the 18th, Jupiter moves into Taurus but immediately clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, getting ready to retreat back into Capricorn. Jupiter represents good fortune but Pluto can negate what it touches.

This could symbolise closing the door on an expensive outgoing or stop trying to speculate to accumulate. Your planet Mars joins these two heavyweights when it moves into fire sign Leo on the 20th and clashes with Pluto on the 21st and Jupiter on the 23rd.

This combination doesn’t favour risk-taking unless you’re willing to go all in. There is a possible theme of double or quits. Perhaps, you decide to stop paying out money to support a child or lover.

Or, perhaps you’re ready to change your spending habits and take on some new financial lessons and goals. It’s big astrology which suggests it may be the right time to make some big decisions. Look closely at where your money goes and how you want to make the most of bounteous Jupiter’s move through your money sector moving forward.

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