The planet of love and relating Venus is in your fellow air sign Gemini as the month begins. Gemini rules romance, fun, entertainment and creativity in your horoscope. It’s about children, play and the things in life you ‘give birth to’. Make the most of Venus here until the 7th and be around people you love on the 5th when Venus aligns with Jupiter, a social combination.
Also this month, it’s important to focus on the basics of life and have people around you who support you in different ways. This is because action planet Mars is in Cancer and your work and lifestyle sector until the 20th. Plus, Venus joins Mars in Cancer on the 7th where she remains until the beginning of June.
You might have support from your work colleagues and Cancer is the family star sign. Consider what family means to you and aim to have a group of people in your life who support one another.
Value the people you employ to help you, especially when this boosts your health and well-being and helps lower your stress levels. This is important, so you have a strong foundation in your life moving forward.
Lunar Eclipse
This is because it’s eclipse season. And this month, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th. The Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac is about your future and your past. It’s an important eclipse for you, because these two star signs fall at the base and peak of your horoscope.
Scorpio rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation, your future and where you’re heading. Whereas, Taurus represents your home and family, your past and where you come from.
A Lunar Eclipse highlights these key areas of your life. It brings what’s hidden to light, exposing where change may be required. Sometimes during eclipses, the unexpected kicks in acting as the trigger for change.
You may feel pulled in different directions during the Lunar Eclipse. You might find it a challenge to juggle home and work. Or, perhaps you feel unsure where your priorities lie or you’re unclear about what to do next.
Notice where you’re being called forth and what home means to you. If you’re not happy with where you live or your career path, this will be more noticeable during the eclipse. This eclipse cycle shaping the foundations of your life began in November 2021 and continues until October 2023.
The Uranus Factor
This month’s eclipse is especially lively as your co-ruler Uranus in Taurus opposes the Moon in Scorpio. Plus, on the 9th, there’s a powerful Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Uranus is the planet linked to change, like the eclipses.
Perhaps, you’re moving home because of a new job. Or, events at home or within your family are the reason why you’re having to start over at work, in your career or in your future path.
This could be an unsettled time for you and it may help not to be too rigid or stubborn. Aim to keep your options open. Uranus is the rebel planet but it’s wise not to be foolhardy or take a huge risk while Uranus is dominant.
Mercury Direct
There’s another reason why you’re wise to put off the big decisions and refrain from leaping in too soon. This is because talk planet Mercury is retrograde until mid-May. Mercury turned retrograde on April 21st and turns direct in Taurus and your home and family sector on the 15th.
This date could be a significant turning point for you. Perhaps, new information comes to light or someone close gets back in touch with you. Mercury retrograde can be a time of delays or misunderstandings.
Notice who speaks up mid-month and where you can push things through, perhaps regarding a property move or family issue.
Jupiter Goals – Home & Family
Taurus is the star sign of the moment as big planet Jupiter moves into Taurus on the 16th, the day after Mercury turns direct. The cosmic spotlight is turning towards your home and family, your past and your roots. Jupiter will remain in this sector of your horoscope until May 2024.
When Jupiter’s in your home and family sector, this is a classic time to move home or expand where you live. With Jupiter’s foreign theme, you might be planning a move abroad or a get-together with family who live scattered around the world or in a different part of the country.
A big family celebration is well-starred with Jupiter in Taurus and it’s the perfect time to catch up with people from your past, to honour your roots and where you come from. This may be about expanding your family whether this involves children, an adoption, the addition of a step family or living within a community.
Jupiter works in synchronous ways and it’s important that you put yourself in its path. Say yes to any new home or family-related opportunity that opens up while Jupiter begins its journey through a new star sign.
Jupiter-Pluto Square
Jupiter rules liberation and freedom. Therefore, you might be ready to take a leap of faith and close a door on the past. This is the theme of the Jupiter-Pluto clash which takes place on the 18th, only two days after Jupiter moves into Taurus.
Pluto is currently in your star sign Aquarius where it dipped its toe in on March 23rd and is now retreating back ready to leave Aquarius on June 11th.
The 1st of this month could be significant for you if you’re aware of Pluto’s move into your star sign. This is the date that Pluto switches direction and turns retrograde.
Pluto is the planet linked to loss and endings, also the psyche and personal transformation. Therefore, the Jupiter-Pluto clash on the 18th may feel deeply personal. You could be ready to release a past demon. Or, you recognise who or what’s holding you back. Pluto can be linked to a toxic situation or a situation that’s turned corrupt.
New Moon, New Beginnings
Consider what might need to come to an end in your life so you can embrace the future and move on. This is the theme of the New Moon in Taurus which takes place on the 19th. A New Moon promises new beginnings. Yet, sometimes beginnings can only happen after an ending.
Use this New Moon to set your intentions around home and family affairs, property matters and strong foundations in your life. Be in nature during this New Moon phase, put your hands in the earth, walk barefoot on the land and do whatever’s necessary to ground yourself.
A big theme running throughout May is learning what stabilises you and where you feel safe and secure. Freedom is part of your nature if you’re a typical Aquarius, yet don’t lose out on certainty and the power of knowing your place on this earth.
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