New Moon Leo: Hear Me Roar

fire, goddess

NEW MOON [23 Leo 17] 

Wednesday 16 August (10:38 GMT+1) 

This week, there’s a powerful New Moon in Leo, a symbol of new beginnings. The Sun shines brightly in Leo, the star sign linked to glamour and royalty. The essence of Leo is to be at the heart of proceedings, the centre of attention, just like the Sun is at the centre of the universe.  

Leo is a creative star sign, so this is about your identity, your unique skills and talents, what makes you ‘you’. Make your mark, be audacious, have fun, celebrate. Do your thing, find your passion, follow your heart. This is about the things in life you ‘give birth’ to. It’s an ideal New Moon for dreaming and conjuring up magic. 

Let the Sun and Moon in Leo empower you to take centre stage and show off your skills and talents. Be wary of slipping into bossiness or arrogant behaviour, but don’t miss out on this chance to shine.

New Moon Energy

A New Moon is the start of a new Moon phase. It’s the ideal time to set your intentions, turn to a fresh page and consider where in life you’re starting over. New Moon energy is proactive, forward-moving and great for taking the initiative. 

Make a wish when you first see the crescent Moon in the night sky, on Thursday 17th or Friday 18th.

The New Moon takes place on Wednesday 16th August at 10:38 GMT+1 – it’s after this time that is most potent for New Moon wishes – speak them out loud or write them down.

The New Moon phase remains active up until the Full Moon in two weeks time. The next Full Moon takes place on August 31st.

The Wild Ones

This is no ordinary New Moon, however, because the Sun and Moon at 23° Leo sit between Lilith at 24° Leo and Venus retrograde at 18° Leo. 

There are different Liliths in astrology but the one I’m referring to here and the most popular one is Black Moon Lilith. Lilith is often thought of as the ‘wild one’, the dark and shadow aspect of ourselves and nature. 

Lilith refused to conform and obey. In some myths, she was a night demon. Whatever you think of her – and it can be helpful to see where Lilith falls in your own chart – there’s a wild, untamed element evident here.

This isn’t dissimilar to what’s happening with Venus, another symbol of women, the divine feminine, as she dives deep into her retrograde phase. 

The Sun/Venus cazimi conjunction on August 13th was the mid-way point of the retrograde phase, the deepest part of her journey through the underworld. Yet, the Sun illuminates and the second part of Venus’ retrograde phase is a time of insight and gathering strength. Venus remains in retrograde phase until September 4th.

Two fierce female, goddess influences – Lilith and Venus retrograde – conjuring up images of wildness in alignment with the New Moon in Leo. 

Will this be your own embodiment, a potent ‘warrior pose’ energy? Or, will you encounter someone in your life who embodies the Lilith/Venus retrograde energies? It feels creative, raw and fierce – go with it and see what emerges.

The Uranus Factor

There is another side to this New Moon, however, because both the Sun and Moon are square Uranus. This adds the X factor to new beginnings. 

Also throughout August, Uranus is stationing, i.e. getting ready to turn retrograde on August 29th. Uranus spends the next two weeks at 23° Taurus. If you have key planets/angles close to 23° Taurus or the other three fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius, you’re likely to feel Uranus’ energy strongly. 

Uranus represents freedom, rebellion, new advancements, change and the unexpected. It’s not a time to stay put doing the same thing.  Events on or near this week’s New Moon could be controversial or bring the unexpected. You may have to change plans and fast.  Notice where in life you’re feeling rebellious.

There’s another major planetary aspect during the New Moon phase and again it involves Uranus. The supportive trine aspect between action planet Mars and innovative Uranus falls on the same day as the New Moon. Wednesday 16th is when it’s all going on.

Mars and Uranus have similar characteristics. For example, Mars represents action without thought or consequence – a ‘just do it’ element. Whereas, Uranus is spontaneous and impulsive. 

Together, these two planets represent the freedom fighter, the rebel, the innovator. They are in earth signs, Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, linked to nature, money, work and the basics of life.

This affirms that this New Moon week is an ideal time to ring the changes, start something new, turn to a fresh page. The winds of change could blow in fast mid-week encouraging or forcing you to reorient your compass.

What Does It Mean For You

Where does the New Moon fall in your horoscope? Where are new beginnings ripe for opportunity? Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign, if you know it.

  • Aries: love affairs, children, creativity, entertainment, luck
  • Taurus: home, family, your past, where you come from
  • Gemini: communication, education, local community, siblings and neighbours
  • Cancer: personal money, possessions, values, resources
  • Leo: personal goals, physical body, image and appearance
  • Virgo: retreat, secrets, inner work, self-undoing
  • Libra: friends, groups, social networks, hopes and wishes
  • Scorpio: career, vocation, status and reputation, where you’re heading in life
  • Sagittarius: travel, exploration, higher education, knowledge, the bigger picture
  • Capricorn: joint finances and shared resources, sex, money, death and rebirth
  • Aquarius: relationships, one-to-one interactions, contracts and joint ventures
  • Pisces: work, lifestyle, health, service to others

Remember to make a wish when you first see the crescent moon in the sky a day or two after the date of the New Moon. 

Happy Fierce New Moon!

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4 thoughts on “New Moon Leo: Hear Me Roar”

  1. I got my lottery ticket on your advice and it turns out I won. Admittedly it was only the bottom level prize of another ticket for tomorrow’s draw but better than a kick in the nether regions !!

    This new moon was all over my chart with 4 planets at 25-27 fixed plus 2 asteroids! On the day I was unusually very stressed as I had to change my phone plan and transfer my number. I’d been putting off doing it during the venus retro and then things came to a head and it had to happen! All went smoothly though. I also had to reinstall Windows Office on Monday and in doing that it had lost the license number, so I only had a few days to try and track that down. Couldn’t be found as it was my dad’s old laptop and so I’ve moved to freeware which is very Uranian and out of the clutches of Microsoft!

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