NEW MOON [9 Aquarius 51]
January 29, 2025 (12:36 GMT)
Crescent Moon
This week, there’s a New Moon taking place, a symbol of new beginnings and a powerful time to be pro-active and set things in motion. The New Moon takes place on January 29th.
This New Moon falls in star sign Aquarius ruling friends, groups and the collective. It’s a networking and social New Moon in the star sign linked to technology, astrology and all things modern and alternative.
New Moon energy always kicks in after the exact date and time of the New Moon. Keep an eye out for the crescent Moon in the night sky which will appear towards the end of this week. Remember to make a wish and set your intentions.
Jupiter Luck
This week’s New Moon feels especially lucky as the closest planetary aspect is a glorious trine aspect to Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and good fortune. The Moon and Jupiter come together on January 29th. Then, on the following day, January 30th, the planetary aspect between the Sun and Jupiter perfects. Make the most of this lucky astrology and here’s why.
The Sun represents energy, vitality and light and Jupiter expands what it touches. The Sun in Aquarius, one of the air signs, represents the airwaves, networks and collaborative ventures.
Jupiter is currently in air sign Gemini and on the verge of switching direction getting ready to move forward again on February 4th. Jupiter in Gemini is social, lively and full of great ideas. This is a lovely symbol for friendship and being around people who lift your spirits. It’s a positive time to breathe some life into your hopes and wishes for 2025.
Jupiter is a reminder that luck is an attitude. When you have a big vision, a willingness to take risks, belief in what you’re doing, plus strong self-belief, then luck and opportunity will find you.
Find your tribe, find your voice, be innovative and different and line up some future goals on the back of this New Moon. This could be a great time for online initiatives, as Aquarius rules technology. Make waves in your community and stand up for truth and justice. Encourage change and join in with progressive and future-oriented protests and activities.
The Uranus Factor
This New Moon phase has extra buzz because, the following day January 30th, the planet of innovation and change Uranus also turns direct. Uranus is co-ruler of Aquarius and therefore linked to the New Moon activity.
Uranus is the rebel planet, the inventor, the disruptor, the square peg in the round hole. If ever there was a time to stand out from the crowd and do something different, something unique, this is it. Listen out for those ‘light bulb’ moments and be spontaneous. Notice who or what comes into your life.
You may not feel you fit it in with society but does it matter? You may be full of ideas and want them to happen now, overnight. You might worry you’re going out on a limb and no-one will understand you. There’s an eccentric quality to this month’s New Moon. Yet sometimes, the best ideas are ahead of their time.
Where The New Moon Falls In Your Horoscope
Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. This is where the New Moon in Aquarius is encouraging you to set new intentions.
- Aquarius – 1st house – personal goals/aims, physical body, image and profile
- Pisces – 12th house – sacrifice, inner work, a spiritual retreat, caring for self and others
- Aries – 11th house – friends, groups, politics, social causes, hopes and wishes
- Taurus – 10th house – career and vocation, status and reputation, parents, future goals
- Gemini – 9th house – travel, study, religion, spirituality, life’s meaning and purpose
- Cancer – 8th house – joint finances and shared resources, all things taboo and hidden
- Leo – 7th house – relationships – personal and professional, contracts, opponents
- Virgo – 6th house – work and routine, lifestyle and health, being of service
- Libra – 5th house – children and creativity, love affairs and luck, fun and entertainment
- Scorpio – 4th house – home and family, the past, your legacy, where you come from
- Sagittarius – 3rd house – communication, siblings, neighbours, community, your voice
- Capricorn – 2nd house – money and possessions, values and self-worth
Inner Star Circle
If you would like to use this New Moon energy to learn more about astrology and be in tune with cosmic flow, my Inner Star Circle is for you. You’ll receive a weekly astrology newsletter on Sunday so you’re ready and prepared for the week ahead. Click here to sign up: Inner Star Circle.