February 2025 Astrology
Here in the northern hemisphere, February is predictably a grey month, but there are always plenty of big events linked to celebration taking place to cheer us up.
Chinese New Year got underway during the New Moon on January 29th and we’re entering the Year of the Snake. Valentine’s Day falls on February 14th and many countries celebrate Carnival, the festivities before Lent. This year, Carnival starts at the end of February.
Turning Points
Two important planets turn direct this month. Firstly, the biggest and best planet Jupiter in Gemini on February 4th followed by action planet Mars in Cancer on February 24th.
These can be significant green lights and turning points. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and opportunity. When it turns direct, it’s an ideal time to embrace life and make the most of new experiences. What are you saying yes to?
Mars has been retrograde since December 6, 2024 so Mars is more than ready to get going again. A dynamic, speedy planetary influence, Mars turning direct is the time to be forceful, directive and, if necessary, go on the offensive. Sometimes, it means you’re back in charge or in control.
Note that once Mars turns direct, there’s a New Moon on February 28th, an ideal time to take the initiative – see below. This is a small window of opportunity when one of the inner planets, Mars, Mercury and Venus isn’t retrograde from the start of the year to mid-April.
Make the most of it because, come March 2nd, first Venus, then Mercury will be heading into their respective retrograde phases. Plus, March is eclipse month, so there may be more than a few muddles and confusions heading our way.
Sun enters Pisces
The Sun leaves air sign Aquarius and moves into water sign Pisces on February 18th. This is a shift from air (the head) to water (the heart). An ideal time to be more in flow and make emotional connections.
Plus, we’re heading into a phase of the year when there’s a huge wave of planetary influence in water sign Pisces. Pisces is romantic, artistic and dreamy. It’s also meandering, confusing and misleading.
Expect a sentimental or emotional wave flooding in over the next couple of months. To find out how best to navigate this deluge, follow me on social media, sign up to my Inner Star Circle and stay tuned so you’re in flow and not out of step.
Venus enters Aries
Venus is the planet which rules women, as well as love and the good things in life. On February 4th, Venus enters fire sign Aries, a symbol of girl power. This is warrior Venus, strident and passionate. It’s a call for powerful women everywhere to up their game and take decisive action.
Venus will remain in Aries until March 27th. However, Venus turns retrograde on March 2nd and won’t be back in direct motion until April 13th.
Therefore, whatever you’re beginning this month may take you on a magical mystery tour over the next few months. Don’t let that stop you leaping in and being inspired.
Moon’s Phases
Full Moon Leo – February 12
During the Full Moon, the light of the moon is at its peak, shining a light on your current situation. Traditionally, a Full Moon is the time to trust your intuition, make important decisions and bring matters to completion or culmination.
This is the start of the waning phase of the Moon cycle, an ideal time to release and let go of what’s no longer needed in your life.
This Full Moon cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac on February 12th. The Moon in Leo is Queen Bee highlighting the dramatic and emotional nature of this month’s Full Moon.
Plus, rebellious Uranus is in an exact square aspect to the Sun and Moon during the Full Moon phase. Things could get a little crazy as this whole combination feels impulsive, yet celebratory.
New Moon Pisces – February 28
A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and this month’s New Moon falls in Pisces on February 28th. Traditionally, a New Moon is the time to launch a project, begin something new and start over.
This is the beginning of the waxing phase of the Moon cycle, an ideal time to set your intentions for the month ahead. Make a wish when you first catch sight of the crescent Moon, a couple of days after the New Moon date.
This month’s New Moon falls in water sign Pisces and both the Sun and Moon are square to Jupiter in Gemini.
Good things can happen under this planetary combination. Therefore, it’s an ideal New Moon to take a leap of faith and say yes to a new opportunity which comes your way. Trust your luck.
Your Important Dates For February 2025
Venus enters Aries – February 4 (07:57 GMT)
Jupiter turns direct [11 Gemini 17] – February 4 (09:40 GMT)
Full Moon [24 Leo 06] – February 12 (13:53 GMT)
Mercury enters Pisces – February 14 (12:06 GMT)
Sun enters Pisces – February 18 (10:06 GMT)
Mars turns direct [17 Cancer 01] – February 24 (02:00 GMT)
New Moon [9 Pisces 41] – February 28 (00:45 GMT)
Inner Star Circle
There’s a lot more astrology taking place during February and you can find out all about it by joining my Inner Star Circle.
Over 350 members already benefit from receiving their weekly horoscopes & upcoming astrology every Sunday. It means you can work with your astrology so you’re in flow and on track.
Plus, it’s great value at only £79 per year. Or, if you prefer, you can pay per month for only £7.99. Join here: Inner Star Circle