Astrology Talk Podcast: Aquarius Season – Peace Talks

Astrology Talk Podcast: Aquarius Season – Peace Talks

An in-depth look at the astrology of the coming four weeks with top working astrologers Sally Kirkman and Christina Rodenbeck. What’s in store for each sign and more.

You can watch the video on our Youtube channel: Astrology Talk Podcast. Or listen in by clicking on the link below:

Aquarius Season: Peace Talks

The Sun’s move into Aquarius on January 19th coincided with a ceasefire deal. Christina & I discussed peace talks in our latest podcast and astrology could be helpful in seeing what unfolds now and over the next few weeks and months.

There’s so much going on astrologically in the last two weeks of January & the first few days of February and there was a lot to talk about coming up in Aquarius season. We highlighted the devastating fires in LA, the City of Dreams, and how the tragedy is very poignant in light of this year’s astrology.

We dived deep into the Aquarius archetype and discussed two key planets turning direct, the awakener Uranus in Taurus on January 30th and opportunity planet Jupiter in Gemini on February 4th.

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th feels hopeful as it links in to the best planet Jupiter. The Full Moon in Leo on February 12th looks lively as it falls square to the planet of change Uranus. Expect drama and heightened emotions.

Action planet Mars remains retrograde in Cancer, the star sign of homes and families, throughout Aquarius season. It’s not been an easy Mars retrograde phase and there’s still work to do.

Talk planet Mercury moves into romantic Pisces on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, and goddess of love Venus brings girl power to the mix in fire sign Aries from February 4th onwards.

All in all, it’s a good month to experiment and get things moving before both Venus and Mercury turn retrograde in March. Mars is eclipse season, which could be chaotic or bring change you didn’t see coming. Therefore, make the most of Aquarius season (January 19th to February 18th), get things organised and embrace the Pluto in Aquarius theme of power to the people.

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