Mercury Turns Direct: Fix It


Mercury turns direct [27 Scorpio 17]

– December 6, 2018 (21:23 GMT)

Hooray, hoorah, tra-la-la, the planet which rules communication, post, transport and trade, Mercury, turns direct today. Expect new information to come to light, sort out any misunderstandings and, whatever’s gone wrong in your life over the last three weeks, it’s the perfect time to try and fix it.

My car went wonky during this Mercury retrograde – lots of hidden issues under the bonnet – so it’s time to get a second opinion and start making clear decisions about whether the car stays or goes. Once Mercury’s back up to speed, you get a cosmic green light to buy cars, phones and computers and all things technological.

For those of you who like to know the astrology, here are the relevant dates/degrees:

  • Mercury turned retrograde [13 Sagittarius 29] – November 17, 2018
  • Mercury turns direct [27 Scorpio 17] – December 6, 2018
  • Mercury returns to Sagittarius – December 12, 2018
  • Mercury out of shadow – December 24, 2018

The shadow phase is when Mercury is back at the same degree in the zodiac where it turned retrograde, although personally I don’t think you’ll have to wait long to get things moving. It helps that there’s a New Moon happening early tomorrow (see New Moon Wishes).

While Mercury is in Scorpio, resolve any personal issues and aim for reconciliation. Once Mercury enters Sagittarius, resolve any ethical or moral issues, book a holiday or course and take a philosophical approach to life’s diversions.

Mercury turning direct is ideal for the following:

  • trying again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
  • sorting out any misunderstandings
  • considering what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
  • starting afresh – n.b. there’s a New Moon on December 7th, the day after Mercury turns direct
  • speaking your mind – Mercury in Scorpio is fearless
  • initiating a conversation
  • launching a new project, idea, plan
  • writing a list – keep it short, deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
  • doing what you say you will, recommitting to a promise
  • handling any technological or transport issues
  • grabbing someone’s attention
  • plugging back in, renewing your energy & focus

Mercury direct is Bob the Builder of the astrological world.

Bob the builder

Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!

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