If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. I’ve addressed what both these events mean for you in separate sections at the bottom of this month’s horoscope.
Pisces Season
The Sun is in Pisces for the first three weeks of March. Plus, the planet of communication Mercury is here from the 2nd to the 19th.
Therefore, it’s a good month to focus your energy and attention on your work and health as the rewards could be more than worth it. Aim to sort things out in these key areas, whether you get back on track with a healthy routine or you start to ask the right questions at work.
It may take a while yet before you feel more settled but do whatever’s necessary so you’re moving in the right direction. Sometimes, you have to surrender to life when planets are in Pisces as you feel your way through.
Notice your emotional responses, as Pisces is one of the water signs. This would be a good time to start doing what feels right, rather than what you think is right, especially regarding your work and health.
The stand-out date is the 7th, the day of the Full Moon in Pisces, cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac. Allow yourself to dream during the Full Moon period and believe anything is possible. This Full Moon is linked to service in your horoscope and finding fulfilment through helping other people.
Do keep hold of the facts, however, and don’t lose yourself in surrender or sacrifice. Also, read what Saturn’s move into Pisces means for you – see below – as this major shift coincides with the Full Moon energy.
The trickiest period is potentially the 14th to the 17th when you may have too much on your plate or feel out of control. The planet Neptune is involved which can be an elusive planetary energy, linked to illusion and deceit. Try not to slip into impossibility.
Yet, at the same time don’t put yourself in a situation which could lead to extra confusion or disillusionment. Return to what you know and who you trust if in doubt.
Mars On The Move
There’s another major shift taking place this month as action planet Mars completes its journey through the sign of communication Gemini. Mars entered your fellow air sign Gemini in August 2022 and this is where Mars turned retrograde in the last two months of 2022 and the first half of January 2023.
You may have been on a weird and wonderful journey over the last seven months as Gemini lights up your travel and study sectors. Your imagination may have run wild or you enjoyed some extraordinary experiences.
Perhaps, it’s not all been thrills and adrenalin and you’ve run into some dead ends or false starts. Yet, Mars in Gemini has been encouraging you to write, communicate and find satisfaction in your knowledge and learning.
This month, Mars leaves its shadow phase on the 16th when it may be time for you to let go of something that hasn’t worked out. Or, to release a dream that’s no longer possible.
On the 25th, Mars moves into Cancer and your career and vocation sector where it remains for the next couple of months. Mars moves through each star sign approximately once every two years so make the most of this and rev up your ambitious nature and your desire to get to the top of your profession.
As always with your star sign Libra, it’s often the connections you make that can propel you forwards. You’re the diplomat and mediator of the zodiac and, at your best, your people skills are second-to-none. Use what you possess within your power to make your mark and keep your eye on your future goals and next steps.
Aries Season
There’s another reason why people are important in your life now and this is because of the emphasis on the star sign Aries, the opposite star sign to Libra.
Big planet Jupiter’s currently in Aries and, if you’re a typical Libra, you’ll enjoy being part of a thriving community. You’re a ‘people person’ at heart. Lucky Jupiter’s in action twice this month. Firstly, when it teams up with your planet Venus in Aries on the 2nd and secondly, when it teams up with talk planet Mercury on the 28th.
Jupiter’s the planet of opportunity and growth. Therefore, notice who comes into your life on or around these dates. Whatever begins is likely to prove successful as Jupiter’s a positive influence.
Alternatively, you might take on a new role this month answering other peoples’ questions, perhaps as a coach, mediator or adviser. There’s going to be a pull towards other people and this intensifies after the 20th, the day of the Equinox.
This is because of the inner planets moving through Aries and your opposite star sign. Talk planet Mercury moves into Aries on the 19th, followed by the Sun on the 20th heralding the Equinox and the start of a new zodiac year.
Aries rules your close relationships, both personal and professional, and all your one-to-one’s are highlighted. This is where there’s a New Moon in Aries on the 21st, a symbol of new beginnings. Partner up with other people and use your connections to the utmost.
Love is under the cosmic spotlight throughout the month but perhaps most strongly while your planet Venus is in Aries up until the 16th.
If you’re looking for love, this is a go-for-it time as Venus in your relationship sector is red-hot. A direct approach is favoured so don’t wait for someone else to proposition you. Be forthcoming and turn on the charm. The 11th is a promising date for love and connection.
With Venus in Aries, you may need to put yourself first, especially if you’re lacking balance in a close relationship. Or, perhaps it’s important to assert yourself around other people.
One of your Libra life lessons is learning to say no as you’re a people pleaser by nature. You don’t like to upset others. Consider the balance of power in your one-to-one’s. If it’s out, consider what can you do to regain equilibrium.
Finally, be open to receive good fortune this month, especially once Venus enters Taurus and your joint finance sector on the 16th. This combination feels abundant, although it can be more about simple pleasures and comfort than wealth.
How wealthy you feel throughout March may be connected to the people you’re around and how they respond to you. You’re a pivotal player in this month’s astrology so make the most of pointing your life in the direction you choose. And, play a key role in helping other people find their way too.
Saturn Enters Pisces – March 7
Saturn is the planet of rules and regulation, authority, discipline and boundaries. Since December 2017, Saturn has been in Capricorn and Aquarius, its two signs of rulership. Saturn rules with a firm hand during this period.
This month, Saturn moves into Pisces, the last star sign and an emotional water sign, which is unknown territory for the planet representing boundaries. Pisces is where the ego dissolves and you encounter the vast universe, the one-ness of life.
Will the unreal become real as fantasy, the imagination and the impossible become possible? Or, will Saturn bring structure and form to Pisces’ realm, e.g. the sea, drugs, the media, spirituality? The last time Saturn was in Pisces was 1993-1996 and this time around, Saturn remains in Pisces until 2026.
Pisces is your work and health sector and Saturn represents both endings and commitment. Therefore, a job or contract could end. Or, perhaps you land a steady job that you’re going to be in for the next couple of years. Saturn’s a responsible influence.
You may decide to become a volunteer and Pisces rules employees, lodgers and pets in your horoscope, more food for thought.
Regarding your health and lifestyle, now’s the time to flex your self-discipline and put new habits in place. It’s said that habits take 66 days to bed in, so start something new and make it part of your daily routine.
Pluto Enters Aquarius – March 23
The slowest-moving planet Pluto changes star sign this month and moves into Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of power & transformation, loss & endings. The last time Pluto changed star sign was 2008 when it entered Capricorn, the sign of big business, coinciding with a financial crash.
It will take Pluto eighteen months before it’s established in Aquarius, the star sign linked to technology, equality and the collective, where it will remain until 2043.
As Pluto’s a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. Yet, it’s helpful to note where Pluto is strong in your horoscope and where there may be a theme of transformation, loss or deep psychological change.
Pluto’s been moving through Capricorn, an important sector of your horoscope, as it’s at the base representing your home and family, your past and where you come. You could have experienced loss in your life during this period. Or, been dealing with a toxic situation linked to your family or your past.
Pluto’s move into Aquarius is a time to let go and resolve any past regrets or resentment. Work at releasing what no longer serves you. It’s time to consider what you want regarding children, romance, fun and creativity. These are the key areas where Pluto may transform your life.
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