Gemini Monthly Stars September 2012

Gemini Ukraine StampA subtle shift in the heavens has the biggest impact on your life this month. This concerns the Moon’s nodes which have been cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac over the last 18 months. Not planets, the nodes are linked with the eclipse cycle and follow the pathway of the Moon. They are karmic points in the chart and often where you find the south node is where you’re “stuck” and find it hard to move away from your comfort zone.

On the 2nd, the south node leaves Gemini and moves backwards into Taurus and you can breathe a sigh of relief. Gemini is your sign and the 1st house of your chart so this is about yourself, your image, how the world sees you and how you see yourself. It’s about identity and the way you look.

If you feel as if you’ve been stuck in a time warp or caught in ‘deja vu’, this is your chance to change all that. Plus if you haven’t forgotten, you have Jupiter, planet of opportunity and freedom also in your sign of Gemini, where it’s been since early June and where it will remain until June 2013.

So grab new experiences, think big, go travelling, take a sabbatical, take risks and live the life you choose. Do something new and different and be true to your wonderful multi-tasking, curious Gemini self.

There are some other areas of your life and other people to take into account and one of those areas is home and family. Mercury, your ruling planet, is in Virgo down at the base of your chart until the 16th. So make your domestic situation your focus, sort out a home sale or major clear-out, de-clutter, gather the clan and settle any family disputes once and for all, or at least try. Key dates to initiate positive change at home and within the family are the 4th, 10th and 16th.

Another big area is work, whatever you do to earn a living, and that includes your everyday routine, your diet and your health. It’s about getting the basics right and now’s a brilliant time to inject some energy and direction in to these areas. Mars is currently in this sector of your chart and early October Mars is joined by Saturn.

Where Saturn’s concerned you don’t get anything for nothing and hard work and discipline go hand in hand with Saturn’s regime. So if you know you want to overhaul your diet or get fit, here’s your cue. Plus if you have things to sort out with regard to your job or everyday routine, again use this time effectively to start looking for work, secure your job and manage your time well.

When it comes to savings or other joint finances, it’s worth your while to ensure everything’s as safe and secure as it can be and then leave well alone. The second Uranus/Pluto square happens on the 19th and the last ten days of the month look challenging. If you’ve invested money in a friend’s scheme, keep a close eye on what’s happening and if a friend suggests investing in a get-rich-quick scheme later this month, don’t. If anything, you want to cut your losses and step out of any project that’s losing you money. You may need to be cruel to be kind but look after your cash as best you can, especially money that’s tied up with other people.

If you’re a parent with kids, offer them wise financial advice and encourage them to earn the money they need rather than giving it out hand over fist. If you need to rein in your spending, then do so and look at where you can save money, whether that’s cancelling a gym membership, buying second hand or trading skills.

There’s a lot of fun to be had this month and the more you engage with your local community and make the effort to meet new people and new friends, the happier you’ll be. You’re a sociable character by nature and you’ll be buzzing with new ideas when you widen your social circle. Once Mercury moves into Libra on the 16th, romance is on the cards if you’re single and looking for new love. Keep a new relationship light and don’t feel you need to rush a commitment. If any warning bells appear around money, take note. The Full Moon on the 30th proves decisive and once Saturn finally leaves Libra on 5th October, you have the green light to move full steam ahead.

For those of you who are in a relationship or married, your partner’s needs may be tied up with your own more than usual. Perhaps they’re relying on you to lead the way in love or feel that you’re the lucky one, the one with the ideas, new opportunities and experiences. Freedom in love is a necessity so allow each other space to discover who you are as individuals as well as part of a couple. If one of you has been having an affair, the end of September is the time to confront the issue honestly and decide what you want to do next. There are no right or wrong decisions to be made, only ones that you make together and as honestly and fairly as possible.

 [photo from]

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