Cancer Monthly Stars September 2012

Cancer Ukraine StampThere’s a theme of endings as the month begins or the need to lay down firm boundaries in your personal life. Venus, planet of relating, spends the first six days of the month in your sign of Cancer and on the 3rd, Venus is challenged by Saturn in Libra in a square aspect.

Take a moment to think what this might represent for you. Saturn slows things down, it’s about saying ‘no’ rather than ‘yes’ and it brings the “get real” factor to your life. Saturn is currently at the base of your chart, which represents your home, family and the past and where you come from. Saturn is on the last leg of its journey through this sector of your chart which began in 2009.

This may be as simple as sorting out practicalities at home as a new school year gets underway (UK) and the need to create structure in your life and a more orderly timetable. It may be about literal endings, moving away from your home town, saying goodbye to someone who’s been in your life a long time or selling up and moving on. There’s inevitably a sense of sadness and letting go that’s required before you can embrace the excitement of a new chapter.

The end of the month may bring more clues as to what this entails for you. The Full Moon on the 30th cuts across the Aries/Libra axis and this is another chance to bring matters to completion. The Moon in Libra holds on to the past whilst the Sun in Aries fires you forward into a bright new future. These are key dates for you this month which symbolise a theme of endings and new beginnings.

New experiences and people feature too whatever new venture you’re beginning. Community and enjoyment figure strongly and the more you join in with local activities and try out new clubs or hobbies, the happier and more settled you become. It’s an excellent month to make new friends and find leisure activities that enhance your life, keep your brain active and fire up new ideas. There’s a side of your sign that needs retreat and peace and quiet but you also need human contact and bursts of social activity to feel more whole.

Relationships too are key and this is a big month for one-to-one interactions. Mars, the passion planet is currently in Scorpio and your romance sector so it’s a great time to meet someone new if you’re single and spice up your sex life if you’re attached. Mars in Scorpio boosts your libido as well as your creativity. Mars teams up with Pluto in your opposite sign of Capricorn on the same day as Venus squares Saturn. The first aspect is connecting, powerful and intimate; the second suggests distance and caution.

You may experience this push-pull feel yourself with one foot in a relationship or marriage and the other foot out of it. Your romance sector also rules affairs and with Mars in Scorpio you want more excitement and adventure in your relationships. If you can’t find this in your current set-up, then you are going to look for it elsewhere.

Kids figure largely too with Mars in Scorpio. You may feel an urge to have children or, if you’re a parent, your strong maternal/paternal instincts will want the best for your kids. It may be tough to decide whose needs come first but being a Cancerian, yours is the sign of motherly and fatherly love.

Events at the end of the month may prove decisive for a love relationship not only because of the Full Moon but because of the second Uranus/Pluto square which takes place on the 19th. The first square was exact at the end of June so think back to that time to see what was happening in your life as this will help you make sense of current trends.

Uranus is in Aries, your career sector, and Pluto in your opposite sign of Capricorn. It’s a volatile energy and can bring sudden changes or a desire to rebel and do things differently. This may signal changes at work for you or your partner which ultimately affect the relationship, perhaps one of you needing to work away, being out of work or other changes which have a knock-on effect.

With Uranus in Aries it’s unlikely that you’re going to be happy with a steady job. Uranus represents the entrepreneur, going it alone, seeking excitement, wanting to do something different. It’s about charity work and fighting for causes you believe in and it’s about wanting to stand up and make a difference. This is an ongoing process chipping away, changing you, even creating you into a different person somehow with new values and goals.

If you’re wondering about money, Venus is in Leo and your cash sector from the 6th which suggests pleasure and treats and things ticking along nicely. Once Mercury moves into Libra on the 16th and the Sun on the 22nd, you can make money through your home (think car boot, de-clutter, renting out a room) or via your family. This is a perfect time to be instigating a home move which fits with the major theme in your chart of endings and new beginnings.

[photo from]

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