Gemini February 2021

Gemini horoscopes February 2021

Mercury Retrograde

It’s an important month for you and timing is the key to your success. This is because your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde for the first three weeks of February. This means Mercury is retracing its steps through Aquarius and doesn’t change to forward motion until the 21st.

This can be a frustrating time for you. Therefore, it’s wise to be flexible and adaptable if plans don’t work out or your ideas go round in circles. It’s also an excellent month to review your current situation and review and revise your ideas.

Aquarius is a fellow air sign which does mean it’s a good month to be logical and rational. Write things down, make lists, plan ahead. Notice if you change your mind regarding a trip away, a course or another adventure. That’s perfectly possible while Mercury is in retreat. 

The key date for you this month is the 21st when Mercury turns direct. This often coincides with a turning point in your life. Sometimes, you hear the news you were waiting for or you’re more clear about what you want and why. The 21st is a positive date to make key decisions.

Aquarius New Moon

Before Mercury turns direct, there’s a pile up of planets in Aquarius culminating in the New Moon on the 11th.

Lucky Jupiter is here and your planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter for the second time on the 14th – the first date was January 11th & they meet again on March 5th. If new opportunities come in on or around these key dates, the answer’s Yes when Jupiter’s involved.

You may be considering emigration or a move abroad with so much happening in Aquarius. Or, perhaps you want or need to take a sabbatical and are considering new qualifications.

Being an air sign, you’re curious about life and your love of knowledge and learning will be stimulated as Aquarius becomes the star sign of the moment. Reviewing and reassessing your future goals is part and parcel of this month’s astrology.

Plus, if you’re in a relationship or married, this is a key month to make some big decisions together. Jupiter is your partner planet and as Mercury and Jupiter align on the 14th – Valentines Day – it’s an ideal date to come together and talk about your dreams & schemes for the future.

New Horizons

The focus is on the future all month so keep your gaze above the horizon and look ahead. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and your future sector. Plus, on the 27th, there’s a significant Full Moon taking place.

This Full Moon cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac representing the foundations of your life, your career & vocation, your home & family.

This could turn out to be a key month for you with regard to your future path, your next steps in life. There could be some big changes coming your way, a significant shift, whether due to external circumstances or a change of mind or change or heart on your part.

Your progress isn’t linear by any means. Instead, allow yourself time to ponder and reflect and consider all your options. This could feel unsettling at times but view this as a necessary process.

On the Outside

Finally, there may be another reason why you want or need to focus on your next steps. This is because you could feel as if you’re an outsider or excluded in some way. You may have a sense that you don’t fit in and you have to do things on your own.

This is partly to do with Mars in Taurus and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Also, the Saturn-Uranus square aspect on the 17th. Some of you could break free of an association or a place of education on or close to this date.

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