Do You Have a Cosmic Marriage?

One of the main reasons astrology remains popular is because of what it reveals about love, sex and relationships. Many clients consult an astrologer when they meet someone new or a relationship is in crisis. Single clients invariably ask when they’ll find true love and the role of fate and destiny in love is a major fascination.

a photo of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

Synastry in astrology compares two charts, an extremely useful technique to determine love compatibility. When the Sun and Moon from the two charts fall in the same sign and, more specifically, within close proximity to one another, this is a cosmic marriage.  It sounds wonderfully romantic and is a key indicator of a significant relationship in your life and perhaps the most important relationship you’ll ever have.

Richard Burton (born November 10 1925) and Elizabeth Taylor (born February 27 1932) were one of life’s most famous star-crossed lovers. On a basic sun sign level they oozed compatibility, Richard Burton a Scorpio and Elizabeth Taylor a Pisces. Both signs are from the emotional water element, suggesting a real depth of love and understanding.

A deeper bond was Elizabeth’s Moon in Scorpio at the same place in the heavens as Richard’s Sun in Scorpio symbolising a cosmic marriage. Theirs was a passionate and, at times, tortured and self-destructive relationship but it endured, they married twice and are considered one of the most romantic couples of all time.

a photo of Prince William and his bride Catherine
A cosmic marriage?

Another couple who may have a cosmic marriage are William and Kate, the Royal couple. William’s Sun is in Cancer and Kate has her Moon in Cancer. However, the time of Kate’s birth is not known so it’s not definitely a cosmic marriage… yet.

The fact that his Sun and her Moon are in the same sign is already a significant factor and suggests a harmonious connection. Cancer is the family-oriented, home-loving sign so this is different to the passionate, all-consuming Scorpio connection between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Time will tell what fate has in store for William and Kate.

Do you have a cosmic marriage with your lover? In the next two blogs, I”ll tell you more about love compatibility and the connections between birth charts you should be looking out for which represent passionate, star-crossed lovers and true love.

[photos courtesy of]

8 thoughts on “Do You Have a Cosmic Marriage?”

  1. My partner and I have conjunct MC/IC and AC/DC. He has MC Aries /IC Libra 13″37′. I have Asc Libra/ DC Aries 13″12′. Then we both have Pluto bang on that in Libra – me 13″53′, him 13″44′. Then both our North nodes are in Libra too. It certainly feels like that’s something significant – what do you think?

    1. hi Helen, I would need to see the rest of your charts but yes, it’s a powerful connection. You have self/home and work/love interlinked. How does Pluto on the ASC play out for you? I’ve seen different interpretations of it. best, Sally

  2. My partner and I have conjunct MC/IC and AC/DC. He has MC Aries /IC Libra 13″37′. I have Asc Libra/ DC Aries 13″12′. Then we both have Pluto bang on that in Libra – me 13″53′, him 13″44′. Then both our North nodes are in Libra too. It certainly feels like that’s something significant – what do you think?

    1. hi Helen, I would need to see the rest of your charts but yes, it’s a powerful connection. You have self/home and work/love interlinked. How does Pluto on the ASC play out for you? I’ve seen different interpretations of it. best, Sally

  3. Interesting – I hadn’t thought about the Pluto on Asc much before. I would say it’s a certain intensity about what I’m into, and dislike of shallow relationships with people. I don’t like small talk, preferring to dive straight into the deep and meaningfuls or big questions if possible. I’m passionate, sometimes verging on obsessive, about the things I like or are professionally involved with- which is a lot – and that can come on strong by comparison with others – quite a nerd! Others often read me as serious and/or aloof. If I’m into something, I don’t take it lightly or casually, even when I wish I could. There’s usually a deep emotional or vocational connection, and I really like ferreting out the why? of anything. Effect isn’t enough – I need to know cause or motivation.

    1. That sounds about right. Intensity is a good Pluto word, invisibility also. I also saw Pluto on ASC for a psychologist who worked with convicted murderers in prison and she loved her job. That’s taking it to the extreme, but sometimes that’s Pluto! Thanks for your comment. best, Sally

  4. Interesting – I hadn’t thought about the Pluto on Asc much before. I would say it’s a certain intensity about what I’m into, and dislike of shallow relationships with people. I don’t like small talk, preferring to dive straight into the deep and meaningfuls or big questions if possible. I’m passionate, sometimes verging on obsessive, about the things I like or are professionally involved with- which is a lot – and that can come on strong by comparison with others – quite a nerd! Others often read me as serious and/or aloof. If I’m into something, I don’t take it lightly or casually, even when I wish I could. There’s usually a deep emotional or vocational connection, and I really like ferreting out the why? of anything. Effect isn’t enough – I need to know cause or motivation.

    1. That sounds about right. Intensity is a good Pluto word, invisibility also. I also saw Pluto on ASC for a psychologist who worked with convicted murderers in prison and she loved her job. That’s taking it to the extreme, but sometimes that’s Pluto! Thanks for your comment. best, Sally

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