December Horoscopes 2024

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December Horoscopes 2024

Here are your horoscopes for December. You can check out your Top Tips Astrology for December 2024 here.


Your ruler Mars turns retrograde on the 6th which is important for you. Traditionally, this is a time to down tools so you can rework your strategy ready to get things moving again when Mars turns direct on February 24, 2025. This doesn’t mean do nothing but you’re wise to take your time and be savvy before leaping into anything new.

Mars turns retrograde in Leo and your creativity sector, where romance and children are foreground. You could get back together with an ex or change your mind around children or pregnancy. Plus, Mars is moving back and getting ready to do battle with Pluto in Aquarius once again. This happens early next year. This could be an issue with friends or a group in your life. Or perhaps, you need time out to consider where you’re heading and why.

December is a key month for gathering information and you may be on a mission to improve your knowledge or your understanding of world events. Clashes around beliefs could erupt on or around the 4th & 26th. Or perhaps, you have a crisis of faith. Be wary of information overload and know that it may be harder to discern what’s the truth and what are lies. The Full Moon on the 15th could prove illuminating when news comes to light. This would be an ideal date to head off on holiday too.

The Sun enters Capricorn and your career and vocation sector on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. Light candles and line up some long-term goals. The New Moons on the 1st & 30th are encouraging you to turn your gaze towards the future and consider where you’re ready to start over. Line up some New Year long-term goals.


This is the start of a new era with the planet of loss and power Pluto now established in your career and vocation sector. Your ruler Venus joins Pluto here on the 7th, a pivotal date. You could decide to leave a job, especially if you have a domineering boss. Or perhaps, the decision is taken out of your hands and an ending beckons.

Finances are closely intertwined with what’s happening. Note that talk planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and your joint finance sector until the 15th. Up until then, review your expenses and consider your financial options. The Full Moon on the 15th brings illumination around finances when new information comes to light.

It’s likely to be a month when you’re juggling money matters, whether you have more outgoings than usual or changes at work require a financial rethink. A little bit of luck on or around the 20th could restore your faith in humanity and potentially boost your finances.

Communication planet Mercury is turning direct mid-month while action planet Mars is slowing down from the 6th onwards. Mars is in Leo and your home and family sector and it’s here where you’re wise to take the pace slow. A property deal could get held up or you decide to take a trip down memory lane and return to your past. The Sun’s move into Capricorn on the 21st lights up your travel sector and a festive break beckons. Or perhaps, you use the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th to escape.


Relationships are a major theme this month for different reasons. Firstly, your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and your partnership sector until the 15th. Perhaps, you’re apart from the one you love or you keep missing an opportunity to engage with someone special. This could either be a romantic or professional context.

The turning point comes on the 15th when Mercury turns direct and there’s an illuminating Full Moon. It’s make-your-mind up time when you’re in charge. Other people’s opinions could overwhelm you at times this month, so do whatever’s necessary to keep coming back to yourself and decide what’s right for you.

Action planet Mars turns retrograde on the 6th in Leo and your communication sector. The following day, there’s a powerful Venus-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius and your ideology sector. This is a common theme now and over the next few months, knowing where your values lie and making a decision to get involved in politics or social change. While Mars is on go slow until the end of February 2025, this would be an ideal time for research, study or learning.

The Sun’s move into Capricorn on the 21st, the day of the Solstice, turns your attention towards finances. For the first time in over a decade, the planet of loss and power Pluto is no longer in this same sector of your horoscope. This may offer you an opportunity to stabilise your finances and set some new money-making goals at the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th.


The focus is on your work and routine moving into December and there may be an imbalance in your life. Perhaps, you’ve got too much on your plate and you’re stepping in to replace colleagues or delegate wildly. Alternatively, you could be out of work and worrying about what next or having to care for others. Whatever your current situation, it’s a positive month to look after your health and well-being. Make this your no. 1 priority and do whatever’s necessary to lower your stress levels.

The New Moon on the 1st falls in Sagittarius and your work and health sector, an ideal date to start a new daily habit or apply for a job. The Full Moon on the 15th could be a pivotal date in the month, when communication planet Mercury turns direct and you receive the information or news you’ve been waiting for.

Also, action planet Mars turns retrograde in Leo and your personal money sector on the 6th. Perhaps, you’re having to minimise your expenses over the Xmas period or you kick into your Cancerian default mode and work out a tight budget for spending moving forward. Love and money are closely linked and events on or around the 7th could be revealing. If there’s inequality within a relationship, deal with it head-on.

Yet, relationships on the whole are moving into a steadier and more stable period. The Sun in Capricorn lights up your relationship sector from the 21st and there’s a New Moon here on the 30th. Simple pleasures may be all you ask for over the festive period, resting and enjoying yourself with the ones you love.


The focus turns towards your personal life this month and there’s a lot of activity in your romance sector and your relationship sector. Yet, it’s not straightforward which suggests that love could be complex. Talk planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and your romance sector until the 15th. Sometimes, this indicates a love affair which you need to keep a secret. Plus, love planet Venus aligns with the planet of secrets Pluto in Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 7th. It’s a double whammy of intrigue.

The turning points come during a powerful Full Moon on the 15th, the same day that Mercury turns direct. This is likely to be illuminating and revealing. If you’re out celebrating this weekend, it’s a positive time to meet someone new. The 20th looks promising for love and friendship too.

Note this isn’t only about love and romance as Aquarius rules all partnerships in your life. Therefore, watch out for office politics or secret enemies working against you. You’re wise to rework your strategy with action planet Mars turning retrograde in your star sign Leo on the 6th. Keep your cards close to your chest and channel your passion and anger effectively. If you’re burning the candle at both ends, be wary of getting burnt out.

Work and money matters are under the cosmic spotlight too. When it comes to finances, a cautious approach is required. You’re a generous soul at heart but this might be the right time to spend less on gifts or invest less in friends or a group you’re involved in. If you’re looking for work, the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th lights the way.


Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and your home and family sector for the first half of the month. Sometimes, you hear from people from your past during this retrograde phase. Or, you take a trip down memory lane. Yet, it can be a time of misunderstandings and delays, especially if you’re involved in a property deal or trying to sort out family arrangements for the festive period.

Work and home could pull you in different directions. Perhaps, you’re on a mission to see the world or change the world and you don’t want to be stuck at home. Alternatively, work could be a welcome escape from domestic issues. The turning point comes on the 15th when your planet Mercury turns direct and there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across the foundations of your horoscope. This is an ideal time to speak your mind.

If you’re in need of some rest and quiet time, action planet Mars is in sync. Mars is slowing down and turns retrograde in Leo and the most private sector of your horoscope on the 6th. Prioritise self-care, yet be wary of turning anger in on yourself. Events on or around the 7th could be pivotal regarding your work, health or lifestyle. If you’re trying to do too much or you’re worrying about everyone and everything, make a conscious effort to stop.

The Sun’s move into your fellow earth sign Capricorn on the 21st could act as a soothing balm. This is your joy and creativity sector, so hang out with the ones you love over the festive period and re-engage with an activity or hobby you used to enjoy as a child. A new romance could emerge on or around the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th.


Your ruling planet Venus completes its journey through Capricorn and your home and family sector on the 7th. If things go well, you may be able to heal a rift or get things organised for the festive period. It’s the Sun’s turn to grace the foundations of your life from the 21st onwards. And, a New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th favours new beginnings when it comes to your home and your family.

Venus moves into your fellow air sign Aquarius on the 7th and immediately runs into Pluto. This combination can be super sexy but it’s not without its intrigue. With passion planet Mars turning retrograde in Leo and your friendship sector on the 6th, this could flag up a love relationship which is a little bit dangerous or illicit. Friends with benefits perhaps?

Alternatively, you might be ready to slow down, if you’re super busy and wildly social. Talk planet Mercury is going back and forth through Sagittarius and your communication and community sector throughout December. It might be wise to learn when to say no to social events, so you’re not wiped out come the end of the year. Mercury turns direct on the 15th, the same day as an illuminating Full Moon. If you want to change your mind about your plans for the rest of the month, this is the ideal time to do so.

Finally, one area of excitement may be planning a big holiday or trip away in 2025. There’s a lot to talk about, negotiate and discuss but your astrology is calling you to expand your horizons and take a bold leap of faith.


Your co-rulers Mars and Pluto are dominant on the 6th and 7th. Therefore, this is likely to be a pivotal period in the month for you. Firstly, Mars turns retrograde in Leo and your career and vocation sector on the 6th. You may actively choose to slow things down or take a step back. It’s an ideal time to rethink your next steps and know that a new chapter is beginning in April 2025.

Pluto is active in Aquarius and your home and family sector. On the 7th, Venus aligns with Pluto bringing a sense of urgency to home and family affairs. Perhaps, you’re dealing with a crisis which is the reason why your priorities shift. Or your partner steps into a powerful new role taking the pressure off you, when it comes to work and ambition.

Finances are in the mix as well and it’s here where you may need to negotiate and think things through carefully. Talk planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and your personal money sector until the 15th. Ideally, you want to put off making a major money decision until this date. The Full Moon on the same day could prove illuminating and there may be an opportunity to earn big.

Come the Solstice on the 21st, you may be ready for a gentler pace. Perhaps, you decide not to travel or go away for the festive period. Instead, you recognise the importance of your community and you’re happy celebrating the festivities close to home.


You’re likely to be in demand during your birthday month and there may be a lot of people who want to celebrate with you. The focus is firmly on yourself and your close relationships as talk planet Mercury is in your star sign Sagittarius and your ruling planet Jupiter is in your opposite star sign Gemini. The two are working hand-in-hand so consider who your allies are and be around people who lift your spirits and give more than they take.

Mercury’s retrograde until the 15th so you don’t have to make up your mind about a personal issue or a close relationship until then. The Full Moon on the 15th could prove illuminating and love could blossom and flourish during the Full Moon weekend. It’s an ideal time in the month to go wild and enjoy yourself.

Love planet Venus contributes to the emphasis on meeting people and feel-good vibes as she enters Aquarius and a social sector of your horoscope on the 7th. The only cautionary note is that you might have to change your plans on or around this date which could impact where you’re going to be over the festive period. Action planet Mars turns retrograde in Leo and your travel sector on the 6th which can play out in one of two ways – you don’t go away or you decide to escape and head off on retreat.

The Sun’s move into Capricorn on the 21st is a nod towards turning your focus towards money. There’s a New Moon here too on the 30th, an ideal date to set some intentions around finances as you move into 2025.


You’re wise to pace yourself moving through December and not overload your schedule. Talk planet Mercury spends the whole of the month in Sagittarius and the most private and hidden sector of your horoscope. Sometimes, you’re focusing on self-care or you’re caring for others when planets are here. Mercury clashes with Jupiter in Gemini and your work and health sector on the 4th & 26th and this combination can lead to overload or overwhelm. Learn when to say no and don’t feel you have to attend every social event going.

The Full Moon on the 15th coincides with Mercury’s change of direction, as it picks up speed once again after its retrograde phase. This combination could prove illuminating when you see with clarity what’s going to work for you moving forward. There could be good news about your health or you hear about a work opportunity which is perfect for you.

Money matters are under the cosmic spotlight on the 6th & 7th. Events on these key dates could prove pivotal and it may be that you need to slow down when it comes to spending. Action planet Mars turns retrograde in Leo and your joint finance sector on the 6th, an ideal time for a financial overview. Plus, indulgent Venus enters Aquarius and your personal money sector on the 7th. This can be a time when you want to treat yourself and others but you’re wise not to take it to the extreme.

The Sun moves into your star sign Capricorn on the 21st, an ideal time to light a candle and get ready to celebrate your birthday. An event on the 24th could connect you deeply to your faith or spiritual path. Finally, a New Moon in your star sign on the 30th is an ideal date to set your intentions for the year ahead.


Love planet Venus enters your star sign Aquarius on the 7th where she will remain until the end of the year. This is often a time when you’re more popular or high profile. Plus, as Venus aligns with power planet Pluto on the same day, this combination feels intense. It could be a super sexy time for love. Or perhaps, you’re stepping up your game and moving into a position of influence.

When it comes to love and romance, it’s complex. And it’s likely that you may be involved in a secret affair or a friendship with benefits. Certainly, there may be a reason why you’re keeping your feelings quiet. If you’re unsure about what’s happening when it comes to love or friendship, wait until the 15th to make up your mind. On this date, there’s a celebratory Full Moon and talk planet Mercury turns direct. This is a double whammy of illumination when things could accelerate and fast.

However, it’s important to note that action planet Mars turns retrograde in your opposite star sign Leo on the 6th. You could lose someone’s support on or around this date. Or perhaps, a competitive situation intensifies and you have to rework your strategy moving forward. This could be in a personal or professional context.

Children are under the cosmic spotlight too and you may be called to step in to help, perhaps through a sense of duty or responsibility. If you’re a parent, put firm boundaries in place and keep a close check on the ones you love. It’s likely to be a social month for everyone, yet encourage others to adopt a slower pace once the Sun moves into Capricorn on the day of the Solstice, the 21st. This applies to you too.


You could feel pulled in different directions this month and you may be juggling a lot, both at work and at home. Your traditional ruler Jupiter is in Gemini and your home and family sector. It looks social here whether you’ve gathering the clans or you’ve got visitors coming and going. Be careful that your career path doesn’t suffer and keep one eye on what’s happening at work or on your vocational path.

Communication planet Mercury is moving through Sagittarius and your career and future sector throughout December. However, Mercury’s on go slow up until the 15th, a time when misunderstandings can occur and you don’t have all the information you require. Mercury turns direct on the 15th, the same day as a powerful Full Moon cutting across the foundations of your life. This is when you may need to make a big decision about what next, whether you’re considering a move of residence or you need more support from family as your career takes off.

In addition, action planet Mars turns retrograde on the 6th in Leo and your work and health sector. As Mars is on go slow until the end of February, you might find that things are on hold until April 2025. A lot depends on your current situation but it’s likely that you may have to reorient your gaze moving forward because of what’s happening in the foundations of your life.

When it comes to love, there could be a theme of hidden passions or unrequited feelings with Venus in the most private sector of your horoscope from the 7th. Friendships are where there’s stability and support from the 21st onwards. Get together with your mates and enjoy a New Year’s party and welcome in the new year.

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