New Moon Sagittarius: 7 Top Tips

New Moon

New Moon – 9° Sagittarius

Sunday 1st December – 06:21 GMT (London)

Sunday 1st December – 01:21 GMT-5 (New York) 

Sunday 1st December – 17:21 GMT+11 (Sydney)

On December 1st, there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius, a symbol of new beginnings. At its best, Sagittarius is the optimist, who believes in possibility and holds on to hope and faith. Sagittarius always considers the bigger picture and adopts a philosophical approach to life. This is the star sign linked to travel, learning, religion, freedom and truth. Sagittarius likes to be on a mission and have a good time in the process.

This isn’t the last new Moon in 2024 as there’ll be a New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th. Nonetheless, it’s an excellent time to set your gaze towards the future and what next.

New Moon Sagittarius Top Tips

1. Set your intentions for the month ahead. Write them down, say them out loud.

2. Make a wish on the crescent moon. This will appear in the night sky a day or two after the New Moon date. When you first catch a glimpse, make your wish as New Moon wishes can come true.

3. Enjoy yourself. Sagittarius is known as the hedonist of the zodiac and pushes back the boundaries of life in search of fun and inspiration. Go large, go wild, go over the top – every now and again, you need to let it all hang out. Jump to it!

4. Start over. The New Moon is the perfect time in the month to start afresh, wipe the slate clean and begin again. This is an important New Moon in this respect as this New Moon falls in December, an ideal time to consider what next and make plans for your year ahead.

5. Look beyond. The New Moon in Sagittarius encourages you to seek out a deeper meaning on life. Rise above petty situations, gain a philosophical perspective, engage a sense of humour, look at the bigger picture. This applies both to your personal nd your professional life.

6. Ring the changes. Explore a different holiday, research study course, and find things to look forward to in your life. Don’t forget that communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius during this New Moon so not all seeds sown will come to fruition. It might be worth your while waiting for Mercury to turn direct in Sagittarius on December 15th before leaping into action.

7. Meditate. The most important conversation of all is the one you have with your self. When you stop and access quiet and solitude, you tune in to your inner voice. Make some time for you.

Happy New Moon

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