Capricorn Your Year Ahead 2016

Capricorn, 2016Eddie Redmayne Sun Capricorn (b. January 6 1982)

Burberry model, actor, received an Oscar and Best Actor award 2015

portrayed fellow Capricorn Stephen Hawkings in ‘The Theory of Everything’

Capricorn 2016 – Summary (see Special Offer below on how to purchase your in-depth annual horoscope).

Saturn in Sagittarius turns your attention away from chasing after ambition or status towards finding a path that’s fulfilling on an inner level. Tap into your spiritual source through prayer, meditation, music, poetry or any activity which stirs your soul.

Time alone needn’t be time wasted and inner growth and personal development are the key to your success over the next year. Explore the meaning of life to the full and in a way that interests you personally. Broaden your horizons and go beyond your comfort zone.

Letting go of the past is part of this internal process and heals you emotionally but a literal move that embraces a new way of living propels you into the future. Your home and family situation continues to shift and change and these aren’t the areas of your life where you can easily find stability and security.

A career breakthrough or a new sense of vocation kicks in during the final quarter of the year once Jupiter takes up residence in the sign of Libra. Pursuing work that’s meaningful or joyful brings a deeper level of happiness. Your attitude towards money and possessions shifts accordingly. What you value highly in life is beginning to change.

Love offers you a road to temptation and if you’re ready for a passion-filled year ahead, this is definitely one option. However, for some it’s the allure of a stable and calm relationship that is the welcome foil to change in other areas. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

Special Offer – 48 hours only!

The extract above summarises what’s in store for you in 2016. If you would like to read the whole of your 2016 stars, Your 2016 Horoscope eBook is available to purchase for the discount rate of £8 for the next 48 hours until the end of 2015 – all 12 star signs, 3,500 words per sign. Click here to order and choose the drop-down ‘subscriber rate £8’ directly above the Buy Now button. Offer ends at midnight on December 31st 2015.



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