Aquarius June 2020

Aquarius, Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

The Sun is in Gemini until the 20th in the sector of your horoscope that’s about play, fun and where you find enjoyment in life. This is where a new set of eclipses begins this month, cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac.

This is the social sector of your horoscope, linked to friends and group activities, society & politics, also children, pregnancy & lovers. This new eclipse cycle will last until December 2021.

The first eclipse is a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 5th. This could coincide with a social event, a big occasion. Yet, things feel heated and possibly controversial. Eclipses have a theme of bringing what’s hidden too light.

You could have a major fall-out with someone close over money. Or, feel outraged about what’s happening within society. It might be personal, it might be linked to the collective.

Venus Retrograde

Venus, the love planet is currently retrograde in Gemini and your romance sector. This is great for hooking up with someone from your past but it’s not ideal for knowing where you stand or being clear about your own feelings or emotions.

Instead, go with the flow when it comes to love and relationships. If you’re unsure about what you want, enjoy yourself but don’t give yourself a hard time if you can’t make up your mind.

Be aware that other people could be experiencing similar emotions so best to bide your time and not rush into any major commitment.

Mars Pisces

Action planet Mars is caught up with Venus and they clash on the 5th. This flags up an issue around money or feeling valued. It may be that you and someone close won’t see eye-to-eye. This will shift once Venus turns direct on the 25th and Mars leaves Pisces on the 28th, but possibly not before.

Pisces is your money sector and it’s a good month to throw yourself into money matters. Mars rules drive and ambition, although it is currently swimming in Pisces’ emotional realm.

Either way, it’s a month when you need to focus on finances, whether this is about earning more or getting things straight financially.

Be wary of people trying to sell you products that sound too good to be true. Mars aligns with Neptune on the 13th. This can be great for dreams and schemes and getting creative around money.

However, Neptune’s a slippery influence, so take care that you’re not duped or scammed. Keep your wits about you.

Mercury Retrograde

Talk planet Mercury is in a practical sector of your horoscope throughout June. It’s in Cancer lighting up your work and health. This indicates that you’re wise to negotiate work matters, apply for a job or sort out everyday issues sooner rather than later.

This is because Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th and will remain on go slow until July 12th. This is invariably a time of delays or frustration, when you may feel as if you’re going backwards rather than forwards.

Do what you can before the 18th, then delay any major work or health decisions until mid-July. While Mercury’s in retreat, you’re wise to follow things up and double-check important correspondence, appointments or meetings.

What Mercury retrograde is good for is going with the flow and adopting a slow pace. Sometimes, there’s a theme of second chances and trying again if things didn’t work out in the past – think work and health.

You could go back to an old job and it’s an excellent month to rework and revise your plans. Be kind to yourself and do whatever you can to lower your stress levels.

Mercury makes only one major aspect this month to your co-ruler Uranus in Taurus and your home and family sector. The key dates are the 5th and 30th and they’ll meet one more time on July 22nd.

You might be getting used to working from home or new technologies. Uranus rules all things innovative and inventive. Keep close tabs on family members and be there for the ones you love.

Solar Eclipse

Finally, there’s a Solar or New Moon Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. This is a powerful Solar Eclipse as it falls at 0 degrees Cancer. Notice what occurs on or around this date and whether any new opportunities come your way.

If so, they’re worth following up. Although, remember Mercury retrograde advice and don’t sign and seal a deal until Mercury is back up to speed mid-July. Instead, play a strategic game and try and work things to suit you rather than the other way around.

There’s a karmic feel to events at the end of the month as a new chapter or wave kicks in. Your traditional ruler Saturn completes its journey through Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on July 1st.

This could indicate that as June moves into July, it’s time to switch off again, to unplug and recharge the batteries. Everything you’re involved in now is building towards a new life phase that kicks in during December 2020.

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2 thoughts on “Aquarius June 2020”

  1. Sally, once again you are writing about everything that I am thinking about and have going on in June into July, totally imazing. Ingrid

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