Ruling Planet
Your ruling planet Mars has now turned retrograde. It switched direction on October 30th in airy Gemini, the star sign linked to communication. You may already have a sense of what this is about for you. Sometimes, you’re not the one in charge when your planet is on go slow.
Mars remains retrograde until mid-January 2023 and this is the ideal time-line to work towards if you’re planning any kind of launch or new project. What Mars retrograde in Gemini is good for is writing, creative ideas & going in deep. You might be researching or working on a study project.
What’s not wise is to give your ideas away. Be wary of what you say or write too. Mars retrograde in Gemini indicates that your words could be used against you. Keep your cards close to your chest during this 10 week retrograde phase.
Retrograde Mars is square to Neptune in Pisces on the 19th. Last month, they clashed on October 12th when Mars was direct. There can be themes of subterfuge, confusion or betrayal when Mars and Neptune clash. Keep your trust antennae on high alert and don’t believe everything you read or hear. Neptune is more in tune with fantasy than reality.
A better date for getting to the heart of an issue is the 28th when Mars aligns with Saturn, the speed freak & the get-real taskmaster working in unison.
Scorpio Season
Scorpio is the star sign of the month. The Sun’s here until the 22nd, the planet of relating Venus is in Scorpio until the 16th & talk planet Mercury’s here until the 17th.
Scorpio rules taboo issues in your horoscope. It’s about sex and power as well as money and the cycle of life, death & rebirth. Scorpio’s the star sign linked to elimination and it’s a good time to release what’s no longer needed. When key planets are in Scorpio, step into your power and take charge of your life.
Lunar Eclipse
The big event while the Sun is in Scorpio is a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 8th cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. This is the sector of your horoscope ruling finances and money that’s shared with others, invested or owed.
Things can emerge during an eclipse that have been hidden. This could be an important eclipse for money matters, also love & partnership. This is because the planet of relating Venus rules the Taurus eclipse and sits next to the Sun & Mercury in Scorpio.
Eclipses are often about winners & losers. Ideally, you want to be on the winning team. Or, be with the person, either personal or professional, who’s making great strides, so you can take advantage of the wheel of destiny turning.
This eclipse cycle is a positive time to re-evaluate money and what it means to you, whether you want to earn more, pay off debt or decide what to do with your money. It’s not easy astrology mid-month but it could show where your priorities lie. And, it could reveal your options moving forwards. This eclipse cycle continues until October 2023.
The Taurus/Scorpio axis is about sex & fertility, regeneration & transformation, the cycle of life, death & rebirth. How are you going to get involved? You may have your hands in the earth or be a key player in the fight against climate change. You could recognise what your self-worth is attached to and where you’re ready to transform on a personal level.
There’s another factor to consider thanks to Uranus’ involvement in this eclipse, bringing change and the unexpected. Uranus sits exactly next to the Moon in Taurus at the moment of the eclipse.
Uranus can act like a lighting bolt, the planet linked to electricity & new technologies. You may be one step ahead of the game, buying crypto-currencies or experimenting with all things new & modern.
Uranus is the planet linked to the unexpected, a similar theme to eclipses. Your independent streak could kick in big-time. You might be out to cause trouble or choose to break the rules. Alternatively, you could come across other people who embody this rebellious planetary energy.
The Sun & Moon are squared by Saturn in Aquarius during the eclipse, the planet that can hold you back or limit what’s possible. You may feel frustrated by events or have your work cut out trying to reach an agreement or deal with the authorities.
This is the last kick of the Saturn-Uranus square that was the major player in 2021. Rules & regulations (Saturn) v. freedom & rebellion (Uranus). This is their breakthrough moment when things may have to collapse in order for you to be able to break free and move on.
This could be linked to your hopes & wishes or your involvement with a friend or group of people in your life. The period from the 5th to the 11th culminating on the Lunar Eclipse is when this clash is most powerful.
Jupiter Joy
Big planet Jupiter is completing its journey through Pisces over the next couple of months. Jupiter first moved into Pisces in May 2021 and was particularly active here in April 2022.
At its best, Jupiter creates luck and opportunity and Jupiter’s move through Pisces turns your attention towards the most hidden sector of your horoscope. It’s a quiet place, one that can be deeply spiritual.
This is your opportunity to focus on your inner world, develop your spirituality, your trust and faith in life. You may see more clearly the connection between mind, body and spirit. You may benefit from going on retreat or bringing more silence and solitude into your life.
Jupiter’s in helpful mood from mid-month onwards. On the 15th, 16th & 21st, Jupiter teams up with the inner planets moving through Scorpio. This is a good time to take a risk, be expansive, play big. Don’t get overly carried away financially but do trust your emotions and follow where they lead.
Sagittarius Season
Mercury, Venus & the Sun move into fire sign Sagittarius on the 16th, 17th & 22nd respectively. This could feel like a move out of the dark and into the light. Being a fire sign yourself, you often embody fire sign characteristics when the planets are boosting the same element as your own. At their best, fire signs are motivated, positive, entrepreneurial & playful.
Sagittarius is the star sign that rules travel & study in your horoscope. It’s about viewing the bigger picture and doing whatever’s necessary to expand your vision and find what’s possible in life.
Immediately that the Sun enters Sagittarius, there’s a New Moon here on the 23rd, the same day that Jupiter turns direct and picks up speed once again. This combination is exciting, adventurous and an ideal time to say yes to new experiences.
There’s a lot going on out in the world and it’s becoming more important than ever to focus on your spirit, your energy and to keep your vibe high. Keep your cosmic compass turned towards what’s possible in life and actively move away from limitation and fear. It’s not always easy but that may be what you’re being called to do.
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