Pisces Horoscope November 2022

Pisces horoscope, fireworks

Ruling Planets

Being a Sun Pisces, this means you have two ruling planets, Jupiter & Neptune. Both planets are big and boundless. Jupiter was God of the sky and Neptune was God of the sea. Yours is the last star sign of the zodiac linked to the cosmos, the universe and all that lies beyond the ego & the individual.

Jupiter and Neptune are both seekers, whether you’re searching for meaning and purpose or you’re looking for unity and inclusion around the world. There’s a charitable sense to both planets which is why you often have a compassionate and caring side to your nature.

Scorpio Season

This may be relevant for you now because the inner planets are moving through your fellow water sign Scorpio as November begins. The Sun’s here alongside talk planet Mercury and the planet of relating Venus.

This puts the spotlight on travel, education and any activity that expands your experience of life, philosophy and spirituality included. Therefore, it’s a good time to take yourself out of your normal environment and go to a place where you can allow your dreams to expand and flow.

When you find your special place or you connect with the meaning of life, then you feel at home. Explore whatever calls you, whether it’s a spiritual or artistic path. Find your muse and go with the flow.

Lunar Eclipse

This is also eclipse season. There was a powerful New Moon or Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. This month, there’s an equally powerful Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse on the 8th. These eclipses are cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and are part of the eclipse cycle that’s active until October 2023.

This is the educational sector of your horoscope. It’s about schools and teaching, learning and knowledge. Taurus rules siblings, neighbours and your local community. Scorpio rules travel & foreign connections.

This suggests you may have changes forced upon you during this eclipse. For example, a course could be postponed or cancelled. Or, a trip may have to be rescheduled. You could be going back to school as a teacher or be thinking about how to move your skills or business online.

Some hopes or dreams may have to be shelved or released and put back in the drawer. Alternatively, you could be feeling disillusioned with what’s happening in the world. It may be time to be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve.

During this eclipse, the planet of change Uranus sits closely next to the Moon in Taurus and your communication sector. This part of your horoscope rules transport and Uranus is linked to technology. 

If you’re on the move, you might be making a diversion. Or, perhaps technology lets you down. Think laterally and come up with clever ways of achieving your travel or study goals. This is an explorative phase for you, so make the most of this. If there are changes to your plans, flexibility is the key rather than being overly impulsive. 

There are other ways this may play out. Perhaps, you dare to think differently and you’re ready to rock the boat. You could stand up for what you believe in and find your voice. Uranus is unconventional and alternative and it’s not a time to walk an everyday path. Instead, find the road less travelled.

During the eclipse, both the Sun & Moon are squared by Saturn in Aquarius. Sometimes, this indicates that you’re feeling held back or restricted and things may not play out the way you expect them to. Rules and regulations could stop your activities or another person’s disapproval could halt you in your tracks.

To put this into context, the Saturn-Uranus square was the major planetary aspect of 2021. Saturn represents the rules & regulations whereas Uranus is the rebel, seeking freedom & liberation.

They’ve been in conflict again since mid-2022 but this eclipse is their break-out moment, their breakthrough encounter as they start to separate. Consider what might need to break down for you to find the freedom you crave.

Jupiter Joy

Jupiter is one of your rulings planets, the biggest planet in the universe and represents all that’s expansive in life. It’s the planet of freedom, encouraging you to let go of the ties that bind and anything or anyone who holds you back in life.

When Jupiter’s in full flow, you want to see the world and save the world. Jupiter rules travel, education, spirituality, philosophy and philanthropy. It calls you out into the world and reminds you of your global connections. 

At the end of October Jupiter returned to your star sign Pisces and is now completing its journey through the last sign of the zodiac. Come the end of 2022, it will be gone. This may be significant to what’s gone before as Jupiter was in Pisces from May to July 2021 and for the first half of this year peaking in April 2022.

What’s not advised when Jupiter is strong in your horoscope is to play small or stay close to home. Jupiter rewards bold behaviour and loves the free-spirit, the explorer, the entrepreneur, the lover of life. If you’re ready to embrace adventure, choose the dates 15th, 16th & 21st when lucky Jupiter teams up with the inner planets in Scorpio.

Jupiter in Pisces may expand your caring and compassionate nature, your kindness and generosity. Do something special as the year winds down to mark Jupiter’s return to your star sign. It might be a social event, a trip away or taking part in a global conference. 

Sagittarius Season

Finally this month, the inner planets begin to shift star sign on the 16th & 17th. This is when Venus & Mercury leave behind Scorpio and enter Sagittarius. A few days later, on the 22nd, the Sun enters Sagittarius and your career and vocation sector.

This is the ideal time to consider what next and things could happen quickly. On the 23rd, there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius, a symbol of new beginnings. Plus, on the exact same day, your ruling planet Jupiter turns direct in Pisces.

This combination is promising for taking a big leap of faith. Start to fire some arrows high into the sky for 2023 and beyond. Take on a teaching role, consider work abroad but, whatever you do, dare to dream big.

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