Aries April 2020

Vincent Van Gogh, Sun Aries
b. March 30, 1853

Mars On The Move

Your ruling planet Mars has joined Saturn in Aquarius, the star sign ruling society, community, technology and all things future-related. As April begins, you may be feeling Saturn’s pressure, the planet of limitation & authority, rules & regulations holding you back. Saturn releases its grip on the 11th.

Yet, don’t forget this is Aries’ month with the Sun in your star sign until the 19th. And, Mars is one of the key players in our current world astrology. Therefore, this is your month to step up to the challenges, to be courageous & bold and at the forefront of new initiatives.

Strong Aries is the hero, willing to stand on the frontline, to be a leader within society. This is a month when you gain strength from helping others, whether you’re volunteering close to home or sharing your knowledge & expertise online.

People Power

Air signs dominate in April – Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. For you, they highlight the social sectors of your horoscope and this is about the importance of other people.

Firstly, the Full Moon on the 8th falls in Libra and your relationship sector. Therefore, this is likely to be an important Full Moon for your 1-to-1’s. Emotions are heightened and you’ll feel the pull of your passions calling you forth.

It may be a date of ultimatums or you have a sense that a key relationship is changing and there’s no going back. Balance your head and heart when making a decision and be willing to compromise.

Also, Venus is on the move this month, the planet of relating and your partner planet. On the 3rd, Venus enters Gemini and your communication sector. This is a long transit of Venus in this part of your horoscope as Venus only leaves Gemini on August 7th. This is because next month Venus turns retrograde, i.e. will be on go slow.

On a basic level, this is about finding new ways to communicate and to stay in touch with loved ones and people in your life who uplift your spirits. You may be making new friends. Perhaps, you’re talking to the neighbours over the fence or joining in online.

Gemini rules study and learning in your horoscope and it’s a great time for you to stay active, to learn a language or brush up your skills. Keep your eye on the future as what you begin or initiate now could take you forward into 2021. It’s important to stay up-to-date with new trends and be at the forefront of what’s happening.

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction

The major planetary aspect taking place in April and acting as a backdrop to the year is the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, exact on the 5th. This is the first of three meetings between the planet of growth, Jupiter, and the dwarf planet, Pluto. They reconnect on June 30th & November 12th.

Together, Jupiter & Pluto themes are renewal & rebirth, power & wealth. They fall in your career and vocation sector. This is another nod to being called forth to play your part out in the world.

Yet, it’s also about finding new ways to pursue your job or career or transform what you do. Both planets have a theme of change. This isn’t about stasis or standing still. You have to dig deep, take a risk and rebuild.

If someone influential is in touch on or around the 5th, pay attention. Notice where you’re being called to step up your game.

This could also coincide with a challenging decision with regard to a parent as Capricorn is the ‘father’ in astrology and governs the parental axis of your horoscope.

Money Matters

Money is going to become more important as the month progresses. Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, is currently bringing change to money matters in the earth sign, Taurus. Taurus represents what we produce, what feeds us, what sustains & nourishes us. Uranus is co-ruler of Aquarius and a significant player in world events.

On a personal level, this is an important transit as Taurus rules your money sector. Note that the 7th isn’t a good date for risk-taking when your planet Mars clashes with Uranus – your cue to rein things in.

The emphasis on Taurus increases after the 19th when the Sun enters this earth sign. There’s a New Moon here on the 23rd which pulls in the planet of change, Uranus.

The Sun/Uranus conjunction on the 26th could be a key date for you with regard to money matters. You have to engage with what’s happening and the theme is trying something new. Plus, you have Mercury, the communication planet in Taurus from the 27th onwards. It too unites with Uranus on the 31st (May 1st in some countries).

There’s a forward-moving vibe as April continuees, at least once you’re free from Saturn. There are some tricky periods for both work and money, e.g. the 14th/15th and 25th to 28th. Keep being creative, come up with new ideas, be innovative and fresh. Don’t give up, dive deep into your astrology and continue to focus on your next steps.

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