b. May 12, 1828
Mars & Saturn
As April begins, you may be feeling the crunch as the Mars/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and your career and vocation sector remains strong. Mars is the planet of action and speed and wants things to happen and fast. Saturn is the opposite principle, slow and steady, also the planet of endings and limitation.
Therefore, some of you may find yourself in a place where one role, job or career has come to an end and be worried about what next. For others, this may coincide a new role, a position of authority or determination to rise to life’s challenges.
Mars will be out of Saturn’s grip by the 11th and then Mars’ ambition is boosting your future path, your next steps. This is an ideal time to be pro-active around work, your future, what next. Aquarius rules society and online initiatives. Note that Mars is your partner planet, so this may also be relevant timing for your significant other.
Rest & Retreat
There’s a sense that you need to retreat more than most in April. The Sun is in Aries and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 19th. Plus, Mercury, the planet of communication, is here from the 11th to the 27th. This is about inner work and turning your attention to your personal development, your spirit, your soul.
Life’s currently slowing us all down and giving you an opportunity to discover a rich inner life. Give yourself time to think and breathe, to tap into your inner voice, to bring a sense of knowingness to what’s right moving forwards.
The Full Moon on the 8th is an ideal date for meditation, for being quiet. This is about doing what’s right for your work and health, finding ways to release stress, noticing where and how you can help and care for others too. You may be looking after someone at home or feel drawn towards a volunteering role. Do what’s right for you and prioritise your well-being.
Jupiter Pluto Conjunction
The major Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on the 5th falls in a fellow earth sign, Capricorn. This planetary aspect repeats three times throughout 2020 on June 30th and November 12th and it acts as a backdrop to your year.
On a basic level, Pluto (the wipe-out planet) is limiting your ability to travel (Jupiter). This is obvious symbolism when it falls in your 9th house ruling travel and broadening your horizons.
Yet, this planetary connection is also about change & transformation, renewal and rebirth. Find new ways to study, learn and broaden your horizons. Seek hope and faith in your spiritual path or religion. Even when you’re confined to home, you can still embrace new and different ways to find meaning in your world. Jupiter’s the visionary, the risk-taker.
Talking of risks, be wary on the 7th when Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus in your star sign, Taurus. This combination could coincide with frustration, anger, wanting to break out and rebel. It’s not the best date to leap into something or be confrontative. There’s a sense that you’d leap out of the frying pan into the fire.
New Beginnings
Yet, new beginnings are required this month, especially when it comes to money and your personal life. Venus, your ruler, leaves gentle Taurus, your star sign, on the 3rd and enters air sign, Gemini. Air signs dominate this month and for you, they highlight your work and finances. It’s here where you’re wise to adopt new technologies and initiatives to help you moving forwards.
Venus will be in Gemini for an unusually long time, until August 7th, as this year Venus will turn retrograde, i.e. be on go slow. Gemini rules your personal money sector so you’ve a lot to think and talk about in these areas.
Gemini is flexible and adaptable and it’s a good time to gather information to boost your financial situation. Find things out, talk to other people, keep the lines of communication open.
The Sun’s move into Taurus on the 19th is a potential turning point as the Sun brings vitality and warmth to your sign. This is when you gain a confidence boost or your energy returns.
The New Moon in Taurus on the 23rd is an ideal date to set your intentions not only for the subsequent fortnight but the year ahead. It’s what you put in place this month that can reap your rewards in 2021.
Uranus kicks in later this month as it makes a conjunction with the Sun on the 26th and Mercury on the 31st (May 1st in some countries). The period from the 25th to the 28th is especially lively. It’s not necessarily easy astrology but it does require you to step up and embrace change.
Respond rather than react to life’s events and aim to do things differently, especially when you recognise what’s not working out. Use the innovative and dynamic planetary force that is Uranus to turn to a fresh page and start over.
Weekly Astrology
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Very interesting re reading again mid month. I have been tired but also have been doing more meditation and catching with Buddhist study. I am hoping the energy boost due on19th as I need to get more gardening done and keeping on top of housework during lockdown. I will be 71 in May so although I am not struggling with lockdown and being on my own I find the days rush by at alarming rate and would like this to stop
Time does seem to be speeding up in lockdown – that’s my experience at least. I’ve also been quite tired, maybe it’s the slower pace 🙂 Take good care of yourself.