2016 Your Year Ahead: Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde, slow downMercury Retrograde: Slow Down

Mercury Retrograde has become common terminology which even non-astrologers understand.

It’s synchronous with communication chaos when the winged messenger of the Gods, fleet-footed Mercury retreats for three weeks at a time. Think of post going missing, dates getting muddled, mishaps, slip-ups and general misunderstandings.

Yet you can survive and thrive when the planet of communication is on go slow. Here are some top tips for the Mercury retrograde phases in 2016:

  • back up important data before Mercury turns retrograde
  • take a step back & leave the big decisions for another time
  • plug in to the re-words; re-vise, re-view, re-flect, re-consider, re-think
  • give yourself permission to change your mind
  • look at life from a fresh perspective – upside down, back-to-front; think outside of the box
  • walk backwards, slow down, take it easy
  • chase up old contacts, reconnect with friends and family from your past
  • don’t believe everything you hear
  • be patient, keep your options open
  • try again where you failed in the past; second chances are recommended
  • have plans B, C & D up your sleeve, especially if you’re travelling
  • be flexible, be adaptable, go with the flow & see where life leads
  • remember it’s not about reaching the destination, it’s about enjoying the journey
  • engage your sense of humour at all times
  • use the few days before Mercury turns direct to push through your ideas & plans

This year Mercury retreats predominantly through the earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. This is a slower, contemplative Mercury, a plodder rather than sprinter. Pay attention to the details and the small things in life. Savour simple pleasures and enjoy each moment for what it is. Move slowly through life.

Mercury retrograde in the earth signs is perfect for reconnecting with nature, long slow walks, encouraging your thoughts to wander. Kick back from television, technology, social media & give your mind a well-deserved rest.

Here are the dates and the degrees at which Mercury turns retrograde (the first date) and when Mercury turns direct (the second date).

If you have key planets or angles in your chart within 1 degree of the retrograde and direct turning points, these points in your natal chart are sensitised. Use them to rein in, hold back (Mercury retrograde) or to take the initiative, stride ahead (Mercury direct)

  • January 5 [0 Aquarius 57] until January 25 [14 Capricorn 56]
  • April 28 [23 Taurus 34] until May 22 [14 Taurus 22]
  • August 30 [29 Virgo 05] until September 22 [14 Virgo 50]
  • December 19 [15 Capricorn 08] until January 8 2017 [28 Sagittarius 51]

This excerpt appears from my popular eBook Your 2016 Horoscopes. You can now read your own and your friend and family’s star signs for the discount rate of £7.50 (over 3,000 words per sign). 

Click here to purchase your own copy.


5 thoughts on “2016 Your Year Ahead: Mercury Retrograde”

  1. Hi Sally,

    Quick questions about your last point, “use the few days before Mercury turns direct to push through your ideas & plans”.

    Why is this time important to move ahead with new plans?


    1. Good question. When a planet stations, i.e. is about to change direction, its energy is strong. My experience is that when Mercury is stationing ready to pick up speed once again, you can start to put plans and ideas into action that have either unravelled whilst Mercury was retrograde or have been brewing in your mind. They are often successful. Hope that helps.

  2. Interesting. I have always found that the last week of mercury retrograde feels like communication is starting to move forward again, or the confusion cloud starts to dissolve and everything starts to become clear again. I just attributed it to the fact that the retrograde dates are not hard and fast but approximate.

    For me, the first two weeks are the worst…and then by the last week…for example, right now, clarity starts to set in.

    1. I’m glad that it’s a shorter retrograde phase for you, Bel. It was still catching me out yesterday with a missed train and other delays slowing things down. Plus a lost wallet on Monday (not mine but someone close!) I’ll feel more confident about it come the weekend. best, Sally

  3. Pingback: My Adventures during Mercury Retrograde - Judith Morgan

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