Aquarius New Moon
February’s New Moon in Aquarius finds six of the seven traditional planetary bodies in this same sector of your horoscope. Aquarius rules work & health, the everyday basics of life, your routine & lifestyle.
If you’re a typical Virgo, you prefer having a regular routine and you like to prioritise your health and take good care of your body.
New Moons are traditionally a time for new beginnings. Or, at least a good time to activate interest in the areas mentioned. You could find a new job on or around this New Moon or find out new information that boosts your health.
Aquarius rules service to others for you, so you may decide to become a volunteer. You are one of the star signs that gain great fulfilment from helping or taking care of others. Aquarius rules employees, lodgers and pets in your horoscope.
Mercury Retrograde
There is another key factor that’s important here involving your ruling planet Mercury. Mercury rules communication and the mind and is retrograde, i.e. in retreat for the first three weeks of February.
This can be a confusing period for you when things don’t always go the way you’d planned and it’s hard to feel as if you’re moving in the right direction. You might feel overwhelmed during the New Moon period with too many options or too much to do.
Therefore, when Mercury turns direct on the 21st, this is a significant turning point for you. Mercury’s change of direction is the planetary equivalent of a green light. Sometimes, you hear news you’ve been waiting for or information comes to light that helps you make a key decision.
It’s a great date to initiate a a conversation and get things moving in your life. Start to focus on the future, in particular, areas around your work and health.
This would be a good time to try again with a situation related to your work or health. For example, chase up an old contact or a job that didn’t come off earlier in the year or in the first half of last year. Or, get a second opinion regarding a health issue or reconsider an alternative treatment or therapy.
Clashing Wants & Needs
Also, there’s dominant planetary activity in earth sign Taurus this month. Mars is here giving you drive and ambition and Taurus rules your travel and study sector. You may be required to travel for work or study for work and this could prove disruptive.
Trying to get things done is doubly challenging, especially dealing with foreign connections. Try not to get overly stressful if things aren’t working out. The key dates of potential aggravation are the 1st, 10th & 19th.
Plus, the Saturn-Uranus clash on the 17th could highlight where you’re unable to break free, which Uranus wants to do in Taurus. Saturn holds you back while Uranus craves freedom.
The two planets challenge each other this month and tempers could flare. Too much might be expected of you. Alternatively, you could find your own sense of adventure being frustrated and feeling held back.
Love & Relationships
Love is an interesting phenomenon this month for different reasons. Firstly, Jupiter is a key player during the New Moon phase and teams up with love planet Venus on the 11th and your ruler Mercury on the 14th, Valentines Day.
As Jupiter is your partner planet, this could be a boost to your love life. Get together with the one you love and keep the lines of communication open. Make a special effort for one another.
Late February could bring a significant turning point to a relationship. The Sun enters Pisces and your relationship sector on the 18th and love planet Venus enters Pisces on the 25th.
Plus, this month’s Full Moon on the 27th is significant for you as it falls in your star sign Virgo. Emotions run high and important matters culminate during the Full Moon. This period in the month promises love and romance. Alternatively, support from partners and allies. Ideally, both.