Aquarius New Moon
It’s all going on in Aquarius this month which is potentially good news for you. Aquarius is a fellow air sign and rules all the good things in life, such as romance, children, creativity, self-expression, fun & joy. If anyone’s going to embrace the positive side of life this month, it’s likely to be you.
Yet, nothing is straightforward now and even the New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th could feel overwhelming. This is when six of the seven traditional planetary bodies are in Aquarius, an overflow of activity. You might be exceptionally busy or new beginnings come thick & fast.
Try to pace yourself and don’t panic if you can’t get everything done at once. Be kind to you and don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not making the most of your time or being as structured or productive as you would like.
Mercury Retrograde
Also, this month, communication planet Mercury is retrograde and there will be times when you feel as if you’re going backwards rather than forwards. Try not to let your mind trick you and focus on one thing at a time.
Mercury’s change of direction on the 21st often brings new information to light or you hear the news you’ve been waiting for. Sometimes, you change your mind, perhaps about a new romance.
You can, however, start to be more confident about making key decisions once Mercury is back on track. And, if someone reappears from your past this month, get to know them better, pick up where you left off and initiate an important conversation.
Love Vibes
Also, it’s worth noting that the period around the New Moon is potentially lucky and fortunate for romance. This is because a key player is Jupiter which promises new opportunities.
Jupiter teams up with your planet Venus on the 11th and Mercury on the 14th – Valentines Day – in your romance sector.
If you’re a typical Libra, you’ll be more than a little interested in love & relationships, so make the most of this potentially romantic vibe. With your ruling planet Venus in Aquarius from the 1st to the 25th, romance is one area your life that you may choose to pursue.
Sex & Money
Mars is your partner planet and Mars is currently in Taurus and one of the hidden sectors of your horoscope. Taurus rules sexuality so another nod towards passion potential this month.
On a personal level, this is an ideal time to pursue self-development or gain more insight about your inner motivations. Uranus is here too, taking you to places you may not have explored before.
Sometimes, it’s when you step more fully into the breadth of life experiences that you learn more about yourself. This is potentially what’s happening for you now.
On a practical level, Taurus rules money and joint finances in your horoscope. Here, there may be sudden changes, perhaps linked to your family, your home or a property deal.
This is a good time to be pro-active and get ahead, especially if you’re keen to renovate your home, move somewhere new or find a way to meet up with family.
However, one area of discontent could be money this month and it’s wise not to get into arguments about finances. This could be with a lover or a child. This is the theme of Mars’ squares on the 1st, 10th & 19th.
Plus, the Saturn-Uranus square aspect on the 17th could be a trigger if there are things in life you can’t afford. Or, you experience a general sense of irritation and frustration around the global economy. This will feel personal if it impacts on yourself or the ones you love.
Finding Your Flow
Later in the month, the Sun enters Pisces on the 18th and your ruler Venus moves here on the 25th. There’s a flow around your work and health with this combination.
The Full Moon on the 27th highlights your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health, also your spiritual path. Do whatever’s necessary so you feel in flow. Find work that’s meaningful and be of service to others.
If you’re looking for work, this is an ideal time to chase up job options. Think second chances and try again where you failed earlier this year or in the first half of last year.
Get on the right side of other people and use your diplomatic skills to ensure you’re a good team. This will help your everyday life be in flow.