Virgo April 2020

Edward Burne Jones, Sun Virgo
b. August 28, 1833

Mercury & Relationships

Your planet Mercury is picking up the pace in April after its last retrograde phase. This means that for you too, it’s a month to get things moving, as best you can. Up until the 11th, Mercury completes its journey through Pisces and your relationship sector which began in early February.

Therefore, your 1-to-1’s are important as April begins and require your time and attention. Try not to to get pulled into a relationship that doesn’t serve you or lose yourself in your swirling emotions. This is particularly true on or around the 4th when Mercury unites with Neptune, Pisces’ co-ruler.

This combination can be dreamy and romantic or disorienting and confusing. Don’t believe everything you hear, do be around people who inspire you and touch your soul, your spirit.

Aries & Money

On the 11th, Mercury changes star sign and moves into fiery Aries where it remains until the 27th. The Sun is here as well until the 19th so there’s prominent planetary energy in your joint finance sector. This is about money matters and getting things sorted.

If you need to make a key decision about a financial matter, the best day is the Full Moon on the 8th. This is a time when you can trust your intuition and work at balancing the books.

This is particularly important as the Full Moon falls in Libra, the sign of balance. Try not to go it alone when it comes to money but work things out fairly with other people, both personally and professionally.

Also, it’s a good month for initiating new ideas and ventures that can help financially. Aries brings the lure of the new and, right now, that’s what’s needed. Stay positive where you can and make time this month for a financial review. The 11th, 18th and 19th are great dates for financial collaboration.

Mars, Venus & Work

Work is also under the cosmic spotlight throughout April for a number of reasons. Firstly, Mars and Saturn are together in Aquarius and your work and health sector as April gets underway. Mars here is good for motivation and getting things going, whereas Saturn is the opposite principle, i.e. it stops you in your tracks or holds you back.

This may coincide with a job coming to an end. Or perhaps, you’re feeling under the weather. Try not to push too hard or give in to fear or doubt while Saturn’s strong.

You’re best to take your time and wait until Mars moves away from Saturn on or around the 11th. Then, you can begin to pick up on Mars’ motivational influence and work out a new schedule or consider your next steps.

If you’re a typical Virgo, you’ll already prioritise your health and well-being. It’s part of who you are and worth doing while Mars is in Aquarius. Also, what you begin this month, both with regard to work and exercise, could reward you big-time in 2021.

There’s another planetary influence lighting up your career and that planet is Venus. Venus moves into Gemini and your career and vocation sector on the 3rd where she remains until August 7th. This is an unusually long transit of Venus as she turns retrograde next month, i.e. will be on go slow.

For now, this is your cue to find your team and get the right people on your side. Use your connections if you’re looking for work or worthwhile ways to spend your time.

Venus rules women in astrology, so seek out your female friends or women in a position of influence. Gemini’s the communicator. Keep the lines of communication open and focus on your future path, your next steps.

The best date in this regard is the 4th when Venus aligns with Saturn. Get on the right side of someone in a position of authority and you could land a job, new contract or role.

Earth Sign Creativity

Creativity is a big theme for you this month. On the 5th, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction takes place in Capricorn and your creativity sector. This is the first of three meetings between these two planets. They connect again on June 30th and November 12th and act as a backdrop, a theme to your year.

This could be a good planetary influence for you as this combination brings renewal and transformation. You may be ready to throw yourself into a hobby, skill or talent. It will be something that grabs you completely, an all-consuming desire or passion.

This is also about children and being there for someone 100%, renewing your relationship or recreating what you had previously. The fact that some of you parents will be with your kids full time could be a relevant symbol – finding ways to be together as you’re in each other’s company 24/7. It’s extreme astrology but packed with hidden riches too.

Finally, this month, you are going to have your sights set on what next as April progresses. This is because the Sun enters your fellow earth sign, Taurus, on the 19th followed by your ruler, Mercury, on the 27th. Taurus rules travel in your horoscope so you’re likely to be dreaming of distant horizons.

Yet, this is also about gaining knowledge, studying, finding meaning in the world, pursuing a spiritual path or religion. It’s whatever gives you hope and faith and finding ways to move beyond your everyday routine.

As Uranus is active here – on the 26th and the 31st – there’s an ‘anything goes’ theme. At times, you may find your energy feels scattered, even frantic. Deep breaths if this is true for you. Take life one day at a time and do whatever you can to seek new adventures and keep your spirits high.

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