Fire Sign Aries
Up until the 19th, your ruler the Sun is in fire sign Aries. Traditionally, this is a time when you’re keen to travel and broaden your horizons. Yet, this year, you’re having to do things differently.
That doesn’t mean you give up and do nothing and don’t take full advantage of the Sun’s move through Aries. Aries rules study, learning, knowledge and any activity that sources you and brings meaning to your life. You may be ready to study something new or find yourself on a spiritual path or keen to embrace a religion or faith.
The Full Moon on the 8th may be important in this respect. It cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac, which is about education for you. Also, Libra rules life close to home, your local community and Aries rules foreign connections. See where you’re being called forth at the Full Moon and where you want to reach out and help others.
This would be a good date to choose to run a course online or sign up to a learning initiative. Plus, talk planet Mercury enters Aries on the 11th where it remains until the 27th. This suggests that you’re wise to keep busy and keep connected with the people and activities that bring you fulfilment. You may be catching up with people who live abroad, thanks to the power of the internet.
Work & Your Future Path
This is also potentially for you a big month when it comes to your work and career, your future path. Firstly, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 5th highlights the sector of your horoscope which rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. It’s about how you spend your time and what you do on a daily basis.
This is the first of three meetings between Jupiter and Pluto. They come together on June 30th and November 12th and act as a backdrop to your year. Pluto can bring things to a halt as it’s the wipe-out planet. Yet, Jupiter rules opportunity. Together, these two planetary influences represent change and transformation, rebirth and renewal.
You’re required to look more closely at these key areas of your life now. And, for some of you, life may step in to bring a sense of urgency. The peak periods this month for the Jupiter/Pluto influence are the 14th/15th when they clash with your ruler the Sun. Also, the 25th/26th when they clash with Mercury and Pluto turns retrograde.
These combinations are intense so don’t take on too much and notice what makes you feel stressed. Prioritise your health and well-being. If you’re on the frontline in society, do all you can to boost your immune system.
This is a good month to consider your next steps and to look at how you can get on board with new initiatives, new ways moving forwards. On the 19th, the Sun your ruler enters Taurus and your career and vocation sector. There’s a New Moon here on the 23rd and talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on the 27th.
The other key planet that’s been in Taurus for some time is Uranus, the planet of change, unpredictability and innovation. This would be an ideal time to take your business online, especially around the New Moon.
Or, find ways to work freelance, start something new, change your routine around. Uranus favours invention and short, sharp bursts of energy. Be open to the unexpected and think on your feet. Uranus kicks in on the 26th when it’s conjunct the Sun and the 31st when it’s next to Mercury (1st May in some countries).
Keep your sights on the future throughout April and know that what you begin this month could take off in 2021.
Air Sign Collaborations & Communications
People are also important to you thanks to key planets in air signs, representing communication and collaboration. Venus is in Gemini from the 3rd where it remains until August 7th, an unusually long transit for Venus.
This is because it turns retrograde next month, i.e. will be on go slow. Gemini rules friends and groups in your horoscope and this is where you find pleasure and joy.
Also, action planet Mars is in Aquarius and your relationship sector throughout April. Usually, this brings passion and fire to your 1-to-1 relationships and this is true from about the 11th onwards.
However, as the month begins, Mars is dominated by Saturn in Aquarius, your partner planet. This slows things down and there may be tension around a key relationship. It won’t help if you feel frustrated or reined in by your relationship with someone close.
Sometimes, this combination brings commitment or an extra-tight bond. Usually, however, it means you’re struggling to find yourself or be true to who you are within a relationship. Try not to get into a conflict situation and distance yourself from any enemies. Give yourself time and space to breathe and dive into activities that are personal to you.
Once Mars breaks free from Saturn, you may also find that you have someone fighting your corner, putting their ambition and determination into your ventures, your life.
Mars in Aquarius can be a positive transit when you’re around people who are raring to go. In turn, this inspires and stimulates your own energy levels.
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