Venus Enters Scorpio: Love In The Underworld

Venus enters Scorpio

– September 9, 2018 (10:25 GMT+1)

The planet of love and relating, Venus, dives deep into Scorpio’s emotional waters this weekend. This isn’t unusual as Venus returns to each sign of the zodiac approximately once every year.

This year, however, Venus is diving in even deeper, as she turns retrograde in Scorpio on October 5th. It’s going to be a full body immersion for the next few months.

Venus in Scorpio is in her sign of detriment. This is because Venus is associated with all things lovely. She’s kindness and grace personified, she loves partnership and sharing, beauty and harmony. When Venus enters Scorpio, she’s venturing into the underworld, the dark places, what lies beneath.

Venus in Scorpio – Passion & Power

Therefore, Venus in Scorpio has a reputation for being a temptress, the femme fatale of the zodiac, sexy, sultry and desirous of all things taboo. This includes all emotions, the good as well as the bad. She can be a jealous Venus, who wants what she can’t have, who becomes obsessed with love or sex and is drawn towards temptation.

This is one side of Venus in Scorpio’s seductive ways. However, Venus rules art as well as love and Venus in Scorpio finds the beauty in decay, death and all that fades away. Scorpio’s season falls in the depths of autumn, when the leaves drop from the trees and the darkness and shadows dominate more than the light.

Remember too that Scorpio rules power and transformation. Therefore, this can be a wonderful transit for women, enabling you to channel your feminine energy into extraordinary feats that lead to transcendence. Scorpio’s task is to decide how to use its power, not to descend into evil but to use its force for good effect in the world.

Venus & Jupiter – Women & Truth

This weekend, Venus joins Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter’s role this last year has been to expose the truth, to bring the dirty secrets to the surface. Scorpio’s realm is sex, money and power. It’s likely that the #metoo movement will continue to grow in strength as Venus and Jupiter join forces. Venus rules women and Jupiter represents the law and truth.

Venus and Jupiter don’t meet in Scorpio as Jupiter leaves the sign of regeneration and transformation on November 8th. Here are Venus’ movements over the next few months:

  • Venus enters Scorpio – September 9, 2018 (10:25 GMT+1)
  • Venus turns retrograde [10 Scorpio 50] – October 5, 2018 (20:04 GMT+1)
  • Venus retreats back into Libra – October 31, 2018 (19:42 GMT)
  • Venus turns direct [25 Libra 15] – November 16, 2018 (10:51 GMT)
  • Venus re-enters Scorpio – December 2, 2018 (17:02 GMT)
  • Venus leaves Scorpio – January 7, 2018 (12:18 GMT)

As you can see from the sequence, Venus returns to her sign of rulership, Libra, for all of November before she returns to Scorpio early December. Venus’ retrograde phase is particularly significant if you have planets/angles between 25 Libra and 11 Scorpio. I’ll be talking more about the Venus’ retrograde phase, the do’s and don’ts early October.

Venus’ 8 Year Cycle

What might be interesting to note is whether Venus’ retrograde in Scorpio is important for you. This event happens every 8 years, so think back to 2002 and 2010 to see whether these were significant years. I was talking with my dear astrologer friend, Joanna Watters, this week and we both clocked how important this transit can be for love and relationships.

For now, get ready for Venus’ journey into the underworld. Be the power and harness Venus in Scorpio’s strength. Reclaim your passion, your hidden depths, your full emotional range, your essence.

[n.b. I’ll be writing more about this powerful transit as it plays out. It’s personal for me too, with my natal Venus in Scorpio. Transiting Venus turns retrograde on my Neptune in Scorpio and direct on my Moon in Libra. I fully expect more revelations to come… Join me as we journey into the underworld and please leave your comments and experiences below and on the Facebook page. I’m away this weekend but will be back in business on Monday.]




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5 thoughts on “Venus Enters Scorpio: Love In The Underworld”

  1. Thank you so much Sally! I really appreciate all your wisdom! It is very helpful during these times of immense change and uncertainty. You are a shining light for so many. 🙂

  2. Venus is about to go over my natal placement in a few days time, as I also have Venus in Scorpio responsible for the mood lighting, as it were.

    1. I too have got Venus doing her thing 🙂 Looking forward to it on the whole with my Scorpio Sun! I love the description of ‘mood lighting’.

  3. Pingback: Venus Turns Direct: Smoothing Things Over - Sally Kirkman Astrologer

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