Venus – Home & Family
As September begins, you could find yourself at odds with other people in your life. Your planet Venus is in caring Cancer and your communication sector until the 6th. Yet, your best efforts may be in vain if other people don’t appreciate your kindness or concern.
Things may start to feel easier once Venus moves into Leo on the 6th where it remains throughout September. Leo rules your home and family sector, where you live, where you find security in life. You may be ready to make a move or follow up on events that began last month.
Certainly, this is a time when you’ll benefit from harmonious surroundings and being with people whose company you enjoy. It would be a good month for home renovations or DIY, for making your surroundings more beautiful.
Venus clashes with Uranus in Taurus on the 15th, so consider why life may be unpredictable or volatile. It could be that you’re craving freedom or more space for yourself.
Earth Sign Energy
It’s important this month that you focus on the things in life that you love and do more of them. This is because there’s strong earth sign energy taking place, your element, helping to root and ground you.
The Sun’s in Virgo until the 22nd. The Full Moon on the 2nd and the New Moon on the 17th both tie in to Virgo’s pleasurable nature. Virgo rules children, romance, play, entertainment and self-expression in your horoscope.
During the emotional Full Moon, you may be weighing up whether you choose short-term gratification over long-term fulfilment. It might feel like a tough choice, but try not to allow yourself to be controlled by other people. Be in charge of your own destiny, follow your heart and prioritise your emotional needs.
The Full Moon shines a light on your situation and is often a time of clarity. What would be wrong is to let fear or doubt halt your happiness. Move away from the naysayers and trust your emotional response rather than allow other peoples’ opinions to sway your own.
Worry less about what other people think and more about what makes you happy. This is a key message for you in the month ahead.
Mars Retrograde
This could also be a significant month to return to your past. Action planet Mars is currently in Aries and the most hidden sector of your horoscope.
Plus, on September 9th, Mars turns retrograde and switches direction. Mars remains on go slow until November 13th. This indicates that someone from your past may be back in touch. Or you find yourself drawn towards events or people you met earlier this year – March/April time.
Mars retrograde is a positive time for you to collect information and do your research ready for what next. This is a key period in the year for preparation and looking ahead to 2021.
While Mars is retrograde, slow down the pace and rework your strategy, rather than try and push ahead. It’s a time for inner work and caring for yourself and the people closest to you.
You may sense that things are going backwards for a while, but stay patient and faithful that this is a pause rather than a full stop.
A Deeper Love
As Mars is your partner planet, take the pace slow in love. Some of you may be apart from someone close. Or, your other half is struggling and needs some space and/or support. Discern what’s right for you both.
Mercury’s move into Scorpio and your relationship sector on the 27th suggests that you’re heading into a phase where you need to dive deeper into any relationship issues.
Happiness, Hope & Faith
Work and routine, your lifestyle and good health are where balance can be found throughout September. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd and communication planet Mercury is in Libra from the 5th to the 27th.
Focus on the basics of life and appreciate simple pleasures, something that comes naturally to you, if you’re a typical Taurus.
Also, take advantage of Jupiter’s change of direction on the 13th to embrace freedom and expand your horizons. Jupiter’s the planet most closely linked to hope and faith so find your philosophy, your religion, your spiritual path. Whether you want to travel or study, keep your gaze on the bigger picture and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
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