Scorpio Monthly Horoscope November 2015

witch-947530_1280Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)

It’s Scorpio season. When the Sun’s in your sign, it’s your turn to shine and focus on your personal wants and goals.

Plus this month there’s a New Moon in Scorpio on the 11th and this is brilliant for new beginnings.

When you experience the New Moon in your star sign, this can be as important as New Year’s Day.

It’s the start of your personal year ahead so it’s prime time to consider the year that’s past, what you’ve achieved, what’s been difficult, what’s been great and what you want for yourself and the people in your life over the next 12 months.

A New Moon is a powerful time to set intentions for what next, to initiate action and to sow seeds which can grow and flourish. This New Moon you can take that one step further and set yourself some new intentions for the coming 12 months.

Another important planet in your sign this month is Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury enters Scorpio on the 2nd where it remains until the 20th. Mercury in Scorpio is an intense, analytical communicator and your words and thoughts have power whilst Mercury resides in your sign.

Make the most of this, speak from the heart and voice your personal experiences to good effect. This is a powerful month for connections, both new and old, and it’s here where opportunities lies. You’re moving away from going it alone to making new friends, creating new networks, and aligning yourself with groups or societies where you have a lot in common.

You might be asked to speak to a group or talk on their behalf. Even if you don’t, this is a powerful month for connections so don’t hold back but go in deep. Finding out more about the people in your life creates intimacy and being a Scorpio it’s through your 1-to-1’s whereby you find a deep level of fulfilment.

Work as a counsellor, a private detective, a funeral director or any other area of life which links in to your sign of Scorpio is highly recommended now and you can make a profound difference in other peoples’ lives. You’re prepared to go where other people fear to tread and your ability to dig deep and enter taboo territory can prove revelatory.

One date that’s especially lively for new connections, whether personal or professional, is the 3rd when the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mar, conjoin in Virgo and your friendship sector. This is important for you because Mars is your traditional ruling planet and Venus is your partner planet.

This conjures up a theme of collaboration, co-operation and working together. There might be good news to celebrate around friendship or you meet a new friend on or around the 3rd who will be in your life for a long time.

Love too is highlighted during a Venus/Mars conjunction and if you’re in a relationship or married it’s a perfect month to get in step, to find common ground, to unite or re-unite as one. Venus and Mars both change signs relatively early in November as Venus enters Libra on the 8th and Mars follows on the 12th.

You can learn a lot from a partner right now especially when it comes to love. Venus is strong in Libra whereas your planet Mars is weak. You have to surrender on some level, to practise being gentle and kind, to hold back rather than surge forward.

You might want to keep your feelings private now and not declare your true affections or perhaps you’re waiting to see what someone else does first before you make up your own mind about a significant relationship in your life. There’s no need to hurry love and in fact rushing can complicate the issue. Take your time, let go, surrender.

In the last week of the month, money matters come under the cosmic spotlight. Saturn is the taskmaster of the heavens and it’s currently in Sagittarius and your personal money sector. Saturn is a symbol of lack rather than wealth but there are benefits to be had from Saturn in Sagittarius.

Patience comes into the equation as does planning for the long-term. You can learn the benefits of saving and how not to be extravagant.

Money can be an emotional subject now and this peaks during the Full Moon on the 25th. The Full Moon cuts across the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius and this is the money axis of your chart. Plus the following day, there’s a powerful major aspect between Saturn square to Neptune.

Put the two together and emotions are heightened, in fact, this could feel overwhelming. It’s important to put boundaries in place and this is both with regard to finances but also your emotions. Don’t let someone blackmail you and refuse to use money as a bribe.

Children and lovers are highlighted with Neptune in Pisces and this sector of your chart and it’s these personal relationships which flag up danger around money and emotional ties. Keep your own finances on the straight and narrow and know that whether money is being given or received, it won’t come without strings attached.

The Saturn/Neptune square often reveals what things in your life you can’t change and on some level you have to relinquish control. If you recognise what’s not working for you, look at how or where you can take a step back and by letting go be free of your responsibility. Don’t allow other people to sidetrack you from your financial goals and put your own needs first.

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