The Mars Factor
Your planet Mars has been in Capricorn since February 16th and Mars is strong in Capricorn and your communication sector. However, communication planet, Mercury, has been retrograde since February 17th. Therefore, as much as you may have wanted to get ahead and make things happen, Mercury retrograde often flags up a stop-start scenario.
This means that when Mercury turns direct on the 10th, you get the green light. Any news you’ve been waiting for or information you require could transpire at this time. It’s a positive time to chase things up too, especially if post has gone missing or you’re waiting on other people to help you out.
After the 10th, Mars is back in action big-time and you’re wise to make the most of this. Capricorn not only rules communication, also study and teaching, your local community and neighbourhood. You might be ready to speak your mind or use your voice to get heard. You may be studying for a test or exam or want to play a key role in your local neighbourhood.
Get things moving in these areas of your life and reconnect with neighbours or siblings. The key period in this respect is the 20th to 23rd. Firstly, Mars unites with Jupiter on the 20th and this combination is fast and furious. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and good fortune, encouraging you to share your wisdom and experience and join forces with other people in making a difference.
Whether you’re on a social mission, you want to help others or you’re busy writing, this combination helps you to get things moving and fast. Expand your reach, find a publisher, get your voice heard in the media. Podcast, talk, be on the radio.
The 23rd is significant too because Mars and Pluto join forces, your co-rulers. This combination sometimes feels intense, even obsessive. You could find yourself in a position of significant power. Don’t give up easily and be resilient. Dig deep to ensure you achieve your goals. One word of caution is to choose your battles wisely. Mars does like a fight and this is strong Mars’ energy.
People & Relationships
Also, this month it’s a good idea to get the right people on your side. Venus, your partner planet, is in Taurus from the 5th, your opposite star sign. Venus teams up with Jupiter and Pluto on the 28th and 29th. Look out for a person, possibly a woman, in a position of influence, someone who can help you moving forwards. Get on the right team in March and you can go far.
Venus in Taurus promises a sensual love life. Plus, you have Uranus, the alternative planet, currently in Taurus and, on the 8th, Venus and Uranus come together. This date is potentially romantic for you. There’s a Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces and your romance sector on the same day.
If you’re in a relationship or married, make the most of this stunning planetary activity and do something special. If you’re looking for love, get out and about and go somewhere new as love could come into your life unexpectedly.
The Full Moon on the 9th feels both social and romantic for you. Certainly, it’s a time to embrace love and life and feel the depth of your emotions. Be open to friendship, spend quality time with your kids and do more of what you love.
The Pisces vibe continues throughout March as the Sun is in Pisces until the 20th and Mercury returns to Pisces on the 16th. This is one of the most creative sectors of your horoscope so use it well.
Take up a hobby, prioritise fun and entertainment, ensure you play as well as work. You need dreams and inspiration in life to keep you feeling fulfilled. Explore something new from the 11th to the 14th when your creative juices are in full flow.
Home & Family Affairs
Communication planet Mercury highlights another area of your life this month as it moves back into Aquarius on the 4th. It then turns direct here and leaves Aquarius on the 16th. Aquarius rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. You may be readdressing a situation or issue in these areas of your life as Mercury switches direction.
It’s a good time to talk to family or discuss a home or property move. Once Mercury is back up to speed, you can get things moving again and make any key decisions in your life.
Plus, on the 22nd, there’s an important shift as Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn remains here until July 1st and is back in Aquarius on December 17th where it remains for the subsequent two years.
This is big astrology as it takes Saturn 30 years to circuit the zodiac. If you’re old enough, think back to the last time Saturn was in Aquarius and whether this coincided with major moves regarding your home and family.
Saturn is the planet of commitment, responsibility and authority. For some of you, this may be a time when you’re thinking about putting down roots or settling somewhere new.
For others, there could be a significant ending in this area of your life, perhaps a break with the past. Or, you may find yourself caught up with your parents or your ancestry. You could be returning to the past in a way you hadn’t envisaged.
Also, your planet Mars joins Saturn in Aquarius on the 30th and they unite at 0 degrees Aquarius on the 31st. This is important for you and it’s likely that events at the end of this month require your input. You may need to make some tough decisions. Or perhaps, you’re stepping in to support someone close to you. Do whatever’s necessary.
Work & Health Goals
Finally, the Sun’s move into Aries on the 20th signifies the Equinox. Four days later, there’s a New Moon, a symbol of new beginnings, in this same sector of your horoscope.
Aries rules your work and health, your lifestyle and routine, also service to others. It’s here where you can make a fresh start and feel re-motivated to boost your energy and crack on with your work goals.
Hi Sally, many thanks for the March readings. We’re certainly feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde and looking forward to life post March 10th. I’m a Scorpio and you won’t be surprised to learn that in the year Jupiter was in my sign it didn’t disappoint – I married for the first time (aged 69) and moved from Australia to England! Now Jupiter is in Capricorn, my husband’s sign, and I’m hoping for some equally positive and happy changes to our lives this year. Patience has certainly been the key word this past week dealing with Mercury! I first heard about you through online friends connected to Roger Federer’s website and have followed your readings ever since.
Thanks again and take care.
I’m so pleased to hear of your Jupiter joy, Sherryl 🙂 One of the best things that’s come out of my tennis astrology is the loveliest clients and followers, especially Roger Federer fans. So glad you found me. Sending best wishes for more Jupiter joy, Sally