Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Through The Star Signs

This article can be read alongside The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Endings And Extremes. This major once-in-every-35-years planetary event is epic and there’s a lot of fear and speculation around what it means for our world.

On a personal level, there’s always an opportunity to work with your astrology. As challenging as this conjunction may be out in the world, there are ways to use this potent period in the year to stop & reassess your own situation. The key themes of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction are endings, super power, death & loss, the passing of time & the dark side of life.

They are not easy themes to deal with but here are some pointers for you on what this may mean for you and how you can more readily engage with this major astrology. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign if you know your time of birth.

ARIES: 10th house – career & vocation, status & reputation. You may be taking on a role of authority or power. A business could fold, affecting your future path. You may have been working overly hard or been unemployed. If so, decide to work smarter not harder or change careers completely. Confronting a boss or difficult parent also fits the power symbolism.

TAURUS: 9th house – travel & study, beliefs & philosophy. You may give something up, e.g. a decision to emigrate or live abroad, a university course or long-held belief. Alternatively, this may coincide with the completion of a study project when you gain qualifications and prestige. You might be questioning your religion or faith, or become a devotee of a spiritual path.

GEMINI: 8th house – joint finances, all things hidden. This is about debt for you, the ties to the past, both financial and emotional. If you’re in a difficult situation financially, look at how you can cut your losses and break free from debt or blackmail. Bankruptcy is an option if it allows you to start over or start saving. Confront your fears and stare them down. Break a taboo.

CANCER: 7th house – relationships & contracts. This is about opposition in your life, who or what you’re up against. You could find the strength to break free from a toxic situation. Or, decide to persevere with someone in your life who you don’t want to lose. Contracts can be broken or finalised under this key astrology. Befriend an enemy or break ties and move on.

LEO: 6th house – work & routine, lifestyle & health. If you’re feeling worn out or run down, it’s time to stop. Consider which aspects of your daily routine work for you and which don’t benefit you at all. Ditch a bad habit, detox or cleanse. Alternatively, commit to a new job, attitude or healthy lifestyle. Be prepared to work hard and hone your commitment levels.

VIRGO: 5th house – creativity, birth & children, love affairs, entertainment. If you’re not having enough fun in life, consider why not and what you can do about it. Draw up a plan for the year. Get tough with a child, give up on IVF. Or, use your earth sign nature to persist in your chosen goals. Master a skill or talent. Issue an ultimatum in love – either commit or quit.

LIBRA: 4th house – home & family, past & where you come from. You could be fascinated by your ancestry, your heritage and find out more about where you’re from. Close relationships may be tinged with sadness or loss. An issue with a parent might reach tipping point. Put firm boundaries in place to protect yourself and the ones you love. Let go of the past.

SCORPIO: 3rd house – communication, siblings & your neighbourhood. If someone’s trying to silence you, make a conscious decision whether you are going to speak up or say nothing. Words have power and you don’t like to be told what to do. Alternatively, you could become the voice of authority. Use your power and knowledge to good effect to bring about change.

SAGITTARIUS: 2nd house – money & possessions, self-value & worth. Ditch the debt would be a classic response to this major astrology. Or, set up a savings plan and start to think long-term about your financial future. Be firm around money matters and ensure you’re paid what you’re worth. If a source of income comes to an end, look at ways you can spend less.

CAPRICORN: 1st house – personal goals & aims, image & profile. You may embody the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and step in to a new role or position of authority. Persistence and hard work will pay off. Or, you find yourself faced with a limiting situation and need to transform your life. Consider carefully how you wield your power and what responsibility means to you.

AQUARIUS: 12th house – retreat, spirituality, caring for self & others. This is a key period of preparation when you need to consider what stays and what goes in your life. You may be downsizing or paring back. Karma is a key feature of the conjunction; reaping your rewards or finding it’s pay-back time. You may let go of the material world as you seek a spiritual path.

PISCES: 11th house – friends & groups; hopes & wishes. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is about realigning your alliances whether you’re leaving a group or cause or joining a new one. The people you hang out with matter greatly, so be discerning and choose wisely. Be aware of the influence you have on others and take your collective responsibilities seriously.

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8 thoughts on “Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Through The Star Signs”

  1. Pingback: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Endings & Extremes - Sally Kirkman Astrologer

  2. Thank you Sally from Australia.
    I looked at Dtar Sign Gemini, it seems i have a lot to consider & very quickky !
    I am Gemini with Virgo rising. That may help for me.
    My daughter is Virgo with Gemini rising, this good get very interedting !
    Hugs from Australia, Gayle

  3. Hi, I just discovered your blog and I really enjoy it.

    My Ascendant is 21 degrees with North Node conjunct at 20, Cancer.
    The recent eclipse has me searching for answers that the Saturn/Pluto
    opposition is bringing up, now that I will turn 57 in August. It is all
    playing out in Plutonic fashion.

    I was a child when Pluto crossed my Descendant. It was horrible, and
    the actions my father took scarred me forever. My life changed completely
    in a very textbook Pluto way. I always dreaded and wondered what would
    happen when Pluto hit my Descendant. Fortunately, it is not nearly as bad.

    I just poured all that energy from the recent eclipse into figuring out and
    researching a big problem that has been nagging me since 1991-92. A
    huge ball and chain I have carried with me all this time. I am figuring
    out how to stage a David vs Goliath version of how to address it once
    and for all, officially. All I can do is apply to the legal channels and
    hope for the best. BUT…ironically it is playing out in the media and
    I am not the only person in the U.S. who is dealing with this problem.
    The tide is slowly turning against it, and there are people in positions
    of power and authority who feel the same way I do about what to do.

    The astrology of it all is very much now. 2020 is the year Pluto is
    here to give me a Phoenix moment. I wrote down what you posted
    about Cancer and taped it to my wall where I will see it everyday.

    Thank you so much. I am not afraid, and I will accept what will
    come to pass no matter what it is.

    1. Hi Sherry, I am sorry that your Pluto journey took you into the darkest, deepest places of the underworld and not in a good way. Reading between the lines, I think you are spot on standing up to the forces of Pluto now it is on your Descendant. In 1991/1992, the nodes/eclipses were in Cancer/Capricorn as they are again now – an ideal time to ‘break the pattern’. I think the Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions are going to be helpful to you in 2020 – they fall close to your Ascendant on April 5 and June 30. The last one on November 12 is the closest at 22 degrees Capricorn. Jupiter is the planet of truth and justice and you can read the symbolism as Jupiter coming along to expose Pluto’s secrets/taboos. It’s a similar feel to Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio in 2018, Pluto’s realm, when the #metoo movement began. Sending you very best wishes moving forwards and do let me know how you get on. I’m happy to help from an astrological perspective.

  4. I am a leo ♌ ascendant and have this on my natal chart in 4H as well. it hit my 6H squaring my mc in Aries. I couldn’t work due to circumstances but it kind of was relieving as I was so fed up with the low paying job I had. unfortunately money flow stopped and that was the real struggle

    1. You often experience the major conjunctions the most when you have them in your birth chart. I hope things are going well for you now. Sending best wishes.

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