Saturn In Capricorn: A Quick Star Sign Guide

Saturn Capricorn, mountain


December 20, 2017 to March 22, 2020;

July 1, 2020 to December 17, 2020

Saturn’s move into Capricorn today lights up a whole new sector of your solar horoscope, and this is the beginning of a three year transit of Saturn through Capricorn, the sign of hard work and the establishment.

Saturn in Capricorn is the empire builder, ambitious and resourceful, at its best with a new mountain to climb, fixed goals and long-term aims. You’re in it for the long haul with Saturn in Capricorn and it helps to know what you can do to make the most of this new planetary transit.

Here’s a quick guide to the twelve star signs and what Saturn in Capricorn means for you:


Saturn reaches the pinnacle of your horoscope in Capricorn. This is the time to get serious about your career and vocation and make the right moves which will improve your status and assure your long-term reputation. Take on a new position of responsibility, step into a leadership role and develop a hard-work ethic. Saturn in Capricorn can benefit you over the next three years, as long as you’re prepared to knuckle down. Your rewards come through perseverance and making slow and steady progress.


Capricorn is a fellow earth sign so Saturn in Capricorn can get you on the right track. This is the time to sign up for a three year course to improve your learning or gain new qualifications. You might have a goal to emigrate or live abroad and, if so, Saturn in Capricorn is the time to prepare yourself and get organised. If you lose sight of the meaning or purpose to your life or find it hard to visualise your future, delve into ancient wisdom or be inspired by the great thinkers throughout history. Happiness is an inside job.


Saturn’s move into Capricorn means it’s time to get serious about a savings plan, investment or long-term financial decision. Capricorn rules the sector of your horoscope that concerns joint finances and shared resources. Being a Gemini, you often live for the moment but now’s the time to consider the future and where you’re heading and why. It’s not just about making strategic money moves or creating sound joint ventures either. It’s tapping into the metaphysical world and discovering the riches that lie beyond the cash.


Capricorn is your opposite sign and Saturn here can be a tough task-master. You might be up against strong competition or opposition and you need to toughen up and prove your leadership credentials. Relationships are under the cosmic spotlight, your 1-to-1’s, both personal and professional. Saturn in Capricorn can represent a time of commitment, settling down and making the right relationship choice. You have to work at love and partnership, however, and not expect your relationships to be a breeze. Make some stragetic moves.


Saturn in Capricorn brings out the side of your nature that’s organised and likes to be busy. This is about your work and routine, your lifestyle and health and managing your time well. If you take on too much while Saturn is in Capricorn, you’ll wear yourself out. If you’re out of work, you might have to find ways to deal with fear or doubt, to keep your Leo light shining bright. Service to others is a Saturn in Capricorn theme for you and wanting to give something back. It’s less about you and more about playing a worthy role.


You have Saturn in a strong planetary dynamic as Capricorn is a fellow earth sign. Saturn is in the sector of your horoscope that rules your talents and how you express yourself. If you want to learn an instrument or master a craft or skill, you have extra self-discipline now and the ability to stay on track and put in hours of training or practise. When it comes to parenting, be disciplined but not overly so; when it comes to new love, be dedicated to romance but not overly serious. If you’re lacking fun in life, play more, work less.


Saturn in Capricorn moves to the base of your horoscope taking you back into the past. This sector of your chart represents where you come from, your home and family, your ancestry and roots. Delve into your family history. Sometimes you find it hard to move when Saturn’s here or perhaps you’re ready to settle down and stay put and build strong foundations in your life. Elderly parents may require extra time and attention and themes of duty and responsibility run through your family connections.


This is the time to find your voice and become an authority in your field, while Saturn in Capricorn moves through your communication sector. You have to prove you can be consistent and reliable in your communications, whether you’re promoting, marketing or networking. You might choose to take on a responsible role within your community or work hard to build strong bonds with your siblings, cousins or neighbours. Commuting less is preferable and making new friendships brings long-term fulfilment.


You might not care at all where Saturn moves in your horoscope because what’s really important for you is that it’s no longer in your star sign Sagittarius where it’s been since December 2014 – hooray! Saturn in Capricorn is a completely different ball game and a time to take finances seriously. You’re going to have to learn to be less extravagant and perhaps less generous too. Saturn in Capricorn favours saving rather than spending, being thrifty and making sensible long-term financial decisions. Less is more.


Finally, you have your ruling planet Saturn back where it belongs in your star sign Capricorn. If your life’s been lacking direction, you can reorient your compass and get on track with your long-term personal goals and aims. It’s a good idea to step things up a notch and decide where you can gain honour or respect. More ambition comes your way but don’t lose your heart in the process. Be sensitive as well as tough. Take charge of your physical well-being; a healthy regime will benefit your progress in life.


Saturn is your traditional ruling planet and in Capricorn, it’s hidden away in your horoscope. This is about inner work, learning to be alone and embrace solitude when necessary. You might be walking a spiritual path or feel a calling to move away from society and be of service in life. This is a key period of preparation for you, whether you’re studying, researching or recharging your batteries. Keep your gaze firmly focused on the future and get ready for Saturn’s move into Aquarius in 2020.


There’s less pressure on your career and reputation once Saturn is established in Capricorn. You may discover that having friends in high places or extending your professional network opens the right doors. This is the time to consider your friends and group connections and seek out people you can team up with to further your long-term goals. There will be lessons to learn around friendship and you’re required to get serious about these all-important connections. Prove you’re committed and in it for the long haul.

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