Sagittarius Your Year Ahead 2017

Sagittarius 2017Every year I write a popular and comprehensive annual eBook which is your guide to the year ahead.

It includes horoscopes for each of the 12 star signs and an extensive overview of the year’s astrology.

It’s a must-have read and will help you plan ahead and get ahead in 2017.

Below is a summary of what’s in store for Sagittarius. If you would like to purchase the eBook, click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today. Only £10 for all 12 star signs.

Sagittarius – 2017

2017 is lined up to be a sociable year so start as you mean to go on, organise some fun entertainment and catch up with friends you haven’t seen for a while. Your group connections will shift and grow throughout the year both on and off-line and it’s here where opportunity lies.

You recognise the power of people and what you can achieve when you work together towards a common cause. Keep your own money separate from bigger goals, unless you can afford to sponsor others or invest in a major project. Not everything will work out financially so do your sums before you commit yourself.

This is also the year when you get your mojo back. Whether you enjoy a lively romantic scene or throw yourself into a creative skill or talent, do more of what you love. This is the year you can make considerable progress with a personal passion so embrace life wholeheartedly.

As the year continues, it’s important to stop and listen and heal on an inner level. Let go of hardship and feel difficult emotions fully so you can let go of them and be free to move on. By the end of the year, you’ll be more than ready to discard a personal burden.


Want to read more?  Click here: 2017 Horoscopes eBook and instantly download your copy today.

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