Sagittarius Horoscope May 2023

Balinese dance, Sagittarius horoscope

The planet of love and relating Venus is in Gemini and your relationship sector up until the 7th. Plus, on the 5th Venus aligns with your ruling planet Jupiter in a lucky encounter. Notice who you’re with on or around the 5th and where love lights up your life.

There’s a theme of sharing resources and collaborations throughout May. Action planet Mars is in kind and caring Cancer until the 20th. And, Venus joins Mars in Cancer on the 7th where she remains until early June.

Cancer is about shared resources and joint finances in your horoscope. Plus, Cancer is the family star sign. Therefore, this isn’t a time to go it alone financially.

Instead, team up with other people and recognise the flow of giving and receiving. It would be a good month to organise a mortgage or home insurance. Yet, be wary of leaping in too soon. The turning points come mid-May.

Lunar Eclipse

On the 5th, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Eclipses are powerful events and your dreams could be off the radar on or around the eclipse. Try not to let your emotions lead you astray and know what anchors you or keeps you grounded.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac is about work and health, your lifestyle and routine, also service to others, whether this is your religion or a volunteer role. It’s in these areas where you’re wise to be curious and notice where life’s calling you. 

Sometimes, eclipse events arrive with a bang when the unexpected kicks in. Other times, you notice signposts or synchronicities leading you down a new path.

Take care of your well-being and prioritise habits that support you. This eclipse is part of the eclipse cycle which started in November 2021 and will continue until October 2023.

The Uranus Factor

During the eclipse, unpredictable Uranus in Taurus opposes the Moon in Scorpio. Plus, a few days later on the 9th, there’s a powerful Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Therefore, the theme of change and surprise runs deep.

Perhaps, a job or contract comes to an end. Or, you may want to rebel and leave your job or act impulsively. Be wary, however, and don’t do anything that would damage your situation long-term. As a Sun Sagittarius, you can sometimes leap in too fast.

This could be about ditching stress or breaking free from a tie that binds you. Or, perhaps you’re the one cutting ties and you may surprise other people by your decisions.

Mercury Direct

Ideally, you’re wise to wait until mid-May before taking action. This is because communication planet Mercury is retrograde for the first two weeks of the month.

Mercury turns direct in Taurus and your work and health sector on the 15th. If things have been chaotic in April and May or you’ve been waiting on information regarding your work or health, this could be a significant shift for you.

When Mercury’s back up to speed, it’s an ideal time to chase up a job, renegotiate terms and set new intentions around your health and lifestyle. You could get test results back or be able to finalise a hospital or doctor’s appointment.

Even though you’re one of the fire signs, it can benefit you when you embrace the slow life and enjoy gardening, cooking and regular habits that help to ground you. This is a key part of Taurus season and an ideal way to combat stress.

Jupiter Goals – Work & Health

Also this month, the big news for you is the fact that your ruling planet Jupiter is on the move. It takes lucky Jupiter twelve years to circuit the zodiac and Jupiter spends one year in each of the twelve star signs.

On the 16th, the day after Mercury turns direct, Jupiter leaves fire sign Aries and enters earth sign Taurus. Another nod towards the importance of grounding in your life and getting back to nature. Taurus conjures up the tale of the tortoise and the hare, where the steady but slow tortoise wins the day.

Work will be getting more of a look in as earth sign energy intensifies over the next twelve months. Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 2024. Taurus rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and health. 

At its best, this combination could give you extra get-up-and-go. Over the next year, you may find the ideal job that frees up your time or you fall in love with volunteering. Or, perhaps you decide to take part in activities and develop daily habits which boost your health and well-being.

The one proviso is to take care that you don’t over-commit yourself, even if work is plentiful. Jupiter’s the planet of growth and expansion and sometimes you’re full on when Jupiter’s in the work and lifestyle sector of your horoscope.

Jupiter’s arriving with a bang in Taurus mid-May. Play your cards right and your work, health and routine could be zinging with life and vitality if you make the right moves.

New Moon, New Beginnings

To continue the Taurus theme, this month’s New Moon falls in the earth sign on the 19th. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings, an ideal date to set your intentions or to start over. You could commit to a new form of exercise or a healthy habit. Perhaps, you’re looking for work and want to apply for a new job.

Do be aware, however, that not everything may work out straight away and you might have to decide what’s possible and what’s not. This is due to Jupiter’s clash with Pluto in Aquarius on the 18th. This happens as soon as Jupiter moves into Taurus.

Aquarius is your communication sector, linked to transport and connections. You could get halted in your tracks. Perhaps, your car breaks down or a trip’s unable to happen. Be wary of what you say or commit to on the 18th and don’t speak out in anger.

Action planet Mars is involved here as Mars enters fire sign Leo on the 20th. Immediately, Mars clashes with Pluto on the 21st and with Jupiter on the 23rd.

This feels like a lot of energy. It might be passionate. Or, perhaps volatile and inflammatory. One way or another, you’re likely to feel strongly about things and might be prepared to fight for what you believe in.

Also, you’re wise to listen to what other people think as the Sun moves into Gemini and your opposite star sign on the 21st. Get sound advice and don’t make a big decision entirely on your own.

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