Sagittarius April 2020

Wassily Kandinsky, Sun Sagittarius – b. December 16, 1866

Fire Sign Aries

The Sun is in your fellow fire sign Aries until the 19th and is joined by talk planet Mercury from the 11th to the 27th. This is good news for you as fire signs are your element, naturally spontaneous, lively and ready for action.

Maybe, you can’t be pro-active in the way you would like right now. Yet, you can still find joy and pleasure in life and practise gratitude for what you have.

Maybe, you are one of the leaders helping people find their way forward and focussing on the positives in our current situation. Your star sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of opportunity. If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you’re a philosopher and you seek the meaning in the bigger picture.

Aries rules children & pregnancy in your horoscope, also creative projects and entertainment. Aries is a star sign that likes to start things, to be impulsive and take risks. You may find new ways of enjoying yourself and expressing your skills & talents during the month ahead. It’s a good time to focus on your children if you’re a parent and find new ways to help keep them motivated and positive.

Love Vibes

Also, Aries rules romance in your horoscope. Plus, on the 3rd, Venus, the planet of relating, enters Gemini and your relationship sector. Venus will remain in your opposite star sign until August 7th, an unusually long time as Venus turns retrograde next month, i.e. will be on go slow.

Mercury in Aries and Venus in Gemini flags up the importance of communication in relationships. If you’re married or in a long-term partnership, keep love as varied and light as you can. Be each other’s best friend. For some of you, romance may flourish in these unprecedented times.

If you’re looking for love, it would be a great month to try online dating. The 4th is a stand-out date for initiating new connections as is the weekend of the 18th/19th. Also, the Full Moon on the 8th falls in the relationship sign, Libra, a key point in the month when emotions are heightened and you want to celebrate life, love and friendship.

This is a time to get to know someone well and your astrology suggests a meeting of minds. It isn’t necessarily a physical connection which could be tricky! Instead, make new friends, reach out, find common ground.

Mars & Saturn

Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – dominate throughout April as Mars, the action and passion planet, also moves through Aquarius. Mars in Aquarius is the activist, the accelerator, getting things moving online, bringing people together.

And, Aquarius is your communication sector. You can play your role here, take your business online or join in with community ventures.

As April begins, however, Mars is under Saturn’s rule. These two planets made a powerful conjunction on March 31st. Mars only moves away from Saturn on or around the 11th. This could feel heavy and you may feel down or depressed. Try not to let your mind get the better of you and keep seeking the light.

You may dislike being told what you can and can’t do more than usual and this may not be easy for you. Saturn represents the authorities, the leaders, the government.

Note that you may be feeling especially rebellious on the 7th when Mars clashes with Uranus. This isn’t a good date to speak out of turn as it feels impulsive and volatile.

Uranus & Change

Yet, you will want to bring about change and do things differently in April. This kicks in big-time once the personal planets begin to move into earth sign Taurus.

The Sun is here from the 19th and is joined by Mercury from the 27th. Plus, both planetary bodies connect with the planet of revolution, Uranus, on the 26th and 31st (May 1st in some countries).

This whole combination has the theme of reinvention and Taurus rules your work and your health, your lifestyle and routine. It smacks of online ventures, also starting over. The New Moon on the 23rd would be an ideal date to do so.

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction

There may be urgent reasons why you need to think about doing things differently. Money is one area that’s currently dominant in your horoscope.

Jupiter, your planet, is currently in Capricorn and your personal money sector. However, this is where all the big astrology is taking place so it’s possible that things won’t be playing out the way you want them to.

The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on the 5th is important in this respect. This is the first of three meetings between these two major planets. They also meet on June 30th and November 12th and act as a backdrop to your year.

Pluto wipes out what it touches. Therefore, for some of you, this could be a time when you see your income disappear and you need to rethink your strategy and fast. Yet, together, Jupiter and Pluto represent rebirth and renewal, change and transformation.

Some people will do extremely well this year as the economy swings wildly. If you are a speculator and you know your way around money, stocks and shares, you could raise your game.

Yet, this is high stakes astrology and the 14th/15th and 25th/26th look especially tricky. Play your cards well during the month ahead. At the very least, ensure you take a hands-on approach to money, work and your next steps.

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