Mars In Pisces: Go With The Flow

meditation, beingMars is the planet of action and drive and as 2015 unfolds, Mars is leading the way. Since the beginning of the year, Mars has been in the systematic sign of Aquarius and both Venus (love/money) and Mercury (communication) have followed Mars into Aquarius, the fixed sign of air.

Today Monday 12th January Mars shifts signs and moves into the mutable water sign of Pisces where he remains until 20th February.

In my own life I can clearly see what this means and that’s not surprising as with a Scorpio Sun and an Aries Ascendant (the two signs ruled by Mars), Mars is a key planet in my natal chart.

Since the beginning of the year I’ve been busy sorting out my office, creating new systems on- and offline, busying myself with technology. Plus I’ve been joining new groups online to help and support my astrology business. Aquarius rules systems, groups, astrology & technology so it’s most definitely been an Aquarian start to the year.

Over this weekend I’ve come to a bit of a halt. What next? Any New Year brings a rush of people citing Big Goals and making huge declarations to face their fears, push past limitations and be brilliant, amazing, hugely ambitious, dynamic and successful. I’ve been with them (sort of) but then I found my voice isn’t bold and my heart isn’t feeling incredibly courageous.

So I stopped for a while and went inside and listened to what I could hear. I discovered that right now I don’t have big goals for the coming year; instead I have words, an awareness, a sense. Here’s what emerged:

‘Be mindful, be joyful, be creative’.

That’s it and that’s more than enough and that’s where I want my business and life to develop from in this next stage. Which not-so-oddly enough fits Mars’ move into Pisces especially being mindful and creative. Pisces links in to spirituality, creativity and imagination and Mars can’t go fast or direct in Pisces.

Instead Mars is going to wander which means that sometimes you’ll find yourself through losing yourself, sensation will triumph over action and being not doing will guide you forward.

To make the most of Mars in Pisces try some of the following: explore where life leads, turn left instead of right, colour or draw, book a trip to the cinema or arrange a movie night at home with friends, meditate for longer, connect to your body through yoga or stretching, go for a swim or walk by the sea, savour a really good wine, listen to music, play the piano, mind map your goals, chill out at a spa, access your intuition and whatever you’re doing, go with the flow…


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